Atom Araullo with D60KREW Photowalk

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Tomorrow morning the KREW will be also doing a story with Atom Araullo, yes ladies and gentlemen he's the one you watched when you were growin up during the 5 and UP days. I've got work this Tuesday so I'm kinda still contemplating what to do tomorrow. I'm out at 6AM so I would probably be going home first and get some sleep. Wake up at around 11AM so I get to meet them around lunch.

The theme of the shoot is to show beauty even in the midst of poverty. This will be street photography so obviously I would need to get close with the subjects. I haven't been doing that for the longest time and I don't really have the guts to do so. Good thing I just bought a zoom lens heheh. Now I am sniping subjects without me bothering them.


See? I think it would be nicer since it is candid. I kinda like what it looks like. I hope I won't get tired tomorrow =)



Saturday, September 05, 2009

I know how hard it is to get sick these days. The good thing to do is prevention rather than cure. The cost of medicine and western practices has been expensive. Good thing even medical doctors are in approval of eastern alternative ones and the choices are huge.

Have you heard of Jiaogulan TCM? It has been widely used in China since 1848 and it has been a potent source of non toxic anti oxidants that promote younger looking skin. It is said to increase longevity and has been promoted by strong aged men in China, Korea and Japan where this is naturally found. It can also be grown through farming just as long as you have ample amount of sunlight and great climate. This was also prepared as tea in most cases and revered as an immortality herb. It seems people who intake this regularly have achieved living until a very old age. This is very good for those who experience fatigue, anxiety, stress and trauma. I would really recommend to take this Jiaogulan Herb everyday so we all could prevent getting sick. I would not like to see anyone in the hospital because they did not take care of themselves!


Saint Claire Church Katipunan

Yesterday I had a horrible gut wrenching day. Work was gettting to me and a lot of complicated matters also was happening. I just could not bear it anymore. I admit I am not much of a church goer, but I don't think I should be burned in hell for that. Since I was in the midst of total breakdown. I decided to go to Saint Claire Church with friends. I guess in days where I could not handle it anymore God was there.

I guess professionally it was really draining and frustrating. I do pray a lot. I guess I needed one at this time. My intentions are real, I wanted to have a great family life, a fabulous career, and a simple love life. I think I have a lot to thank for but sometimes when you hit rock bottom, you think you are in the worst situation in the world. You think nothing is going to be better. The trip to the church was a silver lining, the right thing to see when I needed it most. I bought eggs as the usual offering and hoped it does help a lot of hungry kids in the convents. I think that was the right thing to do, it felt good. It has been a long time since I said thanks to God, I hope that trip eventually would get me and my problems easier to bear. I guess it did, I hope it does help in times when I need it most. Sorry for being mushy all of a sudden, I need a lot of help now. Thank God he's always there for me. You should go to the same church too and make it a habit to help. It will do wonders!


The Good Interiors

My brother just informed me that we would be renovating the house soon. We would be sharing the bill of course and the changes would be really major that it would not just be the walls to be torn down but the whole house. Yes, my brother is thinking of creating a 4 floor house from the current 2 that we have. This is not a joke!

I am probably going to spend more on interiors and will probably wipe out my savings. But I guess since this is my home I would probably be better off paying for it because of the fact that I live here. I probably would be here for the rest of my life.

Designing the interior should only get a few inside because we both adore the modern minimalistic look. With that in mind, we would need to get our old hand me downs and get better modern dining tables, chairs and cabinets too. I looked at some web sites but only a few came up with the best Italian designs. We used to have an all wood dining set but the season calls for modern metal dining furniture. I guess we are on a good start, but I have to make plans where to get the rest of the finances that is going to this huge project. We would need to also get a condominium and vacate the place we are in. Construction starts late this year so wish us luck!
