Tired but I'm Okay =)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sleep deprived. That is one thing I can tell you that I have been experiencing this week. With lots of reports and deadlines, and a lot of other activities in the weekend... it seems that I have not taken care of myself. I needed to go back to the gym so I really lack sleep.. but to think about it, what's new! =)

This weekend, I'll be going out with friends to Baguio City waaaaaay up North. I don't like going there but since I am going to spend time with friends, I think that would be better. Anyway aside from taking photos, I would probably end up sleeping over this vacation.

I know, you ask how would I get back with my photographer friends? Well they always are out on weekends, one week off is just missing one shoot. Though tempting, it always is nice to know that if I could not attend this week, I would be able to attend next week. =)

Let me share to you some photos I took from other photo walks to end this article:





Don't worry I'm okay! =)


Better in Time


I was wondering what I could do to make things happen in my career and life. It is hard and I think we are not in the right place and mind to complain about how we are faring in today's economy. We need time; we need one so accurate that if we lose something we could not get back and it would spell disaster to you and your company.

As a gift to my people in the department that I belong to, I was planning to get them Patek Philippe watches as a symbol of how important time is for me. If their work ethic and this small gesture I do uplift our morale, then I think I have succeeded in my career's purpose. I want them to know how much time means to me and let them be inspired by it. Wasting it on these hard economic played times is not a good thing to do, because we know people may lose their jobs if we waste our corporation's resources. Helping the company survive would mean thousands will be able to eat three meals a day and people satisfied with the services that we provide. This is a cycle that we all go through in the work force. As long as we work hard for what we earn, both the company and its workers will have a better chance in leaving this world a little better than when we found it. I love my job and love the people I work with. What better way to let them know how I care but by just giving them these watches as a token of my appreciation. Thank you and I will never forget those who have helped me these 5 years I have stayed with the company. Everything will be better in time!


My Street Photography

This week was an eyeopener for me as I took on my weakness in street photography. I am currently holding Ziggy (70-300mm SIGMA APO DG MACRO Zoom Lens) to shoot people in the streets without disturbing them. I It was nice to see that my composition and look for street photography improved in the past few weeks. Although I stopped doing model shoots these days, I think I need to go back to the studios by next week. I get to see people more now and have improved on this but I need to go back to my basics which is high fashion and glamor. I need to see beautiful faces again, and possibly get some more time to go back to the gym.

Thinking about what I have been doing these past few weeks, it has been a privilege to work with the guys at D60KREW. I have been thinking about what I was doing on street photography. It was passion driven, and you just hope that someone else see what you see through the lens. In the Philippines, it was all poverty... how hard life is and to see some slight happiness in-spite of what was happening in the country. Let me share with you some of my photos in ESCOLTA and the streets of Manila.


Plaza Lawton in front of the Manila Post office

Lady in the fountain

Ms. Bambit and Tata Gil


D60KREW Members Rye and Bangge

The D60KREW taught me something, it was not enough that I only learn photography types like these... I had to in one way or another empathize with them. Make them part of the society for the purpose of making CHANGE happen through photographs. I had a blast working with the great TATA GIL who is celebrating his birthday today, Ms. Bambit who brings these great people, and the D60KREW and Michael Olino who made this KALYE episode happen. I love my new found friends. =)


Employee Monitoring Software


The economy has been ailing and we have come to a point where businesses close because they do not earn what they used to. They do not efficiently use manpower and they lose precious dollars in the long run.

There have been several attempts to get these companies bailed out of the financial crisis but their stability rests on how they maximize their workers potential. If they work better and increase their output, it would mean more earnings for the company. In a place where employees number to thousands, monitoring them would be too arduous for one department alone. Employee monitoring tutorial services should be done in order for business owners to know what their workers are doing and how long they spend time for these tasks. If they do not give the actual work to be done to the salary they are getting, then the company should further evaluate their employees and get them to do things more efficiently. They need that to survive these unpleasant conditions in the world market. This is important because the US is still recovering from it. I hope everyone survive these times!
