Remembering Anawangin

Monday, September 21, 2009

I had a photoshoot again with the D60KREW this morning in the LaMesa Ecopark in Fairview QC. It was nice all in all but they were all contemplating on going to Anawangin in Zambales. Yes I went there last time, remember my post here? CLICK THIS and CLICK THIS. They suggested we go to Anawangin sometime soon because of it's picturesque views and surroundings. Not to break their heart but it was excruciating when we went there. =) I was not in the mood for a hike either and I vowed never to return through the mountain trail there ever again. LOL I know how it was but man just remembering how it was at that time gave me so much pain.

Though it was really nice, don't get me wrong... just look at these pictures that I took using just my Nokia 6280 phone.

Some KUMAGCOWs on the foot of the mountain...(before we went up!)


Pine trees at the back



No people in the island


On the mountain top


So if they ask me to go there or not, let's see! Hahahah!

On top of the mountain in Anawangin



Saltwater meets the River


Our campsite


Leaving the cove


My officemate on the other boat when we went Island hopping


Anawangin Cove viewed from the top of the mountain


The pine trees at the back of the cove


The bay


It is picturesque, but if you think about the hours we had to walk to get there it was excruciating LOL


Blissful LG!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Okay! I have got to come clean. I was praising this phone of mine when I first bought it but these days, it has been causing so much problems that I could not work with it anymore. I literally will throw it away because it is not fitting my lifestyle, nor is it functionally capable of serving me anymore. The cover keeps falling off and it could not add any groups or contact details anymore. It has been fixed twice by phone technicians and geeks but I think it will once in a while suddenly bog down because of its lack of memory and incompetence. In one way or another, it has been a liability and a fabulously ugly fashion article. I am no expert but I guess you get to a point where you are too shy to even have it seen by other people. You really do not want to be humiliated and send it to the electronic junkyard!

Now that I said my piece, I think it looks like great news has come my way from the LG Bliss Facebook Fan Page. From September 11 to November 6 this year, the classy international company LG has just recently launched a contest for the utterly ugly. Users can now upload photos or videos of anything they consider ugly or want to lose. This is just an awesome opportunity to show our frustrations on things we do not need anymore and win at the same time! Imagine that!

Have a blissful life while telling through photos and videos of the things that you hate in these categories:

• Trashy Trends for the ugly fashion items
• Mutant machines for the outdated electronics that truly belong in the junkyard
• Ugly wonders of nature for the ugliest piece of nature you can find
• Ugly-mobiles for cars that are heading out to the ugliest part of town

Although violent, indecent, illegal activities and photos of other people are not allowed and tolerated on this contest... I am sure you can get an idea anywhere you look! I am so excited to get this ball rolling and leave them all behind!

To win this brand new BLISS LG phone, just make sure you have one entry per FACEBOOK account. There is also a chance to win the secondary prize of a $50 gift card so you can buy with your heart's content. These five grand prize winners and fifty secondary winners need to be 18 years or older to qualify. The feeling is just so blissful! So make sure you get that object you deem ugly at now! This may be your lucky ugly day!



Happy Birthday Bhee and Pecto!

Photo by Panoramio
This was the same pool we swam on since yesterday and this morning =)

I just went to Antipolo yesterday and am recovering from mild migraine because I was drunk last night. My closest friends and I just celebrated two of our common friend's birthday. Ruby Esguerra and Josephine Recto just got a year older today, and this post is specifically for them. I think it would be nice to know that even how minuscule their contribution is with what we have since college... they are still important people obviously. We celebrated it in picturesque Boso Boso Highlands Resort. This location is not that new anymore since I think I have been there for like 4 times already. It was apparently their first time there and the place I think was cozy enough for us. It was not as posh as expected but the place was nice considering it's remoteness and being really really (did I say REALLY?) far from Metro Manila. An hour or two away but I think it was worth it because it was not that expensive... and we all went there for these two people who made some difference in our lives in one way or another.

Ruby Esguerra is already married so she just snook away from her husband and spent time with us which she never has done for like 2 years I guess?!!! Apart from being brutally beaten up every now and then, (I guess that is her hobby LOL) she still manages to go to work in San Miguel in a call center of some sort. It's quite good she ended up there than when I found her in the asphalt streets of QC... when she was getting dragged by her now husband Bong sumthin... they even shout Iglesia Ni Cristo things and matters they do are of evil beginnings. I really don't believe in what they have to say anymore LOL.

Josephine Recto aka Pecto has been a friend since first year college, I guess of all the friendly people we have in our circle, she's the one you would always treat as the "coolest" since she rarely does not get along with anybody of any race, any culture or any economic standing. She is a jack of all trades of sorts and takes care of us whenever we need a couple of rounds to drink. Yeah, she's tougher than your average MANANG when you need it most and NEVER leaves you behind on any given situation. She's one good person I know and there are only a few of them left. =)


You Really Got to See This!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I know the importance of our eye sight; otherwise I would not be able to look through the lens since I took up photography. We can do it all because most of us probably have 20/20 vision. I have friends though who suffer eye problems because they had it since birth. It was hereditary I guess and they had to wear those thick glasses you usually laugh about in TV shows. But it was not that funny now I guess.


With the latest advancements in eye care, vision corrections through ILASIK procedures are available throughout the country. Thousands have already benefited from it and will continue to do so in the future. Now people can see clearer; and lives are being changed. ABBOT MEDICAL OPTICS Inc. an industry leader in eye care has just recently launched an iLASIK Video Contest. You just need to make sure how better vision improved lives and follow a couple of details to win.

1. You need to submit a Video

Make sure you make them with these themes and category:

• “My contacts are getting in the way of my good time”
• “My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision”
• “You should see life after the ILASIK Procedure”

2. Have your friends vote for you in the contest and make sure they tell their friends too. These votes will also be one factor to win this video contest.

3. You will get a chance to win!

• 1 Grand Prize winner will win 5 Thousand US Dollars if you get to win among all the entries
• 3 First Prize winners will win an High Definition TV package (a whopping Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollar value) — One per video category

• 3 Second Prize winners will win Flip ULTRAHD™ camcorders (a $199.99 value) — One per video category

You can submit your entries, view and vote on all of them at So make sure you join this awesome contest now. Share your experiences about your eye care success stories and get to win fantastic prizes!

