A Lot to Be Thankful For!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Life has been good to me lately and it seems that the typhoon that has hit the country never did anything but a long blackout in my neighborhood. I really was kinda pissed at MERALCO which supplies electricity at our area but I guess there are really a lot of things I should be thankful for. First is that we never get any floods in our part of town.

Why you ask? Check this out!

It was this literally high on the eastern part of Metro Manila, I was lucky enough to be spared of this mess. Imagine this was only a couple of minutes away from our office and most of my office mates grew up here. It was only at this time of the decade that about a month worth of rain fell down in 6 hours of this day. Massive flooding of course got a lot of people displaced if not lost their homes. My team mate even does not have any more clothes to wear to go to work. I did not want to be an ingrate all of a sudden, I did not know how lucky I was until I saw these events unfold on tv and radio. These pictures seem impossible I know, but they all happened just a couple of days ago. It actually may happen again because there is another typhoon coming on Thursday and probably hit land by Saturday. I hope it stops, because a lot of people already died and suffered in the hands of the first one called Ondoy. So help us God!


Where Are You in the World Wide Web?

have been looking for ways to get my web site seen on line. It has been a couple of months now that I tried to read every single article in the Internet to help myself improve its popularity. I do not know how to do it but I guess listing it on some sites would be the key. As time goes by, it was evident to me that it was working. I got a couple of hits now from other web masters and readers around the world. I guess that is something I should have done since day one, but I think it's not too late to at least have them updated.

I was once asking myself, how effective is it listing yourself in a web directory?! Would there be consequences if you do not get yourself visible in the World Wide Web? Or will it be beneficial to a web site owner if you do not have your name listed on these public directories? I guess it all falls on the purpose you created your web site. I wonder if I did make these things earlier, I could have gotten more people to notice my write ups. I do appreciate someone admiring my work every now and then.

I know it is right to at least tell you about the benefits of being in a SEO friendly web directory. At least you would not be in the same predicament as I did when I started. Now that you have listed yourself earlier there would be a greater chance of getting your site known by more people. Hopefully there would be more opportunities and comments from readers. That is the only way you at least know someone is listening to you no matter how big this alternate reality that we create in cyberspace! Maybe after I get listed in DMOZ and the world famous YAHOO DIRECTORY I would eventually realize what it's worth. I am getting noticed now anyways!


Goodluck to the UE Red Warriors Tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I just wish the guys from the Seniors Basketball team of UE Good luck on the game against the Ateneo Blue Eagles. I know this will be a tall order but I think there is nothing impossible as long as we put our mind into it.

The team has beaten FEU in a do or die match last week. That was also something big because they were seeded to win the championship. But then we have beaten them in that twice to beat condition of theirs. Now is the time to come together and support this underdog from Recto/Caloocan and Sta.Mesa =)

Actually even if they do not win this championship, for me they are already winners because they have definitely played with heart. I am also proud of them because even folks from other schools are rooting for UE. They know how hard it was for us to play these past few great games.

The Red Tribe also has been doing a great job supporting UE in it's games. Some of them even are not gonna get enough sleep because of preparations and props for the crowd tomorrow. I wanted to help but I had work obviously. Thanks for the great job too Red Tribe!

I believe...

Note: For UE alumni, or supporters of the UE Red Warriors, please do not forget to go to http://www.ueredtribe.org and register on the forums. It's our time!


Be Inspired!



I have been appreciating art in its many forms since I have taken photography as a hobby. Actually I have taken it seriously in the past few months since I had my cam. It is quite different now than when I first thought of it. It gives you the bolder and wider perspective when you see beauty and its many forms. I also see the work behind every little detail they put into it. It is hard but I guess you would really appreciate it more for what it's worth.

There is an artist named CAO YONG who is the official artist of the 2008 Olympics. I have taken deep appreciation of his work because of its outstanding attention to detail. He also takes pride in what we understand in the forms of art from China. Sometimes you do get into trouble with the communist government but I think he has weathered that a lot. In the illustrations he showed, he was treating each of these experiences a challenge. I saw some of his work here and I was definitely inspired to work more for my craft. I would not be as famous as he is but to think about it, I can do that too. The site also has some options to purchase images of his work so it would go to charitable institutions in the United States. I was inspired with Cao Yong, you should too!

