I'm watching UE vs Ateneo Game 1

Thursday, October 01, 2009

This just got in. I am watching Game 1 of the University of the East vs Ateneo championship game which will happen in Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City.

This morning was a not so good one for me but when I went to the venue this morning, I saw my co red tribe members going through the lines and they eventually got me an upper A ticket. It seems that everything is taking place and getting fixed. I know that this is the time for University of the East to get that crown and end the title drought that has hunted us for 24 years. Yes it took us that long to get in this place and I do not think there would be a better time to take it in our hands. I just know and feel that there will be redemption. A lot of schools are also rooting for us in this best of 3 series, and if we win I will be one happy boy even if I only got a few hours of sleep. Maybe later this evening I could still catch some Z's after the game. It is my Dad's birthday after all and this would be a nice gift for him.

And yes I will greet him too.

Happy Birthday Dad! =)


Jobs for All!

There is hope!

The country has faced about 14% unemployment rate for the past few years and this is expected to increase in the coming months because of the effect in economic recession here and around the globe. It is so hard to even get a chance for most Americans to at least get interviewed as some prove to be not interested if they do not apply on line. This has proven to be a very difficult task for most tenured employees. They need a site that they can understand easily so they would not have to go through these arduous tasks just to get a job.

This is where laboratoryassistantjobs.com comes in. This is where you can find most local jobs in your town. This is where you can also simply upload your resume and browse job openings which are also 100% free. There are a lot of opportunities even for a laboratory assistant job. Where else can you find a better place to get that job you are qualified for?! Make sure you take the time and visit or even ask your friends to do so. There is no harm in trying the best in the business.


I Want Your Body Your Body Not You!

Hahahah... Those were the words I heard from the kids playing outside our home one day when I was planning to go to the gym. Since there was a massive blackout in the city and crippled most of the businesses around the metro, I was afraid the gym was also going to be closed. When I passed by, I was surprised they had lights open but only a few people were going in.

When I went up the plight of stairs in the front of Fitness First Eastwood I immediately went to the reception area and paid my dues for next month. I was planning to also work out since they have electricity, but when I asked about their services for the day... I was surprised because they had the equipment running... but they said "Sorry Sir we do not have WATER!".

Whaaaat?! I exclaimed, how am I going to work out after work then? Will I be suffering heat and exhaustion then never get a single drop of water to drink or bathe with?! Why am I paying them a lot for?! They could not even get a decent generator to get their pumps working so we at least get some potable water. Those darn capitalists seem to be still taking advantage of us members. We should get refunds for this! Arrrgh!!! And now here I go again suffering without gym for a week! Sheesh!


Oh Weddings!

I think I have taken wedding photography up when I was doing Nuptial shoots a few weeks ago. I think I fared quite well than most photographers. I have taken the advantage of my zoom lens a lot these days and probably taken quite a few practice shots ahead of the pack. It was a great experience if you ask me, but I guess there are still a lot of things that I should learn about with weddings.

There is one Wedding Blog that I visit every now and then because they have the best selection of services and products available in the market. Not only that, they also set trends to the most recent wedding ceremonies in the United States. Be it designer clothing or just off the rack they will tell you the actual things you must understand in this industry. We all start by looking up wedding planning corporations when we think of that grand day. You can also get them on to give tips how to stay in the budget even at extreme conditions and never sugar coat anything to eliminate you from incurring debt after the ceremonies. It is not going to be complicated with their experts. You should only go for WEDLOFT - The so called wedding bible of people who know weddings!

If you are always unsure what color to take, what flowers to make and what course you should take to make it perfect... their personnel would be there to help you get through the stress of this awesome event in your life. No ordinary wedding websites can do that!
