You Need One Now! Get Car Insurance!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The fires, tornadoes, typhoons and flooding taught me a thing or two about getting insurance with cars. It is definitely a good thing to do in a state that is prone to natural calamity and those which you cannot avoid. I learned my lesson when my folks lost their car in a wild fire that swept across California. It literally left them penniless because of the thousands of dollars that it took to have their convertible repaired. They did not know it would cost that much so they ended up buying a cheaper car instead. I was really sorry for them but what could I do. It was not covered with insurance and that is where I learned my lesson, so I had my car quoted this morning.


I went to and three of them listed. I got the free quotations from them and compared where I could save a couple hundred dollars and easily pay the monthly premium to have the basics covered. The Free Auto Insurance Quotes indicated every detail and suggests discount opportunities that you can qualify for. This has literally gained me around 15-25% of savings compared to the normal costs. They also have these plans available for purchase on their web site 24/7 and all the quotations are free of charge. Saving around 3-4,000 dollars is not bad either!

I ended up getting this terrific offer from GEICO but I have to talk to my wife first so we can have the budget available in case we need to have the monthly fees planned out. It is so difficult just thinking about where to get the money but this is a necessity. I would not want to end up without anything to spare if God forbid we encounter the same fate as my folks did. I would like to encourage you guys to go ahead and check out so you can achieve greater savings for you and your family. I would never want to see you take a chance on something you could prepare for in advanced. Do what is right and get those quotes now!



It's Time For Change in KUMAGCOW's Site!

here will be huge changes happening on this site as far as content is concerned. I was a spectator in the recent Philippine Blog Awards and there was one thing that struck me when the nominees were announced... they all had categories on their site. Yes, I was not quite so sure what category I would fall on since I am talking about current events and treating this site like a personal open journal. I wonder where I would start... I was too general to begin with because just like my mind, I'm too broad to be contained in one criteria. Unlike my other site that only talks about technology, KUMAGCOW.COM has always been anything under the sun. Will I settle for anything less or will I go with the norm of the Philippine Blogging World?

If there would be implementation of changes around here, I would probably be the biggest contradiction in history. Do I really have to change to get noticed in the first place? Or will I beg to differ? There are pros and cons on this particular aspect because how would my writing fit a hugely sectarian format when my mind blabbers each time a subject, thing or event happens. If you check out what I have been writing about, it only depicts my everyday life. Food, life, news, photography, products, reviews, sports, stories and my family. It's also random so I don't think you can contain me.

Technology, Travel, Entertainment, Personal(Diarist/JournaL), Food & Beverage, Family & Living, News & Media, Business, Sports, Hobby & Recreation, Fashion, Photoblog,Culture and Arts, Commentary, Videocast, Podcast, Humor, Gaming, Advocacy or Beauty. Where do you think I fit in?


More than a Poker Face

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I have been playing poker since time in memorial. I have won a couple of hands when I needed it most but then I know that I have a lot to learn about the game. Because apparently when I lose, I lose a lot!

It could have been easily prevented if I only read some articles in before I went ahead and played a few months ago. I know that just by viewing a couple of paragraphs in the site it has changed my outlook on the game tremendously. Texas Holdem Rules did not indicate what was said there and they will give you professional advice how NOT to lose a game. It was as straight forward as expected and it will teach you a lot. Maybe I have forgotten the basics as anyone predicted but I will continue to improve my game with the help of the things I learned from them. If there was one thing I do regret, it was not reading these articles earlier. I could have saved my self the humiliation of losing to my friends and other people. Time to stretch my fingers and push my luck again on this awesome game! Wish me luck because I need more to this than a poker face!


University of the East Red Warriors... BE PROUD!

Okay, the other school won but I won't give them the pleasure of mentioning their team name in my site. But then again the University of the East Red Warriors gave their all in Game 3 but it was not enough to win over the other team. It was okay for me because I have seen their dedication and the effort that they put on the game. Weather they win or lose, it was the way they battled the other school that mattered. I am proud to be a warrior... and they should be too even if they did not win the championship.

They won game 2 with a whopping 20 points so they went through another game just to see who would win the championship so i could not say enough about the effort they gave for the school. Coach Chiongson was also laudable because coming from a league different from this format, he still was able to get the guys into shape to win 1st runner up. They have exceeded people's expectations... for that alone I am proud of them. So for the players, hold your head up high and be proud of what you have accomplished... be proud you are a warrior! =)
