Awesome Wireless SD Memory Card!

Monday, October 26, 2009

I am currently in dire need of storage space because this is practically my 27th Photo shoot. I have amassed almost 120 GB worth of photos in less than 5 months of acquiring TRISH my D60 DSLR Camera and I have a lot more in the 4 GB memory card. I have heard of this awesome gadget that would directly transfer my files and automatically arrange them according to date on my laptop but I was at first; a skeptic. I searched and checked out this video above and boy my jaw just dropped! Using this and the WRT54GR LINKSYS Router that I have at home, I knew this is going to be something big!

It was awesome! I know photographers like me would go rushing to the stores just to get our hands on this new gadget. Now it would be easy to hold studio shoots because it goes straight to the computer. Learn how to make your camera wireless and you will definitely save time and arduous hours of upload time. You can literally do it while shooting models too because it has the capability of getting those images uploaded on most popular social networking sites such as FACEBOOK or MYSPACE. There is no hassle too about getting them organized since it tracks them via the date and EXIF data on the pictures. The possibilities are just endless!

This has tremendously helped a lot of photographers that I know and I was contemplating since yesterday on getting this tool. Together with this wireless SD Card, a couple of umbrellas, soft boxes and lights on my hand... I know it would be a cinch to get that studio project that we have on the roll so I could get photos like this!


I will buy this awesome wireless SD Memory Card by hook or by crook!




Thanks Organizers of NOCS Photoshoot! 10252009

It was a very tiring day! My fellow Nocturnals and I had a photoshoot this weekend in La Mesa Ecopark and I am still post processing my shots for this event. It was awesome and huge! The estimated attendees were about 40 so imagine that size that was shooting 5 models for that day. Not to mention the tiring walks in between because of what the location called for. I was so lucky to have known these guys, and this particular post was to thank a couple of people first for organizing the event.

I know it was kind of out of the question being the thread starter and all but I must say Ismael Alipuddin did a lot than dating the models on this shoot. Aside from the usual denials he did on the coffee dates, he did one heck of a job planning this whole thing and delegate the duties. Jasper Cayabyab on the other hand was busy doing his work on the online profiles; and this one, was able to work out deals with the communication on the members. We also ran a couple of kilometers in the mall to buy food and stuff so that was quite an experience eh?! =P Saui Masanque the main man was able to work out his angels and get the awesome models for us. He sounded weird according to them but it was a darn good job he did confirming them for this shoot. In the next few posts we will be able to discuss some other elements of how this event became a success. Since I am in a hurry, I think these three guys will do... you should visit them (via click) and check out their online portfolios too. =) They are pretty good photographers too like me LOL!

Ismael Alipuddin fixing his camera... no its not broken!

Jasper Cayabyab in action!

Saui Masanque sits and rests after a tiring photo walk =)

Thanks guys! I know I speak for the same deed you accomplished for the rest of the Nocturnals! Great job! and I hope to shoot more with you!

I'll be doing credits for the other sponsors of this shoot soon! You just wait!


Think Before You Decide On Your Web Host!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The importance of web hosting is like the life and blood of your site. It dictates who, when, where and how fast they would be able to view your content since this would be hosted on their own servers. I am admittedly not hosting my own site because of constraints but I have a quite dependable web host and never did I experience any downtime as far as my sites are concerned. If you want to get the best web hosting company, then you must simply choose according to the feedback they get from their current clients. I wish it was like this for every single one of us; but I guess I was wrong.


I also am administrating on line communities for my Alma Mater that caters to students, faculty, alumni and supporters of the senior's Basketball Team. I am a diehard fan of the warriors and I adore the sport that much; but at the time that we had so much activity and posts on the site, it suddenly had some major downtime that we could not control. All the content recently uploaded were not backed up; so we were in some way was only able to recover only a measly amount of data off of what we had a couple of months ago. Imagine the amount of photos and conversations on games that were all lost because of that. It was a really hard lesson we learned and we were trying to pick up the pieces too. If we did not have that problem and if data was managed by the web host company we would not be worried about down times like that in the first place. If they only had the company I was using to host my site, then the forums would have been up the whole time when the game was going on. The difference is that I had information on top web hosting reviews. This is where most people attest to the quality of service these companies provide. At the web hosting top is my provider; they should have given my web host a chance to get the services by next year when their lease expires. It would really be a different story IMHO. That is also factual statement provided at B4UDECIDE so make sure you look it up!

The Red Tribe On line Community.


The UE Red Tribe Celebrates!


It was a night when we forgot about the ill feelings we had towards the other team LOL. It was a night where we share what we have and enjoy each others company. It was a night where food and drinks were served in the premise that we would be able to bond and be more tight if it came to supporting our Alma Mater. It was a great night to reminisce what we have been doing this past season. Thanks also to the kindness of Conrad and his wifey we were able to hold the occasion on their love nest in Filinvest II Quezon City. It was really nice to see friends in a relaxed mood binging on food we brought potluck style together with the tons of chips and alcoholic drinks, there was no stopping the fun we're gonna have on this event. This was the time to celebrate camaraderie and the unexpected 1st Runner Up Finish of the University of the East Red Warriors.

Here are the highlights, check them out!

We did not care if they did not win the championship, we are still proud of their performance because nobody expected them to reach that far. With the heart that they put into every game, it was all worth it! I just wish they could have gone to celebrate good times with us but I think they were just too shy to do so. Anyway, until the next games Red Tribe! Until we meet again!
