The Rising Case of Unemployment

Sunday, November 01, 2009


I was watching CNN this evening when I came across a report about the rise of unemployment in the United States. I am a little hesitant about getting my hands into this huge issue because I was working in the Business Process Outsourcing industry; but we are definitely involved in this mess. You might find a job search quite amusing at this time but it could greatly affect our economy. If I went against either country it would really be unhealthy; but there is a common denominator here, everyone needs a job!

There are about 9.5% of the Americans that are currently unemployed. It is almost the same as in the Philippines which is pegged at 7.4%. That particular amount though is still contestable because if you somehow see the real situation from inside the country, it is definitely worst. This statistic may have been only garnered from the metropolis and not the whole Philippines. In my opinion, this may be around 30% more or less but we always could have more that what is really written. Thousands of jobs were lost in the United States because of the financial crisis and the Federal government has tried numerous ways of aiding these citizens via a stimulus package. The problem is, the economy is only slowly recovering and the money is already 3/4 of its way running out. I do not even know if some of the industries would survive without it. Some were saved I know because of the loans that were given to the others but on Automotive and Industrial companies, I think it would depend on the stability after this quarter because some of the banks have not began asking their clients for a restructured form of payment. They are probably not informed too of the opportunity to do so. Families have already gone out of their homes and only grabbed whatever they can of their belongings. Some of them only did bring the clothes on their back and got everything else to be auctioned off or sold as is. It is a pretty rough time for them I know, but the rest of the world also felt this too.

Coming from a middle class family in this country I am also inadvertently involved in the workforce that may have also affected a small part of the United States job loss. But if you think about it too, there may have been more companies closing if they did not resort to have those jobs outsourced instead. That is the point of most them since they only would probably afford to get the job done with half the price rather than keep it within the circulation on a dwindling environment in the US. If you want to talk about India, they can pay 10 people to do a single job in the US. Where else should these companies go to keep themselves afloat? Why should they compromise continuing to do business in the US if the only tax cuts they will receive are going to come from the Federal government who only does this on a temporary basis? In this day and age there should always be quality in the kind of work people are into for the rest of the country. That is the only way they will survive. If you get the right people for the right job appropriate for their skills and experience, then there would be no losses that will be reported annually for these large corporations.

I know it is quite hard now to find a job but I found this article from A HARRISON BARNES about "future prospects that are determined by the company we keep" that talks about people who you need to hire or work with in the first place. If you fall into these categories, no matter what changes you make in your policies; you will still continue to have your other leg in the grave. Making the right choice in the people you hire will make or break you in times like these. This is very important considering each cent you earn or spend needs to be accounted for because it is crucial to the success of your company. This is really a good point executives must take a look so they do not even get people who claim stupendous bonuses in times that they only survived because of federal help. That would really affect the greater picture (the economy) and the individual family. You might want to take a look at the career advice articles that they have on their site. Those were really very fun to start to read since it covers the basics. The street smart point of view was also truly helpful. I understood the most technical terminologies since they gave time to explain each subject further. There are also parts of it that lets you decide your career goal; it is worth to spend your time on while browsing for the other useful items they have for you.

If you want to find a job and be successful at it, you must make the right choice now. Who you are going to spend years with anyway? You must be 100% sure of what path you are going to take since the success or failure of your company will be reflected in your resume. If they make a huge name in their industry then that would be another feather in your hat. Make sure you drop by A HARRISON BARNES too for expert career advice and easy job search that directly gets it from corporate pages. Good luck!


See What A Rainy Afternoon Did To Me!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sky Is Crying

I've been so alone all my life... couldn't give my heart to anyone... mantra to self today? NO EMO! NO EMO! NO EMO!

That was the line I was listening to in my head all morning. I was not in the mood to do anything than lounge in my bed and stay put. After all I had a very tiring photo shoot last weekend and that got me to only spend around a few hours of sleep this week. That also jeopardized my chances of going back to the gym since I can't work out while I'm dizzy because of the lack of sleep. Anyway I was able to do so last Friday so that was nice.


See what I mean? Haha! This is nice!

I need to work out more... I am getting thinner I guess because I am fitting in better in my old clothes but I have to work out more. The money I spent for gym is no joke either LOL. I'm spending the weekend in the office now because I got my schedules swapped last week, it was fun though because I had the lotsa great shots on my last photoshoot. Now I am figuring out why I have this camera with me in the office, I don't even have a shoot tomorrow. Maybe I'm itching to go somewhere but I know time would not permit it since I am going to have work tomorrow night. It is hard to be a nocturnal, to work at night when people are supposed to sleep... but in some ways I do enjoy it a lot. More so if you kinda see the fruits of your labor... I'm not that rich but I get by... I am fulfilled in work although I could have more heheh. Not that I'm pushing it LOL. I am in the verge of being promoted but not quite heheh... weird huh?! But don't worry I am going to make some small changes to improve managing work. That is somewhat the path I am taking anyway!

I am a little weird I know, but it takes one to know one right? Hehe Nice meeting you here amused dear reader LOL

I better get ready for tomorrow. I think I'll go back to my University and get some of those old things I ate when I was still there. Maybe that will bring back memories, I want to see old friends too. I wonder how I'll start this, but let me give them a call now and set this up so we could have breakfast there tomorrow =) Let me see if I could get pictures of that too =)


Great Food, Great Recipes!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I have been reviewing awesome food discoveries since day 1 of this web site. I also have been contemplating on continuing my studies and get a culinary course to sharpen my skills in cooking. I have been following recipes and books for quite a long time. I have been successful enough to get better pats on the back from my Mom and Dad when it comes to these but I have not exceeded the skills of my brother. After all, he is a famous professional Chef.

In this day and age, everyone needs to research about the latest in the art of cooking. This is where the Internet has been useful in getting information on every kitchen in the world. Not only does my brother whip up his own ones, he also learns from other people so he could perfect his craft. It is quite difficult to maintain a pretty high standard like he does. Believe me I have tried to at least keep a decent gourmet meal on the dinner table when Mom is not around, but he still manages to impress me and other people when he takes over. I have some weird passion for baking but since he has been a pastry chef for a few years, he has got better control of the piping bag and measuring spoons. He can also do that for a lot of people unlike when I tried that for the first time. The quality really was affected but I would like to get better if destiny permits. It's a good thing FoodConnect came along.

The site not only gets the best recipes from people all over the world. They also have options of having it customized to the volume you prefer. Many have attested to the goodness and great flavor of the food found there. Go ahead and take a bite now! I know you will like it!


Thanks to INNOVATRONIX Inc.!

Our photoshoot set last Sunday =)

t was a hot day when we started shooting last Sunday October 25, 2009. Five models and about 20+ Photographers converged at the La Mesa Ecopark in Quezon City for a simple model shoot. Or so we thought. Initially, we were thinking it was just going to be a small gathering, but we were wrong… it was HUGE!

Thinking of a better way to present photos has been a priority to NOCTURNALS, (a photography group comprised of Call Center/BPO professionals) and the challenges that we had setting up this event was how to find proper lighting using strobes, equipments for effects and it’s portability. We are so glad that  INNOVATRONIX Inc. suddenly came into the picture.


Their strobes and soft boxes were awesome!

The company owned by Ramon Castillo (a former Senior Engineer at Intel) engaged in so called Innovative Electronics equipment from sports scoreboards, electronic ballasts, AVR’s, photo imaging and printing machines, and a lot more. They have been able to garner a few government contracts, projects and harness local commercial electronic consumer needs since 1987. Ms. Sheryll from TRONIX was kind enough to arrange with us 2 huge strobes and a couple of soft boxes. Lighting was indeed a necessity even on the outdoor shoot; and we needed to have that certain exposure controlled. With the number of photographers shooting on the 5 models that we had that afternoon, none of the equipments had problems whatsoever in catching up with our external flash since it automatically goes off with it. It was nice to see world class equipment being manufactured locally.

The Tronix Vulcan: A battery-operated smoke machine

The Tronix Portable Air Blower

Not only that, we had people from their office also take care of the effects. They had portable versions of smoke machines that we used on the models; and the look was phenomenal. They also had ice to have the smoke stand on lower ground so it would feel more authentic on forest grounds. They had portable blowers that were also used on one of our models who had long Hispanic looking hair. That look was just so nice on her and we had it routinely running because it was great to see someone bearing SHAKIRA a run for her money. We would never had done this successful shoot without INNOVATRONIX Inc. You should try and visit their website at and order now so you can set up your own professional grade studios.

Thank you TRONIX IMAGING CENTER for all the help! You are instrumental and a big part of the success of The NOCTURNALS Photoshoot!

Here’s to our next one!

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#10 Rose Street, Lourdes Subdivision
Mambugan, Antipolo City
Rizal, Philippines

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