My Busy Weekend!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Yeah I know I am still tired and I have not worked out that much this week. Thrice a week is not much of a work out regimen... it is pathetic and I need to probably go to the other branch tomorrow so I can get something to at least get those pain and aches back in the gym.

I have been doing twitter quite frequently and following a lot of celebrities. i don't know if this is going to be addicting but just to see someone replying to your tweets as famous as Ellen De Generes, Mariah Carey and David Archuleta seems nice. Right?! If you have some to suggest I follow just let me know on my comments section.

Aside from that, I will be going to Ultimate Tasting Event 3.0 on Fort Bonifacio so I could get connections with 300 foodies and 30 suppliers for my blog. This is from and Sir Anton which I would like to meet there too. Aidan and Joshua were cute when I met them (his kids). That would be really great as a base for my food review requirements. Another blogger even from Nuffnang is the one from Medicol and I will be going to the Raymond Isaac forum so I can get tips on my latest passion which is photography. I seem to be getting good at it so I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope I learn something from him. After all he is one professional I would like to meet in my lifetime heheh =)

Check out some pics I got from UTT 2.0 last August. This was in Serendra and the next one will be on Sunday. =)

This was the best wraps I tasted there!

This was the Chicken for the wrap, they cooked it on the spot!

This is my friend eating the wrap! =) Yummy!

This was the nice Native Chicken Adobo!

This was the lechon that had chicken inside of it. A double treat!

The blueberry cake, it was not that special as I remember. Sorry!

The World Hotties Hotdog ran out! It was good though I would have liked their buns to be a little thinner. I like the Japanese one!

That's the reason why I am looking forward to this Sunday's event because it is a foodie's dream just to get to that event!


An Eye Check Up?!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


It is November and people in the office are in a stir because it is our annual physical examination. No it is not the paper and pen that you need on this one but the doctors and medical staff that would test if you are going to be fit for work. I was lucky enough to have passed all the previous years I was here but I think I'm going to complain about something today. I think I have eye problems now.

I have not been to an ophthalmologist or optometrist yet to have corrective procedures done but I'm sure this is going to be pretty simple. I think I am kind of tired too and I need a lot of rest since I have been going out quite a lot under the sun these past few weeks. Things may have damaged my eyes but I am not sure. I do not want to make things worse so I need corrective action. Is it time for me to wear glasses? Do you think I lost that 20/20 vision I had because of looking too much at computers? Oh I wonder!

The next thing in my mind though is that eyeglasses cost a lot in this side of the world. Even those commercial ones in the metro that promise to get you bifocals in an hour charge thousands of pesos just for a single frame. I could not spend money for that anymore; it just would not stand in line of the utility bills I have to pay. In the quest to find affordable ones, I remember one brand who made huge news in CNN before. It was ZENNI Optical. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it is the same on line store that had those $8 Prescription Zenni Glasses. I talked about them too a couple of months back.

They also have new Holiday Fun Eyeglasses on their store that seems perfect for the season. I may have to choose the one above though since it is simple enough for my needs. New Arrivals would probably come out next month and I will surely check them out too. I would not want to look old in the frames obviously. I will have to decide soon and I hope my eyes are not that badly damaged. I know everything would be alright.


Roanna Torralba: Registers Best in the Camera!

I just want to show you guys some of my best shots of this young model we got for our ECOPARK shoot a few Sundays ago. She is Roanna Torralba and she was kind of shy at first. She did not talk that much but I guess she did loosen up a bit while shooting. She was pretty confident in front of the cam and as you can see she registers quite good. I wanted to shoot with her from the time they posted the initial photos of them since she was totally different, I find her so expressive in the eyes even if she was a little too Asian. It was so nice because we did not actually have that much of a problem directing her what to do as far as poses were concerned and she did a pretty good job of showing the clothes. The framing and the avant garde theme I wanted to show on cam was all there, I think most of us thought she was tall and looked like Joyce Jimenez on test photos but I guess that is what you get when the model indeed has the X Factor. A great shoot comes after because she knew how to do it and projection was a cinch for her. Roanna Torralba is awesome and I hope that I get the chance to shoot with her again sometime soon!









I hope I won't have problems with models the next time we shoot, because frankly art direction is a different thing for photographers. Posing wise, it would be ridiculous for us to teach models right? Hahahah!


The Rising Case of Unemployment

Sunday, November 01, 2009


I was watching CNN this evening when I came across a report about the rise of unemployment in the United States. I am a little hesitant about getting my hands into this huge issue because I was working in the Business Process Outsourcing industry; but we are definitely involved in this mess. You might find a job search quite amusing at this time but it could greatly affect our economy. If I went against either country it would really be unhealthy; but there is a common denominator here, everyone needs a job!

There are about 9.5% of the Americans that are currently unemployed. It is almost the same as in the Philippines which is pegged at 7.4%. That particular amount though is still contestable because if you somehow see the real situation from inside the country, it is definitely worst. This statistic may have been only garnered from the metropolis and not the whole Philippines. In my opinion, this may be around 30% more or less but we always could have more that what is really written. Thousands of jobs were lost in the United States because of the financial crisis and the Federal government has tried numerous ways of aiding these citizens via a stimulus package. The problem is, the economy is only slowly recovering and the money is already 3/4 of its way running out. I do not even know if some of the industries would survive without it. Some were saved I know because of the loans that were given to the others but on Automotive and Industrial companies, I think it would depend on the stability after this quarter because some of the banks have not began asking their clients for a restructured form of payment. They are probably not informed too of the opportunity to do so. Families have already gone out of their homes and only grabbed whatever they can of their belongings. Some of them only did bring the clothes on their back and got everything else to be auctioned off or sold as is. It is a pretty rough time for them I know, but the rest of the world also felt this too.

Coming from a middle class family in this country I am also inadvertently involved in the workforce that may have also affected a small part of the United States job loss. But if you think about it too, there may have been more companies closing if they did not resort to have those jobs outsourced instead. That is the point of most them since they only would probably afford to get the job done with half the price rather than keep it within the circulation on a dwindling environment in the US. If you want to talk about India, they can pay 10 people to do a single job in the US. Where else should these companies go to keep themselves afloat? Why should they compromise continuing to do business in the US if the only tax cuts they will receive are going to come from the Federal government who only does this on a temporary basis? In this day and age there should always be quality in the kind of work people are into for the rest of the country. That is the only way they will survive. If you get the right people for the right job appropriate for their skills and experience, then there would be no losses that will be reported annually for these large corporations.

I know it is quite hard now to find a job but I found this article from A HARRISON BARNES about "future prospects that are determined by the company we keep" that talks about people who you need to hire or work with in the first place. If you fall into these categories, no matter what changes you make in your policies; you will still continue to have your other leg in the grave. Making the right choice in the people you hire will make or break you in times like these. This is very important considering each cent you earn or spend needs to be accounted for because it is crucial to the success of your company. This is really a good point executives must take a look so they do not even get people who claim stupendous bonuses in times that they only survived because of federal help. That would really affect the greater picture (the economy) and the individual family. You might want to take a look at the career advice articles that they have on their site. Those were really very fun to start to read since it covers the basics. The street smart point of view was also truly helpful. I understood the most technical terminologies since they gave time to explain each subject further. There are also parts of it that lets you decide your career goal; it is worth to spend your time on while browsing for the other useful items they have for you.

If you want to find a job and be successful at it, you must make the right choice now. Who you are going to spend years with anyway? You must be 100% sure of what path you are going to take since the success or failure of your company will be reflected in your resume. If they make a huge name in their industry then that would be another feather in your hat. Make sure you drop by A HARRISON BARNES too for expert career advice and easy job search that directly gets it from corporate pages. Good luck!
