The Importance of Health and DNA Testing

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today I was dumbfounded when I found a kid running around my Uncle's house. I barely go out and we seldom see each other. There was this little girl and the fact is; I don't know her. I knew my Aunt and Uncle kind of had a falling out period a couple of years ago but nobody in our family asked about it. There are some instances that you just have to keep mum about it so you do not get your relatives into an awkward situation; which you both probably would regret in the long run.

I am a bit suspicious that this is her daughter, but I am not sure. I am quite concerned that people may notice her too. What would they think about it? Rumors may spread and some of my relatives would end up ashamed of the situation. The kid may also be born from the helper he had 3 or 4 years ago. I hope I am wrong, but it is useless to speculate. I may have to tell my folks about it too but I have to wait things out. If there was a way I could do a DNA Test privately like what CYGENE Direct has then it would be better. I would not want this to go out and get blown of proportion.

I have read that this particular procedure also is done to people who would like to have their genealogy traced. If they are prone to one type or more of cancer then it would be detrimental for them to have certain treatments rather than getting a full Mastectomy or Hysterectomy. I saw in OPRAH a woman that had all her relatives genetically unfortunate to get Cysts and Ovarian Cancer. This was when she decided to proceed to removal instead of gamble stages of cancer in her body. It turned out to be the greatest decision she ever made in her life and it has inspired other people to also get checked. It pays to know how a simple DNA Testing can help you with your family's health. So for prediction and personal DNA Testing which you can do in the comfort of your own home, make sure you get CYGENE DIRECT a visit too. It works wonders!


Another Purchase

Among the endless things that I hate about my hobby is that I need to buy more things. Not that I am in GAS (Gadget Acquisition Syndrome) mode but it is just a necessity to purchase a flash unit. The ordinary pop up flash was a little disadvantageous when I covered an event so I decided to get one now. After all the deliberations with my peers and people that I saw using it, I plan to buy this one tomorrow:


Yes you are right, this is the Nissin DI622. Why of all flashes you say? Because it is relatively cheaper and imho it also out performed other Nikon units on the SB series. If I were to purchase now, it would be this one because it looks promising as there have been news of a new firmware that could be flashed on it making it support remote triggers. It should have been done a long time ago but anyway, this will be mine by hook or by crook LOL!

Oh my I'm losing all my savings on this hobby hahaha!


Somewhere Where Traffic is Important

I know people around the globe despise traffic because they lose precious time and money while on the road. This article however is talking about a different type of traffic; one that site owners like me needs in order to get someone to read our hard written articles. Exposure is one thing but building a community of regular readers is much better, this is where Yovia comes in. It is a one of a kind People Engine.

I shared this experience with some of my peers in the blogging world last Sunday because they were asking me how I get many hits on my web site. If you build a base of people who read content in the Internet with the same interests as you are, then this is really a great way to ensure you get your point across around the world. In this connected age, you can never tell what the one sitting beside you is thinking just by looking at them. But if you read about their thoughts on online journals and see how it progressed, then you have an idea about how they would react to a certain situation or subject. I know it was a little technical to absorb, but I taught them how to make use of the site's potential because people are their expertise.

With the traffic that you will get from their site and the improvement of SEO rankings that you will get, it will never make you wonder why web administrators like me join the club! That is why I also recommended this to my new friends from the event I went to this weekend. Go YOVIA!




Need to Work Out More!

I know it is kinda awkward to talk about this now, but when I saw a co bloggers site it made me think about me and my weight problem more heheh. Not that I am worried but I think I need to work out more than the usual. I'm really heavy but considering my built and height I think it is enough. Yesterday i went back after eight days of not working out in the gym, I could not life the same set of dumbbells anymore. Maybe I can but I am really not forcing it, I gained weight again but I probably would lost that again in a couple of days of not eating again. I think I need to make some major changes in my routine since my time has been pre occupied by photography these past few days. I can party but I think it would be better not to drink that much in parties that I will go to.

So for starters, I have to go back and work out on my core and my shrinking biceps and triceps. The chest area apparently held up. I am not that perfect but its a good thing I was blessed with good looks LOL!

Since I am thinking of breakfast, I think I should go for this light roti I found... it can be buttery but I'll have this light and with no sugar to keep in line of my healthy day today!




Yummy Roti Mum!
