Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Do you want to know what happened? Yes ladies and germs I watched it already! I will try to sum it up from a non TWILIGHT fan's point of view. Not that I hate it; but its just not in my personality to be a fanatic of movies. I do love watching them though...

The story started in the old highschool they came; from and consequently it was Bella's birthday. As with anyone who had some personality issues, she did not want to have any gifts or have someone greet her. She does not want people looking at her apparently. But oh they so wanted to do it already. Possibly Edward was trying not to turn her into a vampire, but as you know one kiss here and there was already tempting them... then I thought everyone wants to be immortal right?

They got into school, discussing Romeo and Juliet... the professor thought Edward was not listening because he was whispering some stuff with Bella. Of course he had attended school a lot of times and when he was required to say few lines, he sounded like an expert... it was romantic... but I'm a guy so I was not one of those who got excited on that part.

Bella was invited to Edward's house, she was welcomed by them all. She got a paper cut and the vampires suddenly went on a rampage. Almost bit and got her killed too. It was then when she said that it would really be hard to be with Edward. After she got cured by the vampire "Dad"... she went home. The next day, Edward appeared and just decided to go away and get separated from Bella... he did not want to see her again after that.

She went on a couple of trips here and there because it was only when she was in danger that she sees Edward. She found company with Jacob... filling that void that came to her in the few months she was not able to meet Edward. Got on a motorcycle thing so she could end up in danger and meet him. She saw some of Jacob's people looking hard and buff like this:


Yeah I know they looked hotter than I am but its just a bit! LOL

They were all jumping from a cliff, though Jacob was not part of it... he was kinda drawn to join them because he was a real werewolf to begin with. Bella did not know that until she saw some of them transformed. Bella almost got killed by friends and that female vampire that wanted revenge from the first Twilight movie but it was a good thing the wolves all protected her.

Jacob's father got killed though, but it was not enough to stop Bella from almost loving Jacob while still loving Edward... I would not blame her she might have wanted to get YOU KNOW WHAT LOL.

While she was friends with the wolves and that female vampire was trying to kill her, she still wanted to see Edward so she jumped off a cliff which most outdoor divers do. Edward's sister thought Bella died, and so did Edward. Not thinking it was just a sport of some sort. She almost got killed but she was saved from that still. Edward was blaming himself and wanted to get killed by some vampires in Italy. I guess they were some royalty over there. Anyway, it was nice because she was able to see him before they did something bad. They forced some tests on Bella that got them to know that their powers did not affect her. They wanted to make her into a vampire then, but they said Edward will. The sister showed a future thingy where Bella became one so they convinced those other vampires from Italy.

So they went back home. Edward promised never to leave her, while Jacob got broken hearted. They talked a bit but it almost went on to a battle between him and Edward which would tear up Bella if they continued. It looked like there will be another sequel to this movie because a lot of the characters were just shown but was not included in the story. I recommend you watch this movie just for continuity's sake! Please watch the first one so you get to know how these things come up in the next one okay?!

This movie gets 3 out of 5 KUMAGS for a nice plot, at least I did not sleep in the cinema =)


Cool New Frames For Me

Monday, November 23, 2009


I just had my annual physical exam this weekend and guess what; they said the same thing last year. Nothing changed I guess but to tell you the truth I was worried about my eyesight. I may have been adversely affected by constantly pressing my keys even in the darkest hours. I also am on line almost 18 hours a day and there are times I squint a lot because I guess I am tired. The optometrist and ophthalmologist recommended I get corrective ones because it was slightly off their charts. They mentioned prices but it was way high. Good thing there are $8 Prescription Zenni Glasses that I can purchase on line. It would have cost me a fortune if I got it from the doctor, good thing they have great deals!

Not just that, they have Holiday Fun Eyeglasses too to celebrate the season! I had my eye on this pair above and it looks like I will be wearing blue spectacles until my eyesight comes back to normal. There will be New Arrivals too so watch out for that! Eye wear does not have to be expensive; you can get all of these at an affordable price. Make sure you get the best gift for yourself and get ZENNI!


No I'm not EMO but....


Warning: This ain't a healthy post today... I guess I have to tell you guys something... I'm not into these mushy stuff but it has to start somewhere... EMO? I don't know but at least I am trying to start again....

How long has it been since I got out of that relationship?... Was it enough to keep me sane through the months I have been keeping my self busy with photography? Was it worth it to finally say goodbye?

To tell you the truth, I have been going out again since we are covering events for posh clubs in the metro. I don't want to; but it seems the friendships and camaraderie I get with the friends I made through this new hobby of mine made me appreciate nightlife again. I was tempted to, but I have to be professional, models keep coming in and out each day. Sometimes I want to even fall in love again but I just could not think of that anymore since I just got out of a relationship... a long one. Even if I wanted to hold on to that thought, I think I should stop sometime soon. I'm not in a hurry but getting married is good, though I am sometimes talked about I would not want to settle down just for the sake of getting into it. I want to be with the one I will love forever. I can wait, even if it takes me a lifetime...

As for now, even if I was the one who ended our relationship, I am still hurting. I know I am gonna be alright...

*excerpt from Side A's song*

So let the pain remain forever in my heart...
For every throb it brings is
One more moment spent with you....
I'll let the pain bring on the rain...
If that's the only way...
If there's no other way to be with you again...



Next Photo Shoot: Weddings!


She is smart and beautiful! Yes! I want to marry her! But this will be the subject of our next photo shoot. I am thinking about what we will do next week since we will be doing a wedding theme. I need to find inspiration; but I knew it was going to be hard to find awesome Wedding Dresses at this day and time. Women need to find the perfect one for this occasion and the simple plain white dress that was used in previous decades have all been phased out. The very best ones come from well known names in the fashion industry. However women have been smart; and we have to admit that not everybody can afford purchasing wedding dresses that costs thousands of dollars. We are all affected by the economic crisis and starting with large ticket items would place us into trouble. How else would we start a family with huge debt? Maybe we can work it out and get some practical alternatives so at least your bride's happiness would not be compromised.

We need to get those great wedding dresses at an affordable price. Everyone goes to Light in the Box to start their quest. I'll tell my friends, relatives and peers about this too!
