Hawaii Slip and Fall Lawyer

Monday, January 04, 2010

I wonder how he is today. You guys probably know that I did not grow up knowing a grandfather right? Don't ask me why but it is a very long story that could span around 4 decades and generations of pain and anguish for our family. It is somewhat incomplete not knowing if I had one or if I ever had anything close to a relative like that. I heard stories when I was a little boy but none of my siblings even knew if they were true.

After the death of my Grandmother, my Dad suddenly reconnected ties with 4 of his of his sisters. The deal is all along I knew that he only had brothers. They were actually from the second family of my Grandfather and more stories suddenly resurfaced.

My Grandfather got into an accident in a mall in the Los Angeles; and it was about when he fell and broke his shoulder, a couple of ribs in an escalator because the thing did not stop when the thing ate parts of his clothes. That was really painful to even hear.

He got a lawyer and sued the mall because of this negligence and got rewarded an ample amount of money. It was an ordeal he should have never gone through because of technical negligence. There are people also that can defend you for cases like these like the Hawaii Slip and Fall Lawyer I read off in the Internet from West OAHU. They have the best people who specialize in cases like these; and they could get you well compensated for any matter related to these freak accidents which no one should suffer from. I wonder how he is today?! I never heard from him since last year and I hope no one goes through the same ordeal he went through. It was really tough and we got so worried about him. He is a little old but I am glad I knew I had one all along.


Any Suggestions?!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

I went out last night with friends and I was really happy I got to see them again because the last time we wrecked the metro was last October. I think I was really too busy with photography that I forgot about them. Not that it is a bad thing but I guess I was too pre occupied with it. I have a lot of things to do today including finishing the photo I need to submit to the office so they can put my face everywhere since they gave me the MOE award LOL.

As for the stuff I need to learn, apart from the new techniques in photoshop, I need to also learn the things concerned with video editing and presentations. I need to also learn layouts of wedding albums since I will put up a portfolio.. I need to print it out too and that might cost me a lot. The layout should also be easily modifiable since I will probably use it on other weddings after that. Maybe I'll save it on original psd format so the only thing that I will do is copy and paste the pictures afterwards. That would be neat! Can you suggest sites where I can get them?! Thanks!



Downloading Time!

Saturday, January 02, 2010


Okay, so here I go downloading stuff again from the Internet and as I see it is going to take me around 8 hours to get that game that I want. It is crawling badly right now and I do not know of any source I can get this anymore in our side of the world so I have to do this. There are actually no more seeders when I used a Torrents Search Engine which probably is because the game is too old. I could not blame them if their web sites are full of ads and ultra low download rate. I guess they want their advertisements to be seen longer so we can be forced to get a premium account for faster download rates. I guess you know what site I am referring to.

I love this game too much that I am willing to wait this long rather than downloading the parts one by one instead. It is going to take me a long time but if you think about it; they are giving this away for free so who am I to complain?! Maybe if I get to see more seeders I would have faster download rates and I could manually configure my upload rate to be slower instead. I would like to dedicate bandwidth to this endeavor so people around my house might end up getting a slower connection tomorrow. I need to warn them as early as now. Anyway I need to satisfy my gaming needs and this is the only place I can get it, not that I am complaining but nobody gave me anything for Christmas. LOL!


My Shots @ The Avant Garde Wedding Photoshoot

Friday, January 01, 2010

Okay, here it is. I'll show you a glimpse of my set. I wanted the theme to be cohesive and since I learned something new about post processing it was just right to implement it to all the photos I have on the wedding set. Although it is painstakingly taking me too much time for a single photo, I think it came out right. It was well worth it. I think I also have taken advantage of the golden hour while on this shoot with the nocturnals. I like the different ways she actually gets the poses I want for the shoot. I'm talking about Jinri... she is Korean and if you look at the other pictures I have on my laptop, it would all consist of high fashion shots. These samples are all the wholesome more general viewing shots of the set. But you get the idea right? Cindy on the other hand was shot when it was almost night time so you can see the background a little darker than usual. Jinri were in some rooms in the orchidarium when we got those shots, hence the night effect. It was an awesome way to test out our flashes for off camera capabilities. It was really awesome! I still have another set which I have not finished so watch out for that!




