Somewhere at Starbucks...

Thursday, January 07, 2010

I am sitting here in Starbucks right now with a cup of Dark Cherry Mocha on the side. I think I am just lounging around and finding a muse to write about. Maybe this planner thing is also getting on my nerves too because I still have a long way to go to get that planner that induces puyat. Hahaha I know how it feels to get drugged with caffeine and I need to do that since you need around 24 to get one. I will probably have to drink everyday because the deadline is on the 15th and I will get this by hook or by crook. Why in the world am I always saying that? I don’t want to be a crook LOL

I just saw a couple of friends, and it looks like they are doing the same thing. I wonder how much coffee we already have in our blood. If we go here everyday, we probably consume around 40 percent of our fluids here. Where do we go when we need blood transfusion in the future? Maybe in a different branch; but still Starbucks heheh.

Why are coffee shops in the Philippines treated as social stature requirements? I mean if a guy does not go to these establishments, you probably would be treated differently if your friends go here too. Later on in life we will complain of diabetes and heart conditions because of the tons of coffee we drank here. Is it right to even publicize this? Does the positive effect outnumber the bad in drinking coffee? What do you think we should do in this day and age? Should we create our own brand just like Australia who eventually closed hundreds of shops down under because they have their own brand now?

I wonder if the KAPENG BARAKO would fare nicely against the giants of the coffee labels in the Philippines. There is a big market and we just have not tapped into it yet. Have you thought about not buying that 200 peso cup from Starbucks? Should we or not patronize it? I am not an expert but I think its just expensive… but the ease of drinking with someone preparing it for you is grand! I think that is the one you are paying for. Not just this, but the ambiance too. Anybody planning to treat me coffee today? Just let me know! Hahaha!


More Special than School Work!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I just had a short vacation with friends from college and had a blast! I was eagerly waiting for this day to happen and I was so glad that I had time to go out with them. These were the same group of people I worked with on term papers, thesis and book reports before I graduated.

I remember typing the same term papers in the wee hours of the morning and printing until the ink ran out of dot matrix units we had 10 years ago. Has it really been that long? It is a good thing we passed the subjects with flying colors. I really wanted to take charge of research when we made that but it was well worth it. We did not have services like in the US that made this stuff professionally. I hope you guys get professional help when the time comes. I probably would have one too in the future for my Masters degree. I wish my friends would also do the same; and enroll on the school of my choice. Management class should be a breeze!






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A Nocturnal Learning...

With the way things are going now, it looks like the NOCTURNALS photography club that I belong to is gearing toward higher goals this 2010. Apart from the plans they mentioned a few months ago, the guys want to push for a business venture since we all are doing well in our respective shots. I want to push through with what I have been doing on my photos and probably make a name for myself in the coming months. I want to show people more of what I can do with post processing and that would really take me a while but if I do strike some deals with people at work and play I would be able to get my photography career into new heights.

Maybe I have not been doing the best I can the past few shoots because I am continuously learning. That is essential in the growth that I am gunning for. I hope I can get to learn something new with masters on this craft. Now who will get me that plane ticket so I can get to New York and be an apprentice to my idol Xander Angeles. I love his work… and I hope to emulate what he is doing right now for his clients. I want to be as famous as he is in the fashion industry. Where and how do I start? I might be in the right track already but it would just take me time. I’m not a professional photographer anyway… NOT YET! But I am planning to be one in the future and do what I love. I love my job; but it wouldn’t hurt to have a thing to do on the side for luck! Hahaha… I am still optimistic!


My Eye Care Needs

Today, I just had my eyes checked and they said that I have uneven gradation on my eyes. All along I thought I had 20/20 vision but this has brought a setback to the luck that I have been having since 2009. Maybe this is temporary, I do not know; because I never asked about it when the doctor was performing a check up. I called him just now and brushed it off because he said it can be easily cured. I would not like to wear corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses because of my active lifestyle. I did some research at Stahl Eye Center Garden City NY and found some valuable information on their site about a procedure called LASIK; where the eye treatment could heal in one or two days. This NO PAIN procedure has been done in STAHL EYE CENTER GARDEN CITY NY by awesome Doctors who mostly hail from world renowned Universities such as UCLA, John Hopkins and YALE. They are considered the best in the industry! My friend got this procedure done recently and she is not wearing glasses anymore. I will look into this great advancement in eye care so I could check out if it is feasible to be done on me. Wish me luck!
