Shopping with Folks

Friday, January 08, 2010

This day was super tiring. After going out at 7am from the office I wrote some articles for my site until the afternoon then we went out to see the dentist afterward. As if the day was not done yet, they got me to go to SM Megamall and Shangrila for shopping. It was nice to do that but imagine I haven't slept yet since yesterday afternoon too! I've been awake for like 32 hours straight and I feel my feet numbing a bit while walking. Yes that is how I feel, a dead man walking.

Surely it looks tough... because it definitely is. I bought my self a couple of things though. One is the shoes that would go with the Avel Bacudio outfit I'm gonna have on Tuesday. I also have gone out with folks so that means we also kinda bonded even if I didn't realize it. I love how the day ended because I got to enjoy the whole Friday itself. I never get to spend it this way before and even if I am constantly tired and asking each other silly stuff I want to still do it with my folks no matter how mushy that sounds. =)


My Golf Dreams

Some of you probably know that I do have a big handicap. No it is not that sort of ailment you are thinking about, but a handicap at golf. I dreamed of it again this evening. I play every time my Uncle asks me to tag along in local country clubs and it is so relaxing. It is the symphony of emotions and game play that makes this a worthwhile hobby to get. This is quite expensive here in the Philippines but if you think about the other places we could go to then you will be exquisitely addicted!

Like the newly renovated fairway at the Georgia Golf Resort which houses the King and Prince Golf Course and the world renowned Hampton Club. If I only had one wish then it would be this ideal destination. I want to feel the breeze and smell the fresh cut grass of the King and Prince Golf Course. I would not want anything less. We probably just need to listen to people who have experienced the place first hand. I would also want to check out their packages if my trips come late this year pushes through.

Watch out for that golf ball hitting your window pane soon! Ha-ha! I'll be there!


Weddings and Me

It’s the weekend once again and a couple of friends invited me to go to their wedding. So all in all I have 2 lined up even on a workday. Yes I know it kinda sucks that I work on a Sunday but hey I only go out on Fridays and Saturdays so that is just enough for me.

Whoa… I just bumped into someone I know from college… that’s weird. Hahahah! Well at least not as weird as that Moulin rouge sound track they are playing in the background.

As the day sets, it looks like I will have a flourishing year ahead. It seems my optimism has paid off and I will eventually get on track with my career and hobbies. If I don’t do them excellently then I should have stayed blogging professionally instead. I mean there are a lot of opportunities in this, and if I would be more serious about it then I will get more than what I dream KUMAGCOW.COM would be!

If you have friends, please let them know about my site too… at least they would get to read something while they have nothing to do. This is becoming very addictive and looking more spontaneous. I like what is happening to my site. I would love to see your friends here too so you guys can talk behind my back when I’m around LOL… I know who you are and I can track you! Heheheh be very afraid!


So, I See!

I told you a couple of posts ago that I had problems with my eyesight and the last thing the doctor told me was I probably am going to be needing spectacles or contact lenses when the time comes. I am a little problematic because I never used prescription glasses before, nor did I ever get to fancy eye wear because most often than not it would never ever fit me. That is the dilemma I am going to face soon because apparently they said I had lazy eyes.

Coming from a 20/20 vision lifestyle I am now encountering new challenges because I could not read clearly on an easy day. I was wondering if ever I was to choose how to deal with this, then eyeglasses would be the next best thing. I think I wrote about places that sell this reasonably. I also read an article (click here) that mentioned I could get them for a better price. I know how expensive it is because my Mom always had to go to eye doctors and pay thousands of pesos just for a single pair almost every year. If establishments would be like ZENNI that take out middle men then eye glasses would be more reasonably priced anywhere in the world. They should follow this example and give people prescription eye wear that makes this place a better world to live in.
