The Things You Need to Save Water

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here is a shot I took in the LAMESA watershed.

I am really sad that the government has gone into the extent of warning people from the metro about saving potable water in the coming summer. Since it would be doubly hot and we would not be able to get rain from any source other than the storms which seldom happens at that time of the year; we would need to do whatever it takes to be able to survive that weather. I am keen on getting swppp services because of the things that they boast of. They have veterans in the Civil Engineering sector which is close to my heart since my own Grandfather worked for the Engineering Brigade for USAFE in World War II. They will help getting more water back to the reservoir since we really need it.

Seeing these men in action brings back memories; they come crashing onto you too when you least expect it. I maybe a Computer Engineer by profession but I also use software they heavily implement in their firm like Civil 3D and Photo shop which makes designing and getting the structure of the house, a cinch! World renowned industry experts and business managers would make you feel that your project is not a chore when you get to build yourself your own dream home. They can even prevent getting that crummy little dirt around storm drains come rainy season in June. If you get plans as big as this, you really need all the help you can get!


Bon Voyage My Bro!

Monday, January 18, 2010

It is already time for him to go. After 5 long years of not stepping foot in this native land he is going back to Ireland again to work and probably get a new job. He probably misses us a lot and he will probably be doing the same come tomorrow. He visited a lot of relatives, spent the whole Christmas season and New Year here, gone to various islands in the Visayas region and spend some needed me time in the south of Manila. It was good to have rest and recreation enjoyed with friends and family I know. That is one of the few things in life that you would treat as priceless!

It is hard that he had to go out of the country just to work; that is what he chose to do with his life so we only can support him. Anyway, he is sporting dual citizenship so he can probably stay here on a longer period anytime. Even if he is an Irish citizen he still has Filipino blood so you can imagine the next time he comes back here, there would probably be more changes around the metro that he would not be able to see and feel but I am optimistic he will come back soon. Stay cool and stay focused on your career there and we will just be here to support you. I have no choice LOL you are my brother after all!

Take good care of yourself and Cheers!


Traveling South!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My brother who is now an Irish citizen is leaving the country on Wednesday and I am trying to maximize his vacation here by taking him around out of town trips. I know he enjoys the beach and everything that conspires within it like eating, shopping and bonding with family. I would like to at least get him to BATANGAS which is a world class diving spot and 4 hours away in the south of Manila but our family van is barred from traveling because of the number coding implemented by the government. The car plate ends in 5 and since that stands on a Wednesday, we would never be able to cross major thoroughfares and the expressway. Car Rental Comparison was the next thing to do since we need a better substitute than using public transport. It is either that or getting a relative to use their cars instead, but that would be a long shot.

We checked out on line resources and found a few highly recommended companies. I wish I could get the one offered in Australia. They have better services and you have better control over how you would be able to use rental cars down under. It would have been so easy if they offered the same in my community and my brother would be elated how classy their cars are. It is also safe; a characteristic my brother looks for in a rental shop. We will get there by hook or by crook! I will explore this land and get beautiful photos too; so I could show my friends a panoramic view of the place I almost called home! We'll be leaving tomorrow, see you guys there!


Mr. and Ms. University of the East 2010 Second Set

This second set is another guy from the Mr and Ms University of the East pageant. He's tall and goodlooking like me although I would have wanted more variety on his poses. He was not really cut for it I think but there were some here and there that I fancy because he looked a lot like a friend I knew in highschool. The deal is, these kind of men usually are more of a sex appeal type and not of a hunky modelsky type of way.

I am not going to vote him as photogenic but I bet he could charm his way to people's hearts once it goes into the pageant proper. I wanted him to smile a bit or look more tougher in some shots and he kinda not did that so maybe if there are some advantages in his set, it is the machismo and nice built which I think he will get to use come title night.

Here is his set, let me know what you think... =)
