Learning from the Past

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It is quite saddening to see that there is a rampant increase of road rage in the country. I saw 2 of them indicated in the news paper today and if you think about it, there are even a lot men and women too that are involved in car accidents each day. It is a nightmare to manage this in Manila because of the monstrous traffic that has horrified countless human lives but I already learned to live with it. You treat it as normal as possible so you would not go insane in these conditions. You are lucky if you have motor trade insurance but not everybody is blessed with that privilege. Sometimes I understand that only the rich can afford it in this country and I hope that situation takes a different turn this year.

If there would be something I would like to change in the current structure and system in this country I would like to start seeing us complying with international standards. Maybe make the newly elected President would take action on this after the May elections. Or maybe lessen the importations of second hand cars that would endanger us and help stick with what local producers can provide; because in the long run it would be beneficial for both us drivers and the riding public. I know it is an ailing industry and the time to make necessary action to improve things is now. I would not want my kid's future be controlled by a few rich businessmen who only want to earn a buck or two when car safety is on the line.

Accidents happen but if I know how to manage finances and pay for small insurance premiums that would get my family safe then I should never worry. If ever it occurs sometime in the near future, then I would save a lot from what could make me bankrupt in an instant. Third party liability types which are required now never meant that it would obviously cover everything so we have to think big. I want to feel safe and the last thing that I would want to hear is that I need to pay for something more because insurance did not cover it. An unfortunate incident did happen to me a couple of years ago; when I got my car 50% wrecked and I really learned a lot from it. You guys should too!


Medicol Advance... Thank you!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

From Left to Right the awesome people from Medicol and Starcom Ms. Ji Candelario, Ms. Lenni Balicud, Sir Avel Bacudio, Me and Sir Abdel aka Abbie @ the Bacudio Shop. They were all so nice and accomodating!

Opportunities come and go and I have learned a lot about that fact these past few months. I witnessed something new for my self, my site and there are things that the wonderful people from Medicol Advance gave me that I will never forget. Let me take you for a spin on my final fitting with the fabulous fashion designer Avel Bacudio.

Final fitting, I was with Avel Bacudio, Ms. Lenni Balicud and Mr. Jon Santos
(Medicol Advance, Starcom and Hwangs Inc.)

Sir Avel served us caviar and blue cheese... I actually love blue cheese but as they also said it was not a thing to eat while we were in a conversation LOL he even joked about it that it smelled like you know what! Haha! =)

We were also treated to a few short stories from his trips outside of the country, but that one is private too LOL

You probably have read my first encounter with the kind designer here and it was very nice for the people from Medicol Advance to hook me up on this day so I get to see his pad. Since I live just a stone's throw away from his condo unit, I met with Ms. Lenni Balicud and Mr. Jonnifer Santos (Starcom and Hwangs inc.) in Panay Avenue and proceeded to his place after wards. Of course I took pictures!


Avel showed us around his posh place. I noticed a few key pieces that he also is fond of. I like the geometric shapes he puts into thought when he designs. Yes ladies and gentlemen, he is also a budding interior designer.


It was a whirlwind of events that happened in a few months, and this post was created to thank these people who made these great things possible! It was an awesome learning experience to attend the Medicol Advance the Nation Launch, I got a lot from their great speakers. I love the fact that I won an outfit too just because I wrote about it on my site. Thank you also to Ms. Kai Palileo also for coordinating the things needed to make this happen.

Now Sir Avel, Nuffnang Philippines and Medicol Advance got this awesome outfit for me. Now ain't that a sight for sore eyes! =)

This experience has taught me a lot about kindness, seizing opportunities and the value of having fun with life. Thank you Medicol Advance! It would never have been possible without you guys! So my dear readers from the US, The Philippines and elsewhere in the world, if you have headaches and pain you don't know how to handle; trust only Medicol Advance and they'll give you more than a cure... it's an experience you won't forget in a lifetime! I mean hey! I even popped a few when I got into the office because I had headaches from the lack of sleep and short rains in the afternoon; and that took care of it! Make sure you get one from your nearby drugstore and you probably would get the chance to win the things I have... you can never tell! =)


For those of you who wanted to see how I look like in the outfit, I decided to bite the bullet and pose for my co photographers this weekend. I'm not a model and don't worry I have not changed my mind about my photography, I'll still shoot!

Here's a sneak peek on what I look like with the outfit! Hahah!

I was so lucky!... Thank you Medicol Advance, Nuffnang Philippines and everyone who made this possible! Thank you so much for this! =)


Dog Dilemma

I know I have asthma and it has been a big issue at home because there are a lot of things that trigger my allergies. I did not want this to be a hindrance to my family life but I think it just did. I am allergic to seafood, but one more thing that triggers it is fur. Not those fancy things people wear but it is those which animals have. You probably think that hairball you often see when sweeping floors is harmless. Imagine; I almost got hospitalized because of that. My Mom wanted to get a toy dog so she could entertain herself every once in a while. She treats it like family and since I would not be able to bear the hardships of getting one I think little dog boarding would help me a lot.

Yes I do miss them a lot!

I on the other hand wanted not just a toy dog but a huge Siberian husky and even went the extra mile to build an air conditioned room since we live in a tropical climate. I read books, got veterinarians and aficionados of the breed to help me out in the beginning and got one last August. I had instantaneously got symptoms and brushed it off a month after it was here. When my doctors found out, they immediately asked me to do the worst next thing. I had to give him up and let my cousins adopt it. I literally had no choice. If only I had somewhere to put them and get some help then it would have made me get doses of antihistamines for the asthma. This was a full time job though since they needed special care in our side of the world. Oh man I miss them a lot! Now how am I going to please my Mom and not get attacks again? Let me know what you guys think!



Last night was a blast! I went out with friends from an online community I frequent in and we had some guests who were doctors from a province down south so it was a little arduous to have me introduce them to ladies that night. I felt that since this was my territory I should let them at least have fun right? But then again I didn't have time to work on meeting some my self... anyway I still had fun with friends and a couple of strangers LOL... but that was just the start of the evening.

I had a few drinks again. Somehow I really needed it to relax a bit, I was a bit tensioned but sure enough after a few bottles I got a little smooth talking to them and yes I did get tipsy too. It was a little dose more than what I used to drink and I was not feeling sorry going back to drinking a lot again. I did not have a hangover which I really despise when I do this deed. Anyway I will be still limiting things, its just that I probably screwed up and did this out of necessity last night. I mean I did have fun, imagine I was making out with a girl at around 7AM LOL and got her number too so I would probably have fun this week.

Thank God it's Friday!
