The Little Surprise!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

It looks like I will be getting my paycheck early. I would really love to start looking for Valentine's Day Gifts now so to avoid the rush next month. I also need to keep this somewhere so it would still be a big surprise. I would not want to spoil that of course! I remember when I last setup a birthday party for her but when we did she found out from other friends about it and just played as if she was surprised on the day itself. She told me a few days after wards and I was not really happy about it. Maybe that big prank I was planning to do the other day would come into play ha-ha! That would really be fun!

I love Trish and I would like to see her feel special on this day. I will be taking her on a spin south of Manila and get overnight accommodations for two in a hotel. We will have breakfast lunch and dinner then I will give her that perfect gift I prepared for her. It is a good thing she does not drop by that often on my site otherwise I am spoiling my own little surprise. I called them this morning so I could also arrange horse back riding lessons for us since it has been ages when I last rode one. I hope everything goes smooth. For my friends who are subscribed to my site through RSS please have the decency to not tell her. You guys know how much this means to me and Trish; so please don’t tell on me got it?!


A Red Tribe Moment

Friday, January 29, 2010

Just this Thursday, my friends from the University of the East Red Tribe fought their hearts out in the recent B6BL Tournament. What does B6BL mean you ask?! It's below 6 feet basketball league so there is a height requirement to join these games. It was just the right venue to showcase the talents of my fellow tribe members and true enough they fared quite good in their first game. Although they lost, I am so proud of the guys because they gave every bit of their energy into the game.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all. I hope I get their names right though LOL


Here are the highlights of the tribe at the venue. Photos are courtesy of DOC JAYZ and JULIE of the Red Tribe. Thank you guys and I hope next time we will get that coveted win in the B6BL Games! =)

I know this is just the start. I hope we win the next games and dominate the B6BL games!
Congratulations to the Red Tribe Cossack Blue Team!
The whole Red Tribe community is proud of you!

And I Love Her!

February is fast approaching and I saw that the malls yesterday have been changing their themes. Yes, one of the biggest, cheesiest occasions in the country is near and the changes are inevitable. Guys like me who spend January on a tight budget splurge out on valentine gifts this month with the thoughts of pleasing the one and only girlfriend. This is the day to make her feel special. When all the other dates you tend to forget in the calendar, this is not the sort of day I make an excuse for because otherwise; you know what will happen. Valentine’s Day is one of the most important events in the year and of which your loved ones look forward to.

My plans comprise of getting her that favorite perfume she checks out every now and then but never had the courage to purchase it because it is a little expensive. I do not really mind prices on these days since I really want to make her happy. Within the budget that I saved for the past few months I might get to squeeze in a bouquet of flowers for her too. That would really get her in the mood to cook dinner for the both of us. I like to have that day simple but memorable. I really do love her and the last thing I would probably ask for is her undivided attention. For me that would be the perfect gift any boyfriend would hope for. In our busy work schedules and family life it is tantamount to a couple of hundred bars of gold; maybe more!

February 14th has always been a special occasion to both of us. This is the time we get together aside from the usual monthly dates we have in posh restaurants in the country. Getting her a gift is a must on these days since she gives me happiness that equals anything priceless. I love my wife to be and these small gestures are nothing compared to what she has done for me and my family. She makes me happy and it is but right to return the favor. It is the right thing to do for a lady I love. Whenever I share the goodness in my heart I always end up winning because life is just like an echo; it gives back to me what I have given. I love you Trish!


Another Day of Diets

It is one of those days again where I am contemplating on planning my meals in the goal of keeping my food as healthy as possible. I just got a new suit and the measurement is quite strict as far as the look is concerned. The designer did cut off every corner that was not in line with the shape of my body so if you think about it, it will make me kind of skinny. A little thinner perhaps but not that skinny but hey give me a break!

Now, I am actually back to my old self again and with that comes taking out rice in my staple since that is the one I did remove from my plate when I started a couple of years ago. Maybe today I will be using all aspects of my workout regimen and cardiovascular activities in order to make the development faster when it comes to these. I was surprised because I gained weight again when i measured this yesterday. It makes me sad but I know I have to at least take steps to get back into fighting form. I am quite worried that the 2000+ money I spend every month for gym membership might go to waste if I do not get serious about this. I have to think of other ways I could get thin, and I probably need to do it fast!
