House Changes

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sometimes no matter how much you try to avoid things from happening it still becomes a reality. I do not really regret re-modeling the house but it has taken me quite a couple thousand bucks to have my room perfect to a tee. My beds spread are all new and I even bought pillows to match the comforter Mom bought last Christmas. I do not know interior design but I guess I know and appreciate good looking things when I see one. I guess when God spread blessings for aesthetics I think I have amassed a lot of it to say humbly. I would want to have my room to look perfectly finished and have a few pieces purchased for accent. Do I still have the same black and white palate from last year you ask?! Well let's just say I put in a splash of color here and there and I bought artwork to get the theme started. I do not want it to end up like a huge collage of fabric patterns which I think I did last year.

Today this is a huge step for me and the investment I did on the whole house is really worth it. I guess I learned to at least do less control over what I think is better for the place I stay in. I had doubts but I think even if other people do things in my place it was nice to see the result went pretty well. Believing in them may have gotten me somewhere and hey! It really is not that bad so if there is any consolation, I like it a lot just so you know! At least I get very good nights sleep!


The Killers in Manila

See I've shot famous bands already, like Bamboo and Rivermaya =)

I want to watch a lot of concerts this year and one of them is going to happen tomorrow. Yes ladies and gentlemen the KILLERS will be arriving later today. I want to get VIP tickets since I truly adore these guys and watching them a few meters apart would be really a dream for me plus the hope of bringing my camera in so I could shoot them up close. I wish I could capture their moment here in Manila. I wish people could be more forgiving with photographers like me because we are sometimes treated as terrorists when all we want to do is to take pictures. I really pity the people in the UK who are treated as such.

Anyway, enough of CNN. I will have to figure out a way of getting my camera in. Since I have done that in the last UAAP Season I think we can do it again this time. I just wish my camera would not be confiscated if they see me smuggling it inside hahah!

But darn it I really love THE KILLERS and I'll try my best to shoot them by hook or by crook! =)


Office Mishaps

I was making reports last Monday and I was really not in the mood. Imagine a whole month's worth of report needs to be merged into one. I also need to show the relationship of this current data from the previous ones in daily, monthly, yearly and fiscal granularity. I have taken extra Canon Printer Ink Cartridges from the Administration Department because I will be printing out almost a hundred pages and a couple more excel sheets. My boss will be surprised how big the document size is and considering the photos I have stored in the drive I might not be able to squeeze in this one unless I delete old ones immediately. I need major organization to happen too and I probably am able to do that via the date of modification. I wish I had more time.

I sent it but it was getting lots of errors even if I already divided the files by batch. I estimated around 6 huge ZIP files might be able to do the trick but there were header errors when I tried to open the attachments. My boss needed it within the day so I had no choice. I reconfigured connections on a fresh installed pc and it went through after a few tries. I was so elated my files reached him in time. I will prepare better before the next month's report so I won't go through the same ordeal again. Do you know anyone willing to help me with this?! Let me know!


Bounce Tonight!

Since its a weekend, I got my day off and spent it with friends yesterday til the wee hours of the morning. This was the same place we ended up but it was good that shows were quite nice in that place otherwise I would probably gone somewhere else in the fort. I don't know if I could shoot today because I still have a huge backlog of photos to edit but if it is just to party then I would probably do it tonight. I haven't seen the guys since a couple of weeks ago and I think we need to talk about business matters too.

We also have some mishaps with a friend we usually do shoots with. Long story but it just boils down to trust matters so if ever things may not be feasible anymore then we would need to find an alternative. As much as we want to keep em it would not be a good thing to do since we would jeopardize people from the actual group already and that would not be a pretty sight. We would be in the middle of world war III if that happens. Sorry I could not give you that much details because they might be reading my site too and I would not want for them to think I am creating trouble in that situation.

Since I have nothing to do today I will bounce with my photography friends tonight. I need a break and this would be one darn busy evening. I'll stay up late and get them needed break!
