Song Addiction 101

Friday, February 19, 2010

Well it looks like I am in the mood again to download songs for my blackberry. I am currently having a good time at work because of MOONY. Yeah she is the big girl who looks like my sister, her tracks are played in posh clubs all throughout the world. From her famous tracks like DOVE, Flying Away and others... she has captured the hearts of trans house music lovers all over the world. I like everything that she does because it is easy to listen to, it is still house trans music but it is never too complicated to learn. There should have been a dance contest on her tracks but I know not everyone knows who she is.

Aside from her songs, I also downloaded the popular dance tracks. I also got a couple of romantic songs from Tamia. I like her a lot and I want to marry her someday hahaha! But of course that would be a straight punch to the moon. A long shot of sorts!

Do you have any songs in mind that I should download over at 4shared?! =) let me know and comment on this post. Thanks!


Storing My Photos Now!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I am currently having some problems because my hard drive is acting up again. When I opened it up this morning it was in a snail's pace. It was even hard to see some of the icons in my desktop so I was thinking memory might be running a little low. I was shocked because a couple of warnings suddenly popped up. My drive space apparently is low so I went ahead and looked for cd-r media so I could transfer all my photos to them. Yes I am guilty because I filled up my 120GB drive with raw files. Imagine all my 42 photo shoots are all there and I have them all in 2-3MB or more pieces so it obviously is the culprit of the laptop's slowdown.

I do not know if this would be the next thing I will have to do but it seems right that I keep a library of my work so I would not be a victim of stolen pictures. That is a little common here nowadays. Keeping the CD would also be better because I can just put them inside my folder and bring them out when I need it. I can also have them organized per shoot so everything would be easier to find. I will rise to the occasion and have them labeled too. It is something smart to do and did I say a good thing?!


Fasting Fast!

Yesterday was ASH Wednesday but being the bad Catholic that I am I did not go to church again. I don't know why but half of that is because I am just too lazy to get up on a weekday. Anyway, that is just what it is. I am glad to know things are happening again in the office. It looks like our inputs to our project will be the topic when my boss comes into town. I hope we get to discuss some of the ideas that we have in order to make everything feasible in the project. Really looking forward to seeing boss in town.

Right now by the way, I am fasting because people do this as a sacrifice during this season. I wonder how much weight I would lose in a couple of days. I am optimistic but tomorrow I think we'll order fastfood again. I'll think about what I will order. Maybe chicken but no rice. Or maybe burger but I think meat is being barred tomorrow since it is a Friday. I have a lot of things to do also in the weekend so please give me a break! Later I will be a little late. I need to attend a meeting that will happen in the afternoon US PST time so that will be early morning Philippine time. Wish me luck!


Furniture Decisions Now

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I guess I am not the only one hoping that it would match with the rest of the furniture I have in the condominium unit where I stay. Dining Room Tables that would fit the floor area I have is what I specifically need. The ones that I saw available at the mall appliance center are not customized to fit small spaces and usually cater to family style interiors which I do not prefer. I was contemplating if I should have one made to order but that would cost a lot. If I bought one from the mall on the other hand; I would need to cut off the legs just to get it through the door and stick it back when it's in. That would really be funny if I have guests then all of a sudden it collapses on us after tea. I would not want to get sued just because of that.

If I had the time to also go out and canvass some pieces in thrift shops I would not be in a dilemma. I barely have money to spend on my gadgets and this was a major furniture piece I was planning to acquire. Seeing the antique ones we used to have in my Mom and Dad's house I think I literally outgrew them all. I have developed a keen eye for appreciating modernly designed ones so I will have to stick with that. I do not want the eclectic format we followed suit at our old house because I am not fond of wood. I am more into metal and glass nowadays so I am trying to avail this if possible.

It has clean lines; it is chic and very functional even with its modern design. I would like to have this piece soon. I want one now!
