Water Shortage In Manila

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It looks like the inevitable happened. There is a looming water shortage in the Philippines and currently they are already rationing water supplies in some parts of Visayas and Mindanao. I wonder what led to this mess aside from the EL NINO phenomenon. Way back then, it was already a big joke if you tell people that we will pay for bottled water. It was such a preposterous idea but look at us now... even kids nowadays do not drink straight from the faucet because of the dangers concerning its potability.

My brother got stomach ache his whole stay here 2 years ago because he just had ice that was made with water off the faucet which would mean there is already something wrong with it. It does not seem to be getting better every day. If in a few months and we do not get rain in the La Mesa Water shed which supplies around 80 percent of our drinking water in Manila then it would mean disaster to all of us. I wonder what the government is doing aside from rationing, people need to do cloud seeding and stuff like that to start rain as soon as possible. I don't know where we are going to end up now that we have this problem with water. This was supposed to be a joke a few years ago and look at us now. Even electricity is going to be scarce. We should get something sourced now through NUCLEAR or Hydroelectric or solar since we are in a tropical climate. Someone should think about this and do some measures now before its too late!


Think About It!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I have been a witness to various hardships of special people. Since I was a kid I was brought up by my folks with an entirely different outlook in life. I have a cousin I always tag along with that had special needs. He had irreversible brain injury because of an accident and his parents had to resort letting him undergo rehabilitation and therapy. It was all they can do because at that time there was not much information about his condition. There are currently no organizations even today in the Philippines that could help explain things. Heck there was no Internet connection then when this all started. I wanted to help them too but I can only do much. Today I can only say that only the organization for CEREBRAL PALSY and AUTISM has gone main stream; the rest probably had no funding and capability to organize.

I feel terrible that this had to happen to one of my own family member and if you think about it, no one should suffer this way. I am glad and happy though that even in the midst of adversity there has never been any less love for him. I really felt that things are better now; and if it was easy to deal with this condition it was because everyone helped a lot. The acceptance was secondary to watching how his family worked to make things bearable. I am proud of what they have accomplished and this for me has been a learning experience in one way or another. Do you have family members who are in the same condition as my cousin is?! How do you deal with it?! Let me know what you think!


Weekend Plans: Videos, Fashion and Music: SHONEN KNIFE, Jake Cuenca and Manila Symphony Orchestra

Monday, February 22, 2010

It looks like I found something better to show off my videos and it does support high definition ones too. I always looked at VIMEO from other videographers and was astounded by the quality of it. I did not know why I just tried it now but hell it looks like its more fun. Actually I had a short upload time too which would benefit me a lot because often times when I share my work it usually ends up around an hour for a 100MB video to get online. That's if when no one is using the Internet connection ha-ha!

As for my activities this weekend I am trying to choose between the Mall of Asia and the one in Intramuros. I really want to go out with the D60 KREW again shooting the Manila Symphony Orchestra but my golly SHONEN KNIFE my favorite Japanese band of all time is going to be at the mall on that day, not to mention the BENCH show featuring Jake Cuenca. As you know I am into fashion photography and since I do not get any male models that much I think this would be good practice right?! I hope there are not that much people in the venue. Where can I get a photographers pass in these events?! Hohummm.....


I Had No Regrets Moving

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My brother and I bought a parcel of land south of Manila so we could have a vacation home for our folks. This region had lush greens, plantations of pineapple, jack fruit and coffee all around so it was quite a sight to behold. I did not have that much appreciation with nature and stayed in the concrete jungle most of the time; because I feel the need to always hear cars passing by whenever I am at home. My Mom and Dad wanted peace and quiet which is the total opposite so we did succumb to parental pressure and got them their own pad in the outskirts of Manila. It is a 4 hour drive and there are no Los Angeles Moving Companies in the area so just imagine how hard it was to transfer their stuff in the beginning.

When I stayed in LA a few years back I had to move out of my folks house because I was already 18. Moving Companies Los Angeles was able to help me through this daunting task of getting my stuff out of the garage and into a new apartment a few hours away from our LA home. I knew my folks would not agree on it but I had to find my own job and place to live so I could train myself to be more independent. Everyone else was doing it and they turned out fine so I asked my self a couple of times why shouldn't I?! I went ahead and took the initiative to apply on every company I know in Silicon Valley so I could at least afford the place I rented since it is not a joke to have one in that area and I do not know how long my Dad was going to help a bit. I was thinking of having a roommate that time but I was worried about security. If I do not trust the person that much and only resort to have other people live with me it would be extremely awkward. They are not like Movers Los Angeles whom I entrusted to have my stuff to be moved. They even stayed off working hours just to make sure I have all my stuff accounted for. I was thinking if I could get one of my classmates from college to stay with me once I get to know them then it would be easier for me to adapt. USC was an opportunity so I immediately grabbed it when a scholarship was offered to me. My grades were not that bad when I was in high school and I scored ingeniously in their entrance exams and interview. That scholarship saved us a lot of money trouble before I garnered my Computer Engineering degree. Now I work for a multinational corporation that dealt with the best networking products in the whole world and I am glad I ended up so good in the end. Now I even got the chance to stay with my folks every now and then for a vacation. I really did not regret moving out then because just look at where it got me now.
