The New Cure to your Headache!

Monday, March 01, 2010

I arrived this evening in the office with a terrible headache. I don't know what really caused this but it is becoming very often now. I hate it when this happens because I somewhat could not concentrate on work. I did a photoshoot before I went to work yesterday so that kinda deprived me of sleep. I went to work but I do have a lot of things to do so even on breaks I did not get enough time to think about resting. Reports are very important so I have to take care of that first.

To solve my headache, I bought coke in the vendo we have here in the building and since it is ICE COLD I did put it on top of my head. It substitutes ICE hahaha. Hey I think it kinda works too so if you think about it, it's a good idea!

There is also a text promo on the coke can itself... for 1 peso per entry you can win the hourly raffle draw. Although I don't know what the prize is but it looks very promising =)

So in my summary... COKE is a good medicine against headaches LOL!


Meet Britney!

I used to own a dog a few years back and since it was a SPITZ it was pretty high maintenance. I never really had problems with it because I was always looking forward to go home and play with her when I am stressed. Her name was TWIGGY named after the model and we had some very fond memories of each other. Unfortunately she got hit by a car one evening... sure enough tears rolled down everyone's cheeks at home. We never got over losing her and vowed to never take any pets again. When we were cleaning the garage one faithful morning we found a stray cat in the boxes and sure enough she had kittens too. It seems she just gave birth to 2 and my Mom was afraid to touch them since rabies has been a little rampant in Manila. I didn't know our helper got the box and placed it outside the house; until we heard one of the kittens crying for her Mom perhaps in the middle of the night. It was irking the neighbors; we decided to get the kitten and feed it soon after wards. The cat's Mom seems to have abandoned it since it never came back. It looks like we are going to have a stray cat as a pet and I decided to keep it. We conveniently named her BRITNEY. I fed her milk in the first few days then when she could already begin to eat, her meal consists of our leftovers since it was the first time we ever took care of one. I got her shots the next day and the veterinarian said she needs to eat a well balanced meal too so we got her cat food from the store. She needs a lot of play which I would not be able to give her that time since I was too busy with work at that time. Soon enough, I noticed some of our furniture got scratches all over it and Mom got worried it will damage the antique ones too. The friendly shop owner recommended I get a Scratching Post so she would stop doing it on Mom's things. I canvassed in malls and it was worth thousands of pesos and I thought there must be alternatives on line which could be more affordable. I saw this Cat Tower from sites like KITTY MANSIONS and it was reasonably priced; and it fits the purpose. I am sure if Mom would like it too. She is the one who takes care of her when I am out for work. It keeps her busy and on her toes which is good since she just retired. Good thing there are sites like these that offer personalized places for cat's to sleep in on a lazy afternoon. It induces the cat to be active too so that is a plus! Now she has a place to call her own in our home. I'm glad!

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An Afternoon with the Red Tribe

Red Tribe with the awesome Pari Llagas

Red Tribe with the girl's favorite Paul Lee
Red Tribe with my IDOL James Martinez
I had a nice time with the Red Tribe this weekend. We spend the day together watching PBL games of Cossack and Cobra. Unfortunately people from UE were in different teams at that time and I couldn't choose who to root for. James Martinez and Zamar was in Cossack and Paul Lee, Raffy and Coach was in Cobra. So imagine we were all clapping no matter what team was scoring =) just as long as he was from UE we were all rooting for them.

It did not matter that I did not take my picture with them, the feeling of taking their pictures was already phenomenal. I wanted to tell them how good they were in the last season and I wish them good luck this coming season.

Thank you to the people at you are such a wonderful bunch of guys and gals! =)


Looking Cool, Looking Good!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I am currently contemplating on getting myself contact lenses. The deal is I do not really need it but I just wanted to get a little more HISPANIC looking and I need a light brown shade. I might need to also get my hair color changed but when I saw this image of John Lennon, I think I'll get myself eyeglasses instead. I need a change of look since I am somewhat in the fashion industry. I need to look decent when I go out otherwise nobody's going to notice me. I have a little theory that this may make me a little smart (which I am) and I am a little torn to get designer lens or contact lenses. Eyeglasses are a little expensive here but there are on line stores that offer it a little cheaper than usual.

It costs thousands of pesos but if you check out the ones on line they have great eyeglasses even for $8 and it would not hurt my budget. I wish malls have them too. It would be pretty hard for ordinary people to get prescription eyeglasses if it costs too much. I can afford expensive ones but it is not practical. I would gladly submit because this is a guy's fashion statement but who in the world is going to spend thousands for that!? I am glad there are on line stores like ZENNI who understands consumers like me. At least we have options when times like these come! Hey I just want to look good!
