Photo Back Logs

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Okay I admit I have not been post processing my photos that much but that is because of work. I have my priorities and this has definitely been a gruesome year for me because of a new hobby and new post. I work for a multinational corporation that needs special attention. Work is very important to me that is why I spent 5 years not incurring an absence or leave. I know sometimes I need to rest but my work ethics have the best of me most of the time so I always give in. It is hard don't get me wrong, but the fulfillment that I get when I see us doing a good job is addicting. When your boss knows you are doing a good job and later on give what is due you, then that is professional fulfillment. I could never trade that with anything in the world right now. I guess that is one reason I never really have that much time with love. Awe shucks! LOL

But I will be working on it now. My photos are already loaded on my laptop and got them running on the Lightroom Software now. Managing colors and alignment first before I do final retouches on Photoshop. I am optimistic I would be able to finish all my backlogs before the month ends and I will be starting with the latest photoshoot I had with my team in the office. Going to do layouts for them first in black backgrounds. =)


I Love Weddings!

I have attended around 3 weddings in January and I must say I have enjoyed it. My closest friends are all getting tied up so I was looking forward to see them make their own families. I guess if you think about it, I am the only one left that is single... well I guess that will be the case in a couple of years. I witnessed how happy they were in this day and I am sure that they have enjoyed every bit of their single life already before they got into it. I am doing wedding shoots and those dresses do not come cheap. The reception costs hundreds of thousands of pesos and if you plan to save, you have to know where you are going to spend your money. This one time big event deserves the best of what the bride and groom wants. The party starts with the concept of the whole wedding. There are cheap wedding invitations available on line that they can buy instead of having one printed by specialty shops. Some of them are very expensive if you have one custom made but if you think about it the on line versions of it are at par. Quality is the key for the perfect invitations. Limiting guests to a certain number is okay because I would not want to see some other people going to your wedding if they do not even know the bride and groom. I wonder how it would have felt to see some of the gate crashers spoil the party for the couple. I think there were some who did that on one of the weddings I attended, but the relatives easily took care of that by conveniently asking them to leave. Small tensions are really not that avoidable but the mood was still good so it's okay.

I wish I could show some of my friends the wedding gowns that I shot for a local designer here in Manila. They would probably hire my services if they saw how good the shots would have turned out. Let me show you some of it here.

Now are you thinking of getting married soon?! I probably am too but in the meantime let me enjoy my single life!


Rotating Brownout

Well looks like Meralco has been losing grip of the situation. There are places in Metro Manila now that has no power. Even the powerful TRINOMA Mall in Quezon City has some of the stores lose air conditioning and people are staying away from those areas. I am not surprised because this problem has been discussed in past administrations and we need a big supply to at least get us through the next decade. They are talking about Atomic Energy and I am quite okay with it as long as we don't enrich plutonium and make our own bombs. That would be really funny if it happened. Like if the IAEA suddenly went to our country and checked if we made the ones similar in North Korea. I wonder if that is feasible. I think Marcos in his time tried to do that. I am not surprised some of our scientists are working for NASA now. =)

The Rotating brownout is being done so we can at least have the electricity distributed throughout the metro. I hope they do this in the afternoon when most of the people are at work and not when everyone is resting at night. I would not want to see my folks suffer heat while sleeping, not even in the afternoon. They need airconditioning or maybe a measely fan to survive throughout this day. Heat stroke is very usual in our climate so I am trying to avoid that. I would not want to see any of my loved ones suffering through the same. I'll just keep busy tweeting here in the meantime. Thank the heavens I have wifi even at home. Although I would wonder if they have power outages in my area, its not being mentioned in the news so I am very lucky. =)


Lights Modified

I just told you a couple entries ago that I was planning to purchase an extra car. I have the budget now so I am carefully choosing between these two.

This is the TOYOTA PRIUS and the HONDA. They are the best HYBRID cars in the market. With this selling like hotcakes in the US and Europe I would like to take in consideration the advantages of having an environmental friendly car. I am totally going green. I do have to make some certain modifications with head and tail lights since I prefer a brighter kind like the ones that can be bought at on line stores like Hid. I would really love to see myself driving across the highways of Manila with a certain extra BLING and accessories. I also want gasoline efficient cars that would get me better mileage even if it is switching back and forth to electric motors. The weird thing though that I would probably feel after driving this is the quiet motor. My brother who has one told me that you would feel the car suddenly shuts down even if you are still moving. With the engine's sound off like that you would get nervous because you still are driving the same car. I better get some extra blinkers through CARID so I won't hit anybody that would not feel me passing by. Have you seen kits that slide as cool bluish white palette as this one?!

That is what I plan to get when the actual car arrives in my garage. I already have built storage for the stuff that was left there for years so it is clear for one more. The reason I want to get this particular light color is because I could not see that much in white or yellow light. Maybe this is a medical condition I have not really gotten checked out but this just happens at night and it is still manageable. Why would I settle for the stock one when I could get the better XENON HID Lights instead?! Isn't that right?!

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