Show Off My Photos

Friday, March 05, 2010

Since I plan to put up a studio soon, I was really looking for the perfect place to show off my photos and what ingenious idea I got from my Mom to have them installed in my room first. I know it is kind of self serving but if you think about it, it does make sense. I need to get acquainted with my work and my taste as far as photography is concerned. Just look at my recent work above. I would really want to see how it looks like in frames. I hope I can get these things done like the people from art framing Murrieta. They have real passion for their work too which is one criterion that is important for me. I want to have my portraits done and printed before the end of the month and put up a personal mini studio on my room. After I have collected enough shots then I will go ahead and put up the studio/photography gallery that will be the envy of everyone here. I just hope the quality of work I do is reflected on it too.

With all my friends and family supporting me in my craft I know I would be successful in whatever I do. Because they believe in me I make it a point not to disappoint them and do my best. If in the future I become a famous photographer like my idols MANNY LIBRODO and XANDER ANGELES I am sure they will always be behind me. This is the time to show off my photos!


Staple Food: Jollibee OMG!

It looks like its Jollibee again for me this evening. I don't want to eat fastfood but it looks like my healthier alternative is 711 which I like in some cases don't get me wrong but right now I am not in the mood to eat. I just bought CHAMP again and I don't know if I am going to eat it or not. Yesterday it was so hard to finish it but hell yeah I did still manage to devour the whole thing just by myself.

I am getting bigger by the day. I would not want to weigh myself tomorrow or the next day. Oh my I need to lose weight. =) But I am optimistic I will get to lose this sooner or later. I just need discipline.

Well there you go, I already finished eating. Good thing I did not eat the CHAMP. I only ate Tuna Pie and fries. But the fries still packed a lot of carbs I think haha! Anyway let's just try to get to the gym regularly okay?! Please try to do something about that gut you were always complaining about! Do it now so you won't get old regretting it! =)


Thinking About Investing

Thursday, March 04, 2010

I am right now middle aged and my goal to be a millionaire by 40 is really getting closer. Since I am going full throttle this year, I was thinking of what I would do with the extra money I have. Investing takes a lot out of me because I have many options. I once planned to engage in the stock market but since it is very volatile it is not a safe place to do this. My friends told me to put up small food businesses but the capability to maintain people in a not so white collared job is really going to take up much of my time. This is going to be good but I need to study their case studies. Dishing out the money is easy but I would need to do the homework myself. I need to probably investigate the company I am going to give my money to. Check out the place I would be putting it up and make sure the market is there. Aside from that, I need to check out the company's capability to maintain support as far as the investments are concerned. There are bankrupt fly by night ones and I would really need to avoid that. Maybe if we had on line services like Kansas bankruptcy then it would have been easy to check them out. I do not think we have that here yet but it would be really nice if someone would start showing these public records right?!

It is the safety of the investment that I am worried about. I would not want to end up broke after a few weeks of operation. Aside from that I wanted to look at other options aside from food. My friends tell me that there is this perfume business looming around the metro and they are looking for ways to expand their business. I think that would be a good thing to look at once I have checked out the food cart businesses first. I would be glad to achieve more than what I could think of and if investing is the key, let me in that line of business! Who does not want to get rich anyway?!



I want to spend my money on something big. I was invited to go to Ireland by my brother and it looks like I am going to push for it soon. It might take me a month to stay there and I need a very big excuse in the office. I need to file for leave when I do that. I know this would be a great thing to do and tour the whole place. I'm surely going to love it since I am planning to shoot huge landscapes. I plan to also purchase a couple of lenses so I can take that perfect shot.

How can I resist green things everywhere and rock formations, cliffs and beach fronts that look like the grand canyon?! I want to also take a closer look at people. I haven't seen that much Europeans in a lifetime so if I could I would make textured photos of old people. I like old faces. I like old bodies and if I am permitted to shoot nude I would gladly go for it. There was also a place my brother took some shots of statues that represented FAMINE. I also want to go to nearby countries if my visa permits it. I think that would be really nice to see. My brother is there and currently enjoying his citizenship. Maybe some things are going to be fixed here and there but I would like to get this plan going. If I do not get to go to the US, I will have to pursue going to Ireland later this year. Now comes the arduous task of working my butt off so I can buy tickets for it.
