Still... A Red Warrior!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

I went out with friends again from the UE RED TRIBE and boy was it a blast! Though I arrived a little late and a little over the third quarter I still go the feel and pressure of the game. Well, actually let me rephrase that... I did not enjoy losing to them but it was not much of a serious game I guess. If they won against AdU that day it would have been complete. I don't know what happened but maybe that tall African and Filipino American whom I saw towering over the studs of UE had something to do with it. Plus there was a small point guard who kept shooting threes when they were not feeling the court that day. I dunno why but I was still having fun even if they lost that day.

The UE Red Tribe has been supporting the Warriors since the day it was founded. And you know what I felt that day?! I kinda missed their company... so after the game, I had my camera with me and shot some photos with the warriors too. Paul Lee was a treat and so was James Martinez and Adrian sumthin (sorry it's too new for me...the rookies!) and please Warriors the Red Tribe is there to support you all no matter who you are. Don't think that we only support the famous ones... think about it... we are really just too shy to take photos with you guys LOL.

Even Coach Chiongson, we were too shy to take photos with him. I dunno why but man it was awkward! I hope we get some more someday soon! =)

Here's some of my shots! =)



One of my idols in wedding photography...
Happy Happy Birthday Rein!
This post is for you! =)


Something More Serious Than Acne

I experience breakouts every so often that I try to do self medication but most of the time they don't work. I seek advice from friends who have better skin but it turns out later on that they do not know what they are doing too; and you just end up like a bunch of guys in remission of puberty. I don't want to endure the same fate like my friends who still have pimples, acne and oily skin. At this day and age no one should be going through that anymore. People have been looking for the perfect medicine against severe acne. Some doctors in the 1980's prescribed accutane and inflammatory bowel disease was all they got. Things have just become worst and I am so appalled how a simple acne treatment would just become this lethal!

I've also read that this has been used to relieve signs of chemotherapy but I sit and wonder why these huge side effects were not researched and tested first before they got the medicine out for public consumption. Someone definitely has not been doing their job. May I ask how you feel about this medication? If you were the one taking this innocently and had experienced these side effects what would you do?! Have you seen any of their ads? What would you feel if it happened to you?! Everyone should be informed about this so checkout ACCUTANELAWSUIT.NET and learn about the adverse effects of this medication. I just pray no one I know goes through this horrible experience as others did.


Elections on May 10 =) Who's your bet?!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Awwwww.. I arrived in the office with my head hurting like hell. I don't know where this came from but I think the heat I endured while on a cab this morning started this all.... imagine its peaking 37 degrees here almost everyday. Our usual temperature is at around 23-25. Now you know why in the hell people are actually dying of heat stroke while campaigning. Hey did I mention elections will be on Monday?! Yeah its that near!

Who am I voting for!? It's still Noynoy. Second choice is Gibo. If only I could vote 2 people I would but you know how it is, a spade needs to be a spade. The Noynoy Aquino and Mar Roxas tandem already was endorsed by the INC. I hate INC and their ideals... I hate what they are but sometimes they do make sense like this endorsement. If I had 2 votes I would get Gibo too since he has a pretty clean record, plus my idols Daphne Osena and Uma Khouny like him too. I like what he stands for as well, during this campaign he never even had any ill feeling towards other candidates. He is the one who never has thrown a bad accusation against the other front runners. A pretty good guy in my opinion, but I think I already made up my mind and will vote for Noynoy Aquino. For Vice president, I am still thinking if I should vote for Roxas.... the Aranetas are really not that good as some people may say, they land grabbed some of the properties of my family before. So if I am going to vote for him our chances to reclaim our land might get slim. You know how it is with politicians and their power to influence people also... the justice system is very bad in this part of the world ye know!

Have you made your choice?! Who is it?! Lemme know!
