The Card Incident

Saturday, May 22, 2010

It was a warm Saturday afternoon when I went to the mall with my Mom and Dad. I do food reviews for some of the best restaurants in the country and I must say I get a lot of my friends to see them. I recommend the good ones and ask to try the not so bad ones. I have more readers in Manila than outside the country and I get some surprises every now and then. I went to one restaurant on the top floor of EASTWOOD MALL. These posh establishments are what mostly get rave reviews on my site and I was surprised when we sat in the Manager literally knew me. I haven't met him nor have I ever stepped into the restaurant before so I was really surprised. I think he got to see my photos in the site but that and the DSLR camera probably was a giveaway that I review restaurants. I tried to keep a low profile but on some instances they kind of talk to you even if you don't want to. He asked for my business card but I didn't have one that time. I only have one for work but not for my site. I know I need to get custom business cards so I would be able to identify my self every time I get to review institutions like that. They had a cooking school together with the restaurant and I am impressed about how it looked like. Though the next time I get there, I know I have to identify my self after wards. It was kind of awkward I did not have any cards with me that time. I looked very unprofessional. I want to go back there one day and present my self differently I guess. It's a hard day but I think I'll try and solve it one at a time. The card would have solved it all.


The Faces Of Poverty: Lucban, Quezon

When I arrived in Lucban, Quezon it was evident that the town had rich culture. Though it really showed another face of poverty. There are old ones, there are innocent looking kids in the street. Some of them are still in the festive mood even if they are in the sad plight of poorness. I had a lot to say about the ones near the church. There are still hundreds of people who are below the poverty line. They haven't tasted 3 meals a day like most of us. Here are some images of that...

This is a kid carried around by his mother near the church. I saw him peeking a bit when we passed by so I took a shot. I feel innocence with him. Even if he was dirty he was still happy being carried by his Mom. I think I went through this phase sometime in the past LOL... no seriously I was really drawn on his innocent look while I took this photo.

This was a dirty kid carried around by his mom inside the church grounds. I think they were begging or sumthing. I don't know why but I think this was the only time of the year there were lots of people in the town and they took the liberty to beg so I don't give that much thought on this one. I just pity the child had to be used so they would look KAWAWA.
This was not a sad story. This was a kid who stood by the pond outside the church. You see, they have this pond that had lots of tubes in the middle with faith hope love and the rest of the good things life has.... they kinda had it labeled so when someone shoots a peso inside they'll have their wishes come true. A wishing pond something like that. This kid tried to get some money off of it I think. Not sure. But I was captivated on how he eagerly waits for every peso to shoot inside the tubes. I like shooting kids I guess.
This was the woman in the street outside the church. Unlike the modern churches here in the Philippines, the one they had there was like sideways. The main door was on the side and the altar was on the left. I don't know if I entered the wrong door but it seems that is what it is. This lady had no home, she was a little filthy. I took a shot because I felt bad that everyone was happy and here she was in the hot sun just sitting there. I think she had no one to take care of her.

This was the guy on one of the houses in Lucban, he was singing for the enjoyment of everyone that passed by. I don't know why but I think they sang some kind of Ethnic Reggae thingy. I think everyone enjoyed what they were doing.

I'll get back to my roots of shooting street again sometime soon. I don't think this is my forte but I'm sure getting lots of fun doing it.

Till next time!


Web Host Goes Unlimited!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Nexx Online. All opinions are 100% mine.

I had a pretty good time again and it I must say this year was very productive. I got to publicize my site around the world by catching the SEO wave and got my own domain as well. I still am pushing for quality over quantity in doing posts and it has shown great content as my peers have noticed too. It's high time I get another site up but I'm still looking for the logistics in getting another domain published as well. This will be easy as long as Unlimited Web Hosting is available. I'm so glad there are institutions like NEXX who can provide this for me. I'm all for that!

Imagine unlimited disk space, bandwidth and emails. You get your own customized domain plus round the clock technical support for those who need it. They get to even have you hooked up with GOOGLE and FACEBOOK ads that would make traffic increase in your the first few months. Once you get your audience share it will be easy to sell your product and services if needed. NEXX has definitely raised the bar in providing this for everyone even if you use open source applications on your site. Tasks are now easier to configure because they sometimes only need a mere click of a button and voila! I love it! You should all get one now!



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The Show of Beauties: PARIKITAN

This was the only foreign entry. This was a show of beauty and indeed she lived up to the expectations of the public. She wore a very colorful gown as the rest of the contestants did. I was having a hard time doing shots in the mid afternoon since it was very hot and they did have some parts overexposed. I worked with what I had. I think this was the only descent couple I saw there. The others had weird partners that had too small guys and gay ones at that matter. They could have done a better job but hey its just a local fiesta so no need to be serious right? Then again that was actually a 50,0000 peso pot. The theme of each design had natural vegetables on it. It was nice to see it for the first time and no one expected a foreigner wore it! ^_^

This lady was difficult to shoot since she had an umbrella that constantly covers and uncovers her face. The exposure in this shot was varied but I think I did a pretty good job capturing this. She is not that pretty in person but as you can see she looks a million in this moment.

Now this lady wore something with suman and a mask. She had the right design and smile but I think it was really overshadowed by the fact that the other lady was a foreigner. I really like what she wore that afternoon though.

I think this one was the runner up. The intricate design on the dress probably made it what it is in the rankings and she was a sight to behold because of her smile. She wasn't that pretty but she was really appealing to look at. And she never did excuse herself posing for me even if there were lots of photographers at that time.

This was most colorful one. I used a flash so I could have the face only get one exposure. I just learned that trick there hehe. I like her smile. I mean who wouldn't right?! She is pretty and colorful at the same time and I guess she got one of the top prizes.

I think this gal won over all. The PARIKITAN lived up to its name and showed the most beautiful ladies in town I love it! I'll go back next year and see this again soon!
