If it's My Turn!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I have been looking for ways to stop time. I don't want to age like most of you guys and I have considered taking major surgery in the future. I want that or maybe get a different treatment that would not be invasive. I hate seeing knives. I hate seeing syringes and that event where it spurts liquid in the air before they stick it to you. Oh my... just typing that in made me feel some goose bumps. When I decide in the future to have something done I will get Studio City Plastic Surgery. I would go and get myself made up by their doctors who finished in the most reputable (some of them Ivy League) schools. I specifically like Dr. Brian Kinney to do the procedure. I've read the nicest things about his past patients and I'm sure to give it a try once I get my funds.

I realize I have a lot to thank for though. I have good genes and don't look my age so far. If I need to talk about it I'm sure that I can count on Dr. Brian Kinney MD to give me advice. I bet he's not going to be harsh and he can suggest things that can be done with minimal invasive surgery if I need one. Liposuction would never be too far away. Everyone has done it anyway so why shouldn't I take care of myself!

Disclosure Policy


Sunday, May 23, 2010

After a long hiatus of not doing food reviews I guess it was high time I do one back to back with my Johnny Rockets article a couple of posts back. This time we will be doing Sizzlin Pepper Steak in Eastwood City. I was dead hungry when this happened and I dragged along Dad since he was always game for eating anything. Not that I'm pushing for something bad for his diet but it's in these places where he finds happiness in eating. I immediately asked the server about their best seller and he answered quite canny. Of course it was the Beef Pepper Steak and I got to order that and the one with curry. The one with curry was a little more expensive, about 30-50+ bucks I think.

Their menu had a lot of offerings. I was not much of a rice eater (yeah I know why in the hell did I get this big) so I initially wanted a burger since those were the only ones I can eat (I have hellish allergy from seafood) but I wanted to quit my diet for a day so I went and ordered their Beef Pepper Steak for whatever it is.

The thing comes with these special sauces. They do give you these sauces for free so go ahead and order some more. The diablo was quite good and if you had nothing to do order that instead.

You might need to order extra servings of it because the sizzling pepper steak needs something to ward off that dryness. It became very good after that second wallop of sauce. I also needed to feel the pepperness of it all if that is the word for it.

I asked for the drinks to be served first and got this strawberry shake. It ain't for my Dad because it is too sweet but since he ordered one I had to drink 2 glasses full of it. It was like drinking cotton candy. Too much sugar for one sitting.

The creamy mushroom and corn soup was actually served cold. My Dad complained before they got it back and reheated it. That part was extremely disappointing because I wouldn't want people to think soups are supposed to be served room temperature. Someone must have forgotten to use the microwave oven. Although what I find funny is that my Mom and Dad became instant food critics when I got into doing food reviews. They are more vocal and complain a lot when we are eating. This was actually one of those days haha!

Now it's time for the fiesta de resistance and signature dish SIZZLIN PEPPER STEAK! The strips of beef was nice. Not that soft as I expected. It was chewy and you can still cut it with your teeth. Some pink on the meat would really spell blood but it was really good. I was looking for the peppery taste but I didn't find that. The hotness depended on the hot plate and I suggest you try to eat the thing while its hot otherwise the pepper you are looking for isn't that peppery at all. It was just there with the rest of the ingredients. The main difference of that and this one below with the curry is just the curry they put on the rice. I must admit I liked the one with curry on it rather than the original one. They serve this with paper covers so it wouldn't splatter all over you while its sizzling. Overall I like the experience in Sizzling Pepper Steak. It's for a man's appetite and make sure you eat something first before going here, it kinda had a long wait time for one measly plate of beef strips and rice.3 out of 5 KUMAGS!

Pics taken by my Blackberry Curve so don't complain too much! LOL =)


The Card Incident

Saturday, May 22, 2010

It was a warm Saturday afternoon when I went to the mall with my Mom and Dad. I do food reviews for some of the best restaurants in the country and I must say I get a lot of my friends to see them. I recommend the good ones and ask to try the not so bad ones. I have more readers in Manila than outside the country and I get some surprises every now and then. I went to one restaurant on the top floor of EASTWOOD MALL. These posh establishments are what mostly get rave reviews on my site and I was surprised when we sat in the Manager literally knew me. I haven't met him nor have I ever stepped into the restaurant before so I was really surprised. I think he got to see my photos in the site but that and the DSLR camera probably was a giveaway that I review restaurants. I tried to keep a low profile but on some instances they kind of talk to you even if you don't want to. He asked for my business card but I didn't have one that time. I only have one for work but not for my site. I know I need to get custom business cards so I would be able to identify my self every time I get to review institutions like that. They had a cooking school together with the restaurant and I am impressed about how it looked like. Though the next time I get there, I know I have to identify my self after wards. It was kind of awkward I did not have any cards with me that time. I looked very unprofessional. I want to go back there one day and present my self differently I guess. It's a hard day but I think I'll try and solve it one at a time. The card would have solved it all.


The Faces Of Poverty: Lucban, Quezon

When I arrived in Lucban, Quezon it was evident that the town had rich culture. Though it really showed another face of poverty. There are old ones, there are innocent looking kids in the street. Some of them are still in the festive mood even if they are in the sad plight of poorness. I had a lot to say about the ones near the church. There are still hundreds of people who are below the poverty line. They haven't tasted 3 meals a day like most of us. Here are some images of that...

This is a kid carried around by his mother near the church. I saw him peeking a bit when we passed by so I took a shot. I feel innocence with him. Even if he was dirty he was still happy being carried by his Mom. I think I went through this phase sometime in the past LOL... no seriously I was really drawn on his innocent look while I took this photo.

This was a dirty kid carried around by his mom inside the church grounds. I think they were begging or sumthing. I don't know why but I think this was the only time of the year there were lots of people in the town and they took the liberty to beg so I don't give that much thought on this one. I just pity the child had to be used so they would look KAWAWA.
This was not a sad story. This was a kid who stood by the pond outside the church. You see, they have this pond that had lots of tubes in the middle with faith hope love and the rest of the good things life has.... they kinda had it labeled so when someone shoots a peso inside they'll have their wishes come true. A wishing pond something like that. This kid tried to get some money off of it I think. Not sure. But I was captivated on how he eagerly waits for every peso to shoot inside the tubes. I like shooting kids I guess.
This was the woman in the street outside the church. Unlike the modern churches here in the Philippines, the one they had there was like sideways. The main door was on the side and the altar was on the left. I don't know if I entered the wrong door but it seems that is what it is. This lady had no home, she was a little filthy. I took a shot because I felt bad that everyone was happy and here she was in the hot sun just sitting there. I think she had no one to take care of her.

This was the guy on one of the houses in Lucban, he was singing for the enjoyment of everyone that passed by. I don't know why but I think they sang some kind of Ethnic Reggae thingy. I think everyone enjoyed what they were doing.

I'll get back to my roots of shooting street again sometime soon. I don't think this is my forte but I'm sure getting lots of fun doing it.

Till next time!
