Amazing Eyeglasses!

Friday, May 28, 2010

I know we all strive to look good and I haven't seen any of my friends throwing in the towel to severe ugliness or staying plain Jane. I get to see everyone make an effort each day to look the absolute perfect just to say I'm better than other people. It is something innate that make this phenomenon work. We also never get tired of it and to tell you the truth; I'm not surprised! I think it is man's urge for self improvement and the way we do it externally tells how we are with other people. I often purchase signature clothes, shoes and accessories but these days it is pretty hard on the budget. I know how hard it is to keep thrifty if you want quality and a polished look at the same time. The world market says so and it looks the same on any part of it too. Mom and I dropped by the local optometrist a few days ago to get some eyeglasses. Mom needed a new pair so badly because her old one fell off when she tripped in the church sidewalk that weekend.

Upon getting checked, she needed different grades for each eye. The optometrist/ophthalmologist suggested bifocals for her. She got up and searched the store; we found this red frame perfect for her however it was going to cost her 5,000 pesos. Its way off my expected price but she needed one badly.

There are on line stores selling these for 8 dollars and they were selling it for way more than that. I could have waited a few days for the eyeglasses and saved a lot in the process. Locals don't know it but we who frequently get on line do! I'm sure if they read the great words a guy said here for the eyeglasses they would change their mind and probably get their supplies there too. Imagine I can get the same quality for a tenth of the price. This is just amazing ZENNI!


Rude Boy

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sometimes there are some people who give you hell even if you don't do anything to their lives. How I wish I could do the same evil deeds to them. How rude. If only I can call them names on this site. Ahhh I'm sure someday someone will put them into their own places and have a little bit of sense when it comes to working with other people.

I wish there was something like an unspoken manner of doing work related stuff in the office. Something to respect other people from other departments. Haaaa sometimes you just come to a point where you want to punch them in the face. Good thing I got to anger management movies before this came along LOL.

Oh here I am checking out some other bloggers site. Reading their work is like therapy. I wish I could write like them soon LOL. Not to put my self down I think I write pretty decent since it has already been years since I started all this s***. Hahaha!

Now I am calm and collected so here I go and call that other department to have them fix whatever issues they have on my people. I hate them but we need to live a civil life!


Easy Search an Easy Read

I am a self confessed bookworm and I have been reading since I was 3 or 4. I was into heavy literary work when I was a kid and I must say it had something to do with my interest of going out; and I couldn't do that because my Mom used to tie me to a tree back then LOL. My penmanship also suffered because I must say I felt everything was forced to me rather than being enjoyed just like reading. Thank the heavens for great EBOOKS that I always read every chance that I have free time. It's great for my KINDLE and that IPAD that I plan to buy soon. There are also wonderful pdf search engine sites you can go to and view the latest titles you can download for free (if available). I love how technology had made everything easy. I am free and I feel so liberated every instance I finish reading a novel. I must say it has given me more than just simple pieces to read; it has given me the benefits of expanding my territory virtually. It made me more of a wide reader than I was back in the 80's.

I have used the PDF file format for my documents too so people from different parts of the globe can read the manuals and forms I make so transactions from the corporation I work for and other multinational companies easily transact business. I love how easy it would be to find them now on the Internet since there are specialized search engines for this file format. It would save me a lot of time and money and in times like these; a dollar worth of savings is monumental. I like it!


I'm Going Crazy

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sometimes as I sit by myself and contemplate on things, I try and listen to songs that can soothe my mind and set a mood. I heard this over the radio and never got its title and while browsing Youtube I suddenly heard this familiar song again. It was another OMG moment.

Okay guys, here's the news... I think I'm falling in love again. Nyahahahah! I know... how many times do we have to get hurt... how many times do we need to be broken... and here I go again. Well I can't really do anything about it... I'm liking someone just by mere talking to her... how she listens to me crack jokes here and there... ahhh I never learn huh?!

Anyway, if I ever fall off a cliff again I know my friends will be there. To share may agony hahaha!

I'm just gonna try again, no hangups or what not... just gonna have fun with her and see where we end up. :) I know what you are thinking but hey give me a break! I've been single for a year already I think... that's how I started photography in the first place =P

Okay just for fun I'll add this one too! I'm getting a little mushy but please let me have fun with this one okay?! I'll tell you about it soon.
