Be Wise and Get Covered!

Friday, June 04, 2010

I've been driving for a few years now and I must admit it is definitely a chore that you can't get out of. If the time comes that you end up being the family driver or the designated one for your friends; you clearly have some responsibilities which you did not account for. If you encounter accidents or mishaps you have to take in mind the lives of your passengers. I learned a lot from driving school but the Car Insurance Los Angeles has is incomparable. If you call the toll free number 1-800-475-6840 you'll understand what I mean.

It is quite easy because they can give you free insurance quotes from them which you can never find in some other established corporations. It pays to be informed too so if there would be some way you can get insurance for your vehicles without worrying if you meet an accident or any other problems with your car then that would be just bliss! I would not want another headache if I bump on other cars accidentally... not that I'm looking forward to ha-ha!

My advice is; get a reputable company to back you up whenever you get a car. It can spare you the problems of property and life. I'd be smart and get myself a better one if my current insurance provider doesn't give a damn about what service means. It's the best thing you could give your family too.


Disclosure Policy

Another Hater Bites the Dust

Thursday, June 03, 2010

I've done good food reviews and apparently it did reach the particular establishment that I intended it for. You know what I got this morning?! A hate comment from their people. Most probably, the owners got to read the review and instructed the people there to do better. Hey dimwit, if you are reading this, I filter my comments section so you won't see your piece here okay?! This is my site, my turf and if you want to do more this is not the place for you unfortunately... =P

Nyahahah! I am so evil sometimes...

Dude, here's my advise... Treat your customers well, your food already is outstanding since most of us order your specials. If you take criticism that way you will never improve. Think clearly and ask yourself why I said my piece about your restaurant. I'm sure its the same thing with other people there. You will never have repeat customers if you don't take the time to listen.

I never concentrated on the bad things about your store, what if I did and never mentioned the good things about it? Will you feel more agitated? Try to feel if you were in the shoes of your customers and served mediocre food and pay hundreds of pesos for it. I know you wouldn't be as happy as I was huh?!

Think about it!

Well actually I feel its a little useless... its useless to talk to people who have no idea what we do in food reviews. It's also hard for people who never even graduated high school or probably just high school graduates to understand what I meant in this post. Nyahahahah!


They Should Consider Small Loans

I guess I had the habit of lending some of my friend's money. I don't know how impulsive I got until it went big a couple of days ago. I thought I was helping them but apparently I was only putting myself in the same situation as they are. I am a little tired of reminding them to pay me back the money they owe me and I don't do that in a normal day. Small Loans are supposed to be easy and guilt free but it wasn't happening on this one. I was already talking to them awkwardly since day 1 and I know it was going to affect our relationships. I should have told them to make other plans when it comes to these. I'm sure they probably know how it felt when we were talking over a cup of coffee that day. It wasn't easy at all!

They should have considered other options like Payday, Pawn broker, Personal Bank and Credit Card loans. They have easier terms and bigger ranges as far as costing goes. I learned a lot from site like SMALLLOANS.ORG and I think you should pay them a visit so you could get some tips or two about how to get one fast and efficiently. At least it won't affect how you treat each other after that. It would be easier to go through this path than worry about us. That would be the smarter choice!



Wednesday, June 02, 2010

There must be some kind of conspiracy. Another DPP Anniversary party will commence on July 3 at Fullybooked Bonifacio High Street. I will definitely be there. This time I'm going to get my hands on the pass printed on Issue 32 and get in line with Xander Angeles' seminar. I am surely going to enjoy that! The first time I met this awesome photographer, I almost dropped Trish (my cam) because I thought I was doing fashion photography... until I saw his shots... my jaw dropped literally.

With this in mind, I would not forgive myself if I do not get in that seminar. He will be there to show me the ways of fashion photography and I will get him to sign my copy of issue 32 that had Anne Curtis on front. I need to get this by hook or by crook!

I might also get to have it signed by Anne Curtis too. Well that's if she gets back from LA that is hehehe....

For more details of the event, check the thread here CLICK THIS.

See you there!
