Happy Anniversary My D60KREW Family!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It was hightime we did a photowalk again or as we had on some of our printed shirts FOTOWALK NA D60KREW! Because we are celebrating our Anniversary this June. Since the threads conception last year, my dear camera (Trish) and I have been buds with the same breeds as with my peers over at the D60KREW. I learned a lot from doing street photography and portraiture with them. I guess in its simplest form, I did have a lot to learn when I started this hobby and what great news to have but get acquainted with people who have been using the gear more than me... I met the D60KREW family when all I wanted was to take decent pictures and I think I got more out of that.... obviously it spurred lots of hot days under the sun and the camaraderie. All that and the fun quirky moments with the other guys and gals of the krew.

Here are some highlights of the Anniversary walk last Sunday:

Cid Estrada, Ryan Liberato, Ardiel Ross Topacio, Valynn Katrine Mag-usara, Francis Cayetano, Bangge Sella-Mahilum, Andy Rodriguez 洪安洛, Ronald Reyes Orcino, Me , Xander Solis, Andrew Alonto and Ms. Bambit. If names are missing facebook probably had something to do with it hahaha!

There were a lot of group hugs that happened. Some of them were really wacky as you might have known. What can we do, we're a happy bunch! If you combine the antics of the good guys and gals of the D60KREW, the long walk or travel would not probably tire you... but the laughs in between will. This walk was sort of a comeback since we held our first one inside the walls of Intramuros. It was scorching hot but we had a lot of fun!

Here's more of my BTS shots:

D60KREW Belle on a Bell Bangge Mahilum

Ms Bambit, Andrew, Geh, Ryan and Xander taking a rest. It was hot and we were tired!

Carlo, Joseph, Andrew, Ryan, Cid and Xander taking a seat on the streets of Intramuros.

D60KREW Noobs Andrew, Geh and Mhacdo. Ryan stands behind them.

D60KREW FOTOWALK NA! Art Topacio and Bangge wearing it proud!

To everyone who made this photowalk happen and to all my buds in the D60KREW....

Happy Anniversary D60KREW!

Until the next FOTOWALK! =)


Managing Information Structures

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This is going to be a little technical so bare with me. I know I'm used to talking about this stuff in the office on a regular basis but let me impart to you a few things about network services. It has been obvious that I know how routers, switches and wireless networking devices work. I've been an expert on it for quite a number of years now. Experience tells me that together with premier grade devices there should be a corresponding working database that would efficiently bring any system up to its feet. The electronic mail that we use in everyday office work for example needs listings for the whole thing to work. Managing thousands of mail recipients and senders on a secure environment is tantamount to corporate systems. Without it and its security everything would be out in the open including company secrets. That would be the end of an illustrious career and a whole operation. I know I have a lot to learn and it is a good thing that Active Directory Tutorial can be accessed with a simple click of a button. Learning the concept of LDAP directory services would get me well informed than some of my other peers who are in the industry. We probably all schooled on same universities but experience would definitely get someone like me an edge. That; and a couple of masters class too in a well known university perhaps would seal it up when I get the urge to study again soon.

Anybody want to learn about it with me?! Just let me know!


Angels and Demons

This Saturday was extra special. I had a great time with my first group the Digital Katipuneros. DK as we call it was the first organization I got to be with when I started this hobby. I think I also got infected with GAS (Gadget Acquisition Syndrome) from them too because when I saw their gear, it was everything a guy like me couldn't resist. Well that's aside from the fact that I really needed to buy them eventually. Armed with a 35mm lens this time, I proceeded to the photoshoot location in Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife. We usually have shoots here since everyone is within the Quezon City Area.
This was around noon... well probably 3PM and we met at the amphitheater. I saw some new guys. I admit I haven't been going to DK because of my schedules and other organizations I go to also, but since I already had gone to their first ones the pillars of DK were just like family. I never hesitated to shoot with them since I feel really comfortable. The concept as the title of this post suggests is Angels and Demons. A lady that I shot before was there as an Angel. Jackie was all smiles. She had that same predicament as snow white on a fairy tale. It was perfect though since it was a very dramatic shoot. Under the hot circumstances we were in it was hard to keep composure. We wiped off droplets of perspiration every now and then. But it all went perfect. Even Mae who did the Demon role was great! She was fierce and it was all good to end the photoshoot since I had work a few hours after that. The output?

Here is one of them... =)

Nice huh?! =)


Views on the Outsourcing Industry

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I have been in the outsourcing and business process industry for around 6 years. I guess I am much of an expert since I climbed up the ranks. I know I have a lot more to offer. I also have the thing on looking for what is best in the world of computing corporations and I must say there are several companies who achieve more than the usual. Without a doubt; there must be some standards set for every business to succeed in this industry. In the quality of workers it is a concern for these corporations to have literature fulfillment at every way since they are catering for a worldwide audience. Going international is essential in this day and age because everything is connected. The world literally shrunk in the last few decades because of information technology. These companies are harnessing things that could get them have resources cheaper without compromising quality. I know institutions that successfully merged these and are reaping the benefits.

The Philippines and India have gained a lot since inbound and outbound call centers have flourished in major cities too. The dollars people are saving elsewhere become work for them and I think that is essential to making the world a little more challenging for emerging markets. It takes a balancing act to do all these. I'm sure you know what direct marketing companies to choose next time to make your business flourish in the next few years. Make sure you take a closer look at their records and know you can make the best choice!

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