When Angels Fall Down From Heaven

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Let's go back to the wonderful world of photography again. This time I'll be showing some of my shots from the Angels and Demons Photoshoot we had last Sunday. The wonderful people at Digital Katipuneros has shown remarkable themes these past few shoots. I guess the anniversary made everything fall into place. The next ones also had some celebrities on it but we'll keep it mum until I get to shoot them. You know how it works right?

So now here are some of my shots for the Angels and Demons Photoshoot. Please wait for my Demons Set also. Jackie as always has showed her incredible beauty... very effortlessly. This was a joy to shoot so I hope you enjoy em alright?!

Here it is...

As you can see I played a lot with different treatments on the photos and some of them are going to be in layouts too. I would probably come up with those layouts as soon as I finish with Mae's sets. Right now I think I got the hang of doing a fine job with the skin tones. This relatively is a little saturated but it is on the mid ranges so its not as annoying as some other photographers actually do. I did these all with my 35mm and I must say it has performed quite well. I was thinking of doing more head shots but it was being a little repetitive. I have not done what I imagined on a perfect photoshoot yet but hey I think I have pretty great shots right?! =)

Thank you to Jackie and Mae, to our MUA who did a great job on this theme, and of course Digital Katipuneros! Great job guys!


Technology Infrastructure and its Benefits

The Internet has been a mighty tool for economies and marketing strategists alike. People purchase things on line and the convenience you can get from all of these things is phenomenal. Some institutions can even deliver purchased products to your doorstep for free. The value of internet marketing and its benefits has outweighs the problem this medium has brought about in the industry. Harnessing its power is essential so we as a country would be able to perform well in a globalized economy.

The Philippines has a lot to offer; and if we do not try and cope up with the technology standards of our neighbors in South East Asia... there will be a vacuum for raw talented people. Our economy will remain stagnant due to poor network infrastructure and we would not be able to hit out economic goals no matter how much we want to compete with other countries. I would like to have my badge of honor set in keeping a safe but constant GDP growth and have that felt by the people I love in the Philippines. It's the perfect prerogative any leader should have. Now that we have elected a president who promises a better path to economic stability; I wish he takes the time to listen and heed the call for better infrastructure as we face globalization head on! Who's with me on this plan?! Let's go!


Burnout... I hope not!

Sometimes we ask too much of ourselves. I often think about what I could do to be better at what I do. I think that would make me better at work but now that I am contemplating on something; it includes the time that I haven't been paying attention to myself. I haven't had a vacation for 6 years. That and a possible burnout in a couple of days is looming. I just hope it doesn't happen.

My nose bled thrice yesterday and I was frantically trying my best to calm down. The condition maybe medical in nature but somewhere, somehow, I was thinking about me taking a break. When and how I would do this remains a question that all of my friends probably am asking.

Now that I'm looking at facebook a lot of times these days I envy my friends who go out often. Although some of them, I don't really know if they have money to spend hahaha. I want to try it out someday. Maybe a whole month out of the country. I need to get to Ireland and visit my brother soon. It would probably be a great trip to see the cliffs and green pastures. I want to see castles and photograph them too. Anybody has a spare ticket to Europe?! Hehehe just askin!


I Need A Vacation!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I need a vacation! I think I have been stressed too much lately that I am already getting sick. I am having nose bleeds every now and then and it is getting to me quickly. The break I want to have should be still comfortable. I couldn't stand the heat of the sun. I might pass out in the middle of travel and people might not appreciate passing by the hospital first before we get to the destination. I was thinking of getting myself one of those motor homes I usually see in Florida. That would really be a perfect fit; and it would be all good for my needs. I know there are affordable ones now in the market and I should start by taking the easiest way to find it... on line!

I could imagine pulling this from North to South giving me the best comfortable ride I've always wanted. I wouldn't want to suffer the same fate I had a few months ago where I had to cook until well done under the sweltering heat of the sun just because I needed to get to our home a few hours South of Manila. I almost fainted while driving and I dragged my Mom and Dad along too. That was a nightmare for me! I would never want to drive that way ever again! I need an RV or a motor home fast... do you know where to get one fast?! Let me know!
