Insurance Lessons Learned

Monday, June 21, 2010

How can I forget the time when I first got into a car accident? I remember it vividly... that comes together with the argument and big fight I had with the other party too. That was a few months ago but now my insurance agent is hounding me of horror stories. He claims some parts are not going to be paid for. I said "this is what I get for getting mediocre institutions as my insurance provider". I would like to look for a better one just like those in Los Angeles Car Insurance. There is no comparison believe me!

I know that the Car Insurance Los Angeles has is better evidently in terms of coverage and benefits. Everyone needs a reputable one so when the time comes you need their help they wouldn't be the first one to give you problems. I experienced this one already and I did not follow my instincts of getting some information on the Internet first before blabbing about policy indicated in fine print. I learned a mighty good lesson and probably next time I'll get Los Angeles Auto Insurance to be a standard on what I need when I get the next set of wheels ha-ha! That's because I want to make it right! I better call them now at 1-800-475-6840 and get that free insurance quote fast!

Disclosure Policy

Kamuning Elementary School Batch 1991 Reunion

*Here's a look back at us 20 years ago*

Hi Classmates! Hi Batchmates! =)

I'm not much of an organizer... but then again it has been ages when we last met (like 20 years!) so I would really want this to push through. I would like to propose a small gathering. Some of us all have something scheduled already so I'm setting this to next month, particularly August 7th... that is a Saturday. It won't be on your family day and it wouldn't be on your day for going out (use friday for that!).

I know most of us are out of the country (hence they won't be there) but some of us are still in QC or nearby places and that's what I want to have organized first. We'll probably be doing it on a restaurant, I don't know if lunch or dinner would be best so I would like to get some suggestions from you guys where we could do this. Lunch is favorable for Mommies and Dinner - evening would be best for us guys + 2 bottles of beer right (of course!)?!

So here's the thing, I would like you to have the whole August 7th reserved for anything that we would do as early as now. The venue will remain "to be announced". As for expenses for food and drinks, chipping in wouldn't be so bad...

I would also like to ask you guys to remain online and check your private messages from time to time... some of you gave me your contact numbers, I'll have you updated there too as much as I can. I hope in this busy lives we have; we can still find time to meet and catch up on stories. This is the time to reconnect with old friends so please reserve that Saturday for us. Get it?! Got it?! Good! =)


NOCTURNALS: On our first Anniversary!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Today is the day we've all been waiting for. The Nocturnals on it's first anniversary is doing it with a big bang as they come up with this years biggest party right in the heart of Quezon City! Let's let loose at one of the biggest clubs in the metro... come join us in DOLCE SUPERCLUB at Tomas Morato, 10PM onwards!

This is DUSK TIL DAWN.....

How can you resist awesome models, fashion photographers and great designers from Fashion Institute of the Philippines. I know you wanna go! But how you ask?! Just come over to DOLCE tonight and get a ticket at the door. Or if you wanna get hooked up call or text 0915816444. My friends from the Nocturnals would be able to get you reservations and VIP tables as you need em.

Who do you think are the hottest people?! It's Nocturnals. The children of the night will also have some special guests and celebrities so come and join us this evening or else!

Be there or just stay at home looking fat and ugly in the couch, those are your choices! Get it? Got it? Good!

Dress to impress please! =)


Bikes and Girls

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Who hasn't dreamed of their own HARLEY DAVIDSON bikes?! I guess everyone does have that certain urge to own one. It's the machismo and impact of men in leather probably that makes it so sexy. I want one of my own so I am looking for the perfect one now. I want it big because I am not the typical Filipino built and I need more horsepower than the usual bikes since I have that habit of bragging about it too. I need to satisfy my wishes for the perfect one and fit the budget. I also know that bikes and girls fit together perfectly and a biker match would probably be also in the works. I want a lady that would be able to ride with me into the sunset. If they would be able to do that; then that would be great!

I'll be dating one of them soon and enjoy the life I've always wanted. I'm single now and if it comes to a point that this liking to women motor heads would answer my fit to get married too then that is a big bonus! If my friends would pick up the lifestyle I have then I would be glad to help them out too. There are thousands of women we can meet on line that have the same wants and haves right now. I would play cupid and never bat an eyelash for them! After all I'm pretty sure I could get one in a jiffy!
