The Best: Bed Rest

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's that time of the day where the strong winds and rain pour down heavily on the metro. I cuddled up a bit with my big mug of chocolate and settle down on my bed. Bedroom Furniture like these is really comfortable and I'm sure to get more of them soon. I'm also planning to design another room and I need something affordable without compromising quality.

This is really a place of refuge for me. I think we all spent a quarter of our life in it. I have 8 pillows and want more. I'm pretty tall and I'm glad the bed I have now is as big as it should be. I'm not quite so sure about some of my blankets though because some of them are really short. This is still the place I go to when I need to read a book or press keys on my lap top. It's a great place to escape even in the midst of your own home. I can even do it curling up like a ball with just a t shirt on!

Imagine life without a place to rest after a hard day's work. That would really get your stress levels up and may give you a heart attack in no time. If I were you I would think about the things I buy and consider the ones on line. They would not be popular in the first place if they did not have that many people getting them right? They would be the ones to attest to the quality and help you make that choice if you start renovating rooms like me. I'm going to have fun doing this I'm sure!


People Change

Monday, June 28, 2010

I guess I'm thinking a lot these days. On where I am going with my life and everything else that's in it. My friends from way back... I saw a lot of them this week and I really established one thing; people change.

I am susceptible to change... maybe everyone is. I don't know because I'm not them. I hate being general. I don't even know if this is the EMO thingy I felt a couple of months ago. It's so passe that its too late to even feel that now. Are there EMO's still in existence? Haven't seen suicide attempts in the news lately so I don't know.

Hey guys bare with me a bit ok? I'm a little bit off today so all the blogging rules I implemented then are going haywire. I hope this is a burnout. If that happens to me 6 years worth of non vacation might erupt. That wouldn't be a pretty sight.

I also saw something 2 nights ago that I shouldn't. It could be detrimental to me and the other person. So I'll probably choose to keep mum about it. I wouldn't want to spread rumors. It's the truth but I wouldn't want to start anything like that. A lot of people might see things differently. That person might hack me with a bolo or something similar. It's not valentines yet so I wouldn't want to see red that way LOL.

Change is everywhere, if I didn't see that coming my IQ wouldn't have been 145. MENSA wouldn't have been a part of my future plans. I never thought it is going to be this difficult at this time of the year and it's just June. I'm looking forward to 6 more crazed months after this one.

This is such a lame post I had to let you read it. Ha-ha!


Web Hosts: The Little Choices We Make

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's that time of the year again when everything in my site becomes all temporary. If I don't get to pay my hosting provider this year they will probably take out my site instantly. They would not also hesitate to suspend services if they do not get credited at all. I understand how they feel but if you think about it, do they even ask people about their services? Like anything it's probably not that all perfect. It is tantamount to the success of your web site if you get the corresponding great web hosting provider. I know every web administrator understands how that works.

In the world where everything has been really busy; the last thing you would want think about is how you would need to manually go and pay for your domain purchases. It is troublesome for people like me and I would never want that to happen to other people. Getting a good company on line that can cater to our needs is not a luxury but a necessity. If I wasn't thinking about the other things that I could productively do other than worry about something that should be simple then I could have taken just anything. I know how hard it is to do all these together with managing several hundred people at work. I wouldn't want to suffer the consequences of not doing my job just because I had to make an effort doing things for my site. You all understand me BLOGGERS and web administrator's right?!


Party Like a NOCSTAR!

Oh boy have I been partying hard. I went home a couple of hours ago and I haven't got that much sleep yet. To tell you the truth, I went to around 8 different events this weekend so you kind of get the idea on how busy I got just by looking at the number. But no matter how hard it is I did my best to go to all of them. I need to support my friends and peers of course!

Two of these events I went to last night were notable.... the UE Red Tribe had a small gathering/party; and I'm glad we did get to meet each other. I think I did really miss the guys. Best of all, I got to pay for my shirt since the UAAP season is coming. I will be there on the second day though. Why? Because this year we are not going to have a game on opening day. We will also be battling it out with UST so you kinda know how that will go. Of course we will win because their lineup is not that impressive. I hope idol Paul Lee and James Martinez just do their job well. I'm sure they will.

My peers from Nocturnals had an event last night. Yes I had a blast, and so were hundreds upon hundreds of people who flocked to EIVISSA. It was my first time in that bar. Their crowd? It was a mix. Mostly from C and D but it does the job because the place is nice although there are some issues when it gets crowded... the airconditioning sucks!

But all in all what matters most in that night is the success of my photography org and the corporation we put up. I applaud them all. I am sorry though I wasn't able to help or get a bigger role on this event unlike the others who pulled life and limb to get it that rowdy! It was a blast and I'm so glad it became a successful event!
