Happiness in Twitter!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I felt really good this evening even after that whole riot outside Eastwood because 4 Jeepneys full of SONA protesters were stopped by the police and decided not to let any vehicle pass at C5. I have composure... therefore I will try and shy away from all of that brouhaha with traffic and politics and talk about something that made me happy these past few months.

I know its kinda corny but I have been addicted to twitter. I mean who doesn't in this day and age. I admit I have this habit of being online 24/6... because that one day less is when I get some rest through photography.

I am so glad though that I've met such wonderful people in cyberspace. I'm going to tell you something about them and I hope you take time to understand why I follow them religiously.

If you watch TV and love local TV shows, you have to make sure you get to connect with @kbrosas. She's hilarious and over the top when it comes to making people laugh. She doesn't reply that much to people but I understand why, its because there are too many who follow her already and getting to do that would take weeks. Her everyday antics include a "Dear Teh" portion which could rival the giant TV network shows when it comes to love advises. Funny, Witty but very real... That is K Brosas for you. She's one fine woman too so if you single guys are planning to find one; try your best to impress her! PAK! and visit her site www.kbrosas.tk!

Of course! She does everything! An icon of Fashion, Print, and Multimedia; she does it all. She's got one of the most prettiest faces to ever grace the Philippine Movie Industry and I wasn't surprised why Hollywood also got her for several stints a few years back. Doting mother to Lorin and Venice she has been an image of strong, powerful womanhood bar none. If you follow @iloveruffag you'll understand why people adore her. Ms Ruffa as I call her always made time to answer tweets no matter how busy her schedules are. She's very articulate and down to earth. She shows how fabulous life could be and how to balance it with a glorious family life. She knows how to love... and I envy people who could do that despite of the hardships in life. She's an amazing woman and I'd marry her if Nigella Lawson doesn't accept my proposal! (just jokin! =) ) Find out the latest in Philippine show business from her too! Thanks for inspiring people and the DM's you sent Ms Ruffa! =)

Now what is this beautiful Italian lady doing in my list?! She quickly can crack a joke, she's a mermaid, a unicorn she's everything you want her to be. She's got no boyfriends but she's got a rap album. She's a jejemon and a classy sassy person all in one. She's a seasoned international actress and a multi awarded one at that fact but you can never ever take out her great personality. If you don't know what I mean, just go ahead and follow @msderossi and you'll constantly be amused by this gorgeous woman. I never knew she could be that funny the first time I saw her tweets; lo and behold... she does make me happy. She's really active and appreciates humor when she sees it. I think I did make her laugh a couple of times too. It shows how intelligent she is and I'm sure anyone would definitely consider this picturesque, modelesque lady to be a catch! I would want to have her shot too, no not with a gun but with my cam... She's a dream model... and why not?! She's after all Alessandra Derossi! You can also catch her at http://alessinwonderland.com/ I'm sure you'll enjoy her company every bit of the way!

Now here goes the person I call habibi... for all the right reasons and all the great guys I get to still have that certain IQ or EQ equivalent he's certainly on that level. He's funny and straight to the point... he won't stop telling you a spade is a spade and I like people like that. Hence, here I am following @umakhouny on twitter. You should do the same if you dig people who are good but not over acting. He innocently is funny. I wonder sometimes if he was a long lost brother or something (but I'm probably just thinking too much hehe =) ). He's not like other artists who just because they are artistas already "had a license to become an airhead". He's really a good guy and he never wants to alienate you from the way he sees what the Philippines is. I often watch his show Trip na Trip and I must say he has definitely improved over the past few years since he's been here (from his stint with PBB and all!). He is so gracious and answers back on twitter which is so important to people that follow him. I think he takes time to do that because he knows how it is important talking to people. I personally want to thank him for the friendship, even if its just here. You'll go places Uma! I know you do! =)

Ms Daphne Osena Paez is one of the few people who I love so much in cyberspace. From her flickr photography stints from way back until she put up a blog and eventually this twitter account, I really love where she's heading. I think I joked about it once that she's a MOGUL already but I think things are definitely taking shape. She had the monumentally successful F lifestyle program with Cher Calvin and Angel Aquino then and today she's working with News and Current Affairs with UZ aka Urban Zone showing the greatest and grandest houses the Philippines has to offer. We are after all not behind design and architectural wise. I learned a lot from the few episodes I watch in the office because yeah I have to run and get break times allotted on her time slot since I work in the gravey. She is so sweet and endearing. She has so many causes up her sleeves and I applaud her for that. She has been so good to people who frequent her blog and twitter... minus some detractors as she says but it never even bothered her to still do good things. She's like a fresher, soooo much younger Martha Stewart and if you ask me why I follow her... I know a good person when I see one! Thank you Ms. Daphne for everything! I'll never forget the Olay package I won too! Teeeheee! Follow @DaphneOP!

Now guys, if that is not enough information on why you should follow these people I adore I don't know what else would convince you. They are the best ones so far in the Philippines, I'll let you know the international ones later on. Again thank you so much to these people that inspire me! =) I'll let you know a couple more soon!

Image credits go to them. (It's their Current Twitter Avatars)


Get Furniture and You Won't Regret It!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I often complain about how my life ended up like this but I'm not complaining why I'm currently single. There are a lot of things that I got to think about because of this situation and in retrospect one of them is how to keep a lasting relationship. I confuse myself most of the time but it all boils down to pleasing the woman in your life. This concept is simple yet complicated but I don't argue with what's natural. There might be a couple of exceptions here and there but if you think about it they are not that different at all. You have to get them flowers every once in a while and you have to treat them right. You also need to figure out how complicated their world is and squeeze in buying rustic bedroom furniture so you have that hint of a marrying type of person. I'm no relationship expert but when it comes to getting a point across I think I have so much experience in that department.

There is also certain nostalgia about giving people high ticket items such as furniture. It comes to them as a security blanket so you won't fear they would be just left hanging anytime. I usually buy them when the time comes to live together. You get to see how she is in her natural environment. I also get to see how different she is after the dating phase where you mostly see only the best foot forward. In hindsight, you get to have your apartment or house redecorated with the best natural wood which I love so much in that shabby chic feel I usually see in lifestyle channels. I love how my room ends up even after the relationship fails. I get to have what I need on investment furniture and have my partner happy at the same time. It's hitting two birds with one stone; who am I to complain?! So make sure you get them that bar or bed you love when the need arises. I got the best of both worlds and you should too!


Missing Their Music

Friday, July 23, 2010

I wonder what happened with these three artists. Good thing there is youtube otherwise I would have died boring my self to the amuse of a couple of my enemies. I love Macy Gray and her oh so husky voice. Where else could you see a woman like this kiss a dreadlocked guy on her MTV. When all the things I watch over channel V and MYX are all Korean you kinda sit back and wonder whatever happened to those artists you love so dearly from the US. MTV decided to cut back on costs because of the crisis and those regional MTV stations were all recalled. I hate that executive decision!

If you talk about easy listening and when you dream of that perfect summer - spring day while on a journey with your bike that has a lil bell on it, you have to think of her. Corrine Bailey Ray may not be that popular here but I've got a soft spot for British acts and she is one awesome lady. If you watch her acoustic sessions with other artists from that part of the globe, you'll understand why a lot of people like her. It's sheer feel good music!

No I don't miss timbaland since he just came over with Justin Timberlake and Jojo a couple of months ago. I'm not a fan of his work but I'm a fan of those who he collaborates with. Don't you ever wonder what happened to this lady?

I kinda miss her and her awesome music. Nelly Furtado had that genre of being so mad at everything else but still wishful. Her voice is distinct and I could never mistake her music for someone else since the time she broke Pop Music to pieces... remember she went out when Britney and the others were around so she was really unique at that time!

How about you guys?! Who do you miss most? Let me know!


Proud to have Yellow Cards

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I am so humbled to be of service in this government of President NOY and I will do my best to be a great part of this change he wants to inculcate to his countrymen. I also wanted to have my own yellow business cards so everything would jive to the symbolism of hope and change in his regime. I want to be a part of the solution by doing my job well and that requires so little effort since I have been doing that for the last 6 years of my professional life.

I remember the time when I met some of my former colleagues in Social Security and my former boss asked me if I had a business card so we can get together sometime soon. I immediately panicked and checked my wallet for some extras but lo and behold I didn't have any. I was really humiliated and felt very unprofessional that exact moment and wished that I had those unique ones I saw on line. That would have been impressive with the titles and all.

If I had myself inspired with the President's official color and the great attitude towards change in the government then I would be the envy of my peers. Envy in a good way that they will try their best in whatever they do even in the private sector. If I had my way I'd be getting mine customized since I want to represent a generation of people. Yellow is my color of choice, you should do the same!
