One Percent Of Anything

Thursday, August 05, 2010

I'm watching something new now. I guess you kinda get this habit when you are stressed. For some reason it's Korean. I don't have anything against Koreans but I just didn't like MTV stations flooded with all their videos. I wouldn't be changing channels if they were all English but oh boy its all them on Channel V. Unfortunately MTV Philippines closed down via an executive decision last year. It's because of recession and they had to cut down costs. All their regional channels had gone kaput! Anyway, this is really nice and I would like you guys to give it a try and watch 1% of Anything. The plot is kinda good, to tell you honestly I just started watching it and been having a good time watching it. I probably would recommend it to my friends too. The site I'm watching it from is Mysoju which has Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese movies/series all over it. If you plan to visit check out this particular series because its funny and exciting. It also has a hint of love story and comedy which is the common Filipino flick formula. Maybe you should watch it in the afternoon too.

It's a breather from those series you often watch in primetime. Definitely better produced. I don't know about our capabilities because the last time I saw a Filipino movie we can't even get a person to fly properly like Superman in the 70's right? What a weird country we have... anyway please take time to watch it I think it'll give you something to think about watching when it gets dubbed in Filipino soon. It'll probably show up in our TV sets I betcha!


High Definition like No Other!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of faceVsion Technology USA. All opinions are 100% mine.

I've been so lucky to belong in this era where communication seems so easy. In a day and age where globalization has forced some of my friends and family for work out of the country; I still try my best to contact them through the Internet. This medium has saved me a lot of money but you have to understand that it's quite hard to get video across every time. Sometimes it's choppy and a decent stream would get you digitized on some occasion. I don't complain though because if you think about it; relatively it's still free.

I am a gadget freak and a geek. I often try some hardware for testing on my site too. I was thinking something like this one would get my video do better when using SKYPE. I've seen a couple similar ones like the LOGITECH PRO 9000 and MICROSOFT CINEMA but they didn't compare in HD quality over the World Wide Web and just perform well on a local location. That really defeats the purpose right?! Good thing there's a greater gear from TOUCHCAM N1 that utilizes H.264 CODECS. I should know because I worked on VOIP services too! It's like my brother from way there in Europe is just around town. It's way crisp and clear! Their on line store is now running a back to school promotion with $10 off any purchase, using the promo code of FVTBTS2 while checkout. The promotion ends 09/30/’10. Isn't faceVsion just awesome!


Always remember this FV touchcam N1 outperformed the other brands. As a matter of fact, FV TOUCHCAM N1 is the first Internet streaming true HD webcam for Skype video calls. If you are skeptic; I dare you give it a try! FV TOUCHCAM is available through their awesome site and other value added partners so what are you guys doing staring at the photos on my site! Get them ordered on the faceVision on line store and shipped now! You'll never regret it! Get the FV ExpressCombo so you could save a lot too!

Visit my sponsor: faceVsion TouchCam N1 HD Video Streaming Webcam

Xander Angeles's Creative Lens Series - Boudoir Photography

Monday, August 02, 2010

I was like a kid in a candy store. It was like my first day of school again when I got the chance to be with my idol Xander Angeles and his protege Niko Villegas. Two of the best fashion photographers in the world. Doing this to give back something to the craft that made them who they are today is commendable. I was in for something big and I know how lucky I am to even get to know these people; let alone shoot with them this weekend. I wasn't disappointed because they delivered as expected on the workshop. Who am I to second guess the Jedi Masters (ha-ha!) I REALLY learned a lot... and here's a rundown of the day.

I woke up around 6am (not excited huh?! =P ) and to tell you honestly I did read off a couple of things a few weeks before I got the slot. It pays to be prepared and I don't wanna look clueless right off the bat. Xander Angeles, Niko Villegas and Daryl Quioge was at the door of The Picasso Boutique Residences when I arrived. I think I was a little late (around 10 mins) which I apologized for (thanks to Makati City's one way streets!). It doesn't take a genius or a lot to research about what boudoir photography is; and I would pretty much get this combined with wedding photography packages in the future. When asked one by one about what it is and what's it all about, I think I had the right idea what it was used for in the olden days. Boudoir is French for bedroom. This is a "suggestive" and sexy shoot made for soon to be wives as a present to their husbands right after ceremonies. This is something for them to remember too on what they looked like before they get into the motherhood business of it all.

Starting with this concept, we need to make use of lights. It is important to set the mood in photography and you use this to enhance her assets and create drama. Doing the make up for us in this shoot was Ms. Michelle Literal, if you are going to shoot something exquisite as our Brazilian Model (of which I'm going to show you after minor post processing) you need to have a make up artist that can do it flawlessly. Every setup and shot we had the MUA went in and retouched the model probably to create consistency to the overall look and get her hair in place. It is so important to also have art direction and styling involved even before you execute the concept. We had so many lights to use but I chose to have one light done on my first setup. To be able to create the drama and shot that I want I wanted her to lean on a wooden plank and have the light have some well lit and some covered in shadows. Emphasis would be on her face and body. I had a really yellow to near orange background and I didn't choose to have it softened. I blatantly had it on hard lights so the shadow didn't get diffused light but total cuts with it. It ended up with details still but I had the darkness I was going for. The light became so bright that I thought I had sunshine inside the room. It was nice to see the whole perspective of the first shot done sunny since my foreground had that color I mentioned. Some problems with posing cutting off of other body parts off the frame but I still had to have her shot there so I could get post process wise details of what would be sexy and attractive in print. I was planning a layout and it is important to have those done first. In 10 frames or a little more than that I had to do it. I wasn't rushed but I chose to be inside the limits of the challenge and get me some of the money shots without thinking that I can manipulate them on the computer after wards. The result in this case were photos that I couldn't do anything with anymore because they were already good right there and then. To say the least, I was happy with that but if I had more time I would probably have had her pose more in different frames. This was actually the second time that I used gels. I never had one of my own and since they just had their creative lighting session last week they had this shoot using those for the background. It was nice to see the effects while lights were being diffused by glass over at the bathtub. I was looking at the others who had their lights setup differently and I learned a couple or two from that. The output was awesome; we got the best shots uploaded on the computer for post processing I guess. I'll wait for that too.

What have I learned?! There's a lot actually.

1.) Create Drama with Lights
2.) Getting gels and using them on creative setups. I learned where to buy them too! ^_^
3.) Maximizing all details before shooting, getting the best MUA, Stylist, Hairstylist and Production Design, Location
4.) Planning schematics of lights
5.) Posing to accentuate body
6.) Deconstructing Photos - which is important so it would be second nature to you!
7.) Lighting makes a difference
8.) Using same set of lights but on a different angle
9.) Using Fill Light and Soft Lights to see details of the subject
10.) Making photos 3 dimensional
11.) Using warm and cold lights
12.) Rim lights
13.) I used some of the lenses Nikon had there too, you should definitely switch to Nikon if you haven't done that yet! =)
14.) Meet Joe Black can change your life! Ha-ha!

I wouldn't want to go into minute details anymore because it would spoil the fun if you guys plan to have the seminars with the masters. There's another one this weekend and I hope you guys try to get that or any of their future ones. It's all worth it believe me!

I would like to thank the other photographers who attended this Boudoir Workshop. I must say you have lots of great shots too. I had a really nice LEARNING time with you guys. Thank you also to Sir Niko Villegas for teaching creative ways in shooting, I'll never forget the water bottle and Vaseline! Thank you also to my idol Xander Angeles, you just don't know how much you have inspired me and my work. I'll definitely do my best from hereon and get to the NEXT level. I know there are still new things to learn but I'm glad to get the best of them from you guys at Elite! =) Thank you!

Thank you also to Sir Nick Tuason and the people behind Digital Photographer Philippines for hooking me up on this awesome opportunity! I'll show my shots later! =)


Increasing Your Word Power

Sunday, August 01, 2010

I always knew that there was a bigger world out there for me! It's one that you can find in books and literary work. It would not be the same in reality and evidently there is a big difference; a huge difference. I learned that early on when I was a kid when I began to write essays. It makes me think so much more of my life and ideologies. I learned a lot when I was growing up. I was dreaming of getting laurels of my own since I got into writing and I knew how important it was for me. It took me off some dangers in my other subjects and compensated me in words. I guess only half a brain works but it’s really good that it concentrated on what I think matters most. I got into a job easier; I got all my reports well written and have lots of friends since my communication skills are above average human understanding to say the least. I became more of a warrior with words and I did put it to good use. I was able to write for a couple of essay contests in high school... and people took notice. If they needed essay help they would rather go to great minds on line or people like me. They probably chose the first one since they are easier to deal with. I wouldn't blame them believe me! Ha-ha!

I like writing more of an education essay since it would deal with theories and how to prove them rather than something fictional. I was a fictional writer too in college but I never won any contests of that nature. I think I did a pretty good job with it but I excelled in topics that dealt with real people. It can either be autobiographical or what not just as long as it serves the purpose. Maybe I can get in it as a ghost writer if the price is right for me. I would not be surprised to get my own criticism essay someday if that day comes but I figured that it’s just part of the drill. If I need professional looking ones I would look for institutions in the industry like Essay Champions and seek improvement in this craft. People in the educational system might need their help too. It would be best to consider giving them the job instead if they wouldn't be able to do it themselves. Quality wise it’s going to be grand since folks from universities in the UK would do it! I’d rather let an expert do it than have myself seen ridiculed by other people. Wouldn’t that be something you would want to have?! It’s an easy life and peace of mind!

That’s one of the reasons why I love what the one above gave me; a working brain and liberty to write as anything I wish to be!

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