Daily Rants 09012010

Thursday, September 02, 2010

I'm continuing to discover some other bloggers in the metro and they are pretty good to me. Although most of these people are veterans, the new ones are all just as good. I've met some of them already and I must admit I am eager to meet more of them. I like some of their writing styles because it is somewhat unconventional. Mine's pretty much just like and essay everyday. I don't even know if it needs improvement or not but nobody's complaining. I hope! LOL!

Some of them are really funny. They are in Filipino and I often get it. I don't know why I started my site in English in the first place but I wished there was some way I could do another site in tagalog. Weird I know, but I think it's just me. I envy people sometimes ha-ha! After how many years of writing and I just said that here?! I must be crazy!

I also see some of their photos. I envy them because they talk about their everyday life. I still have some inhibitions letting people in my house let alone show them my room. I just feel its not safe. Stalkers and stuff are abound but I never got one. Must be because of me. I'm weird really!

I want a lot of things now, the IPAD, IPOD Touch, a Macbook, some decent headphones. Portable speakers, a second camera body, an UWA lens (preferably the Sigma 10-20), and a good tripod. The list might go on and bore you but I have that now on my Christmas list. I just put up a Christmas countdown on my website just in case you wanna know how many days hours and minutes left before you can get me those things. Ha-ha! I wish it was that easy. I can't talk about my work so much in my site because of confidentiality stuff, you know how it is these days... what stays in the boardroom STAYS THERE!

Saving money is like going down the drain now. I needed more money for home expenses. I don't know why but I'm losing funds now. I usually save more but I'm kinda spending so much these days because of groceries, utilities, Dad's medicines and other things. I want to complain but I think they are necessities. I wanna shout and stop spending but what can I do!

I need to go to the gym more... it was a good thing I did yesterday. It felt really good running again on the treadmill. I wanted to lift more weights but I wasn't into communicating with other people in the gym, I wish there was someway I could all ask them to go out when I'm working out. They are disturbing me! Shooo! Sorry, they smell bad!

I'll rant again soon, this will be something regular so watch out for it! =)


Real Deal HD Video for GMAIL Users!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of faceVsion Technology USA. All opinions are 100% mine.

I work for a VOIP network company and I know how important it is for video conferencing capabilities not to fail when you need it. Services like these cost a lot and if you depend on them too much it would probably be way off the budget. We wouldn't want to see quality to degrade if we get other brands but I got first hand information on what would be a better alternative than the pricey RADVISION, POLYCOM or TANDBERG. Have you heard of faceVsion?! This is the best and most affordable high quality High Definition Video conferencing solution for all GMAIL users. FV Express Combo makes no excuses for streaming HD video unlike other ones like what MSCINEMA or LOGITECHPRO 9000 has. I would prefer this above those big pricey ones that do not show the real deal HD resolution they promise. The H.264 protocol compliant chip set built in on every FV Express Combo gets true HD quality video calls over Internet even with low system and bandwidth requirements. It's one of the best things that FACEVSION Technology USA has ever produced! I'm so impressed!

If you have some other things in mind that would be better than the FV Express Combo HD Video Conferencing solution, you must be dreaming. The others couldn't even fare with its ability to import and synchronize your GOOGLE GMAIL contact list for HD Video Conferencing. The FV Express Combo product image has never been tarnished and so do the hundreds of people who harnessed this technology. They also have an ongoing promotion also at the faceVision on line store taking out $10 off any purchase. You just have to put in the promo code of FVTBTS2 while checking out. Promo ends September 30, 2010 so hurry now! Visit shop.facevsion.com and other value added partners!

Visit my sponsor: FaceVsion FV Express Combo HD Video Conferencing

More Graveyard More Fun!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It looks like a ruckus today in the office. A lot of people apparently have work these days and a couple of interviews with clients. Business seems booming at this side of the corporate world I live in. It's so fun now... I remember it was only me who was here on Sundays. Now, it looks like we're around 20. Weird! Heheh...I am also getting a lot of feedback with my photos. The model apparently likes it and made it her profile photo too. I wonder what the other photographers think of my overprocessed ones. Well I did try minimal retouching but the make up was really showing so I had to cover it up bigtime.
I also made this at night which made me a little sleepy at times. But I think I did a pretty good job shooting it. Just look at how pretty she is!
I like how the photos turned out. The ultra red treatment on the umbrella was a little painstaking. I also had to work on that and the branches. Some of the hairlight was flooding over to the face and I had to remove that. The oversaturation on parts of the body was also showing so I had to clone that up and heal so it would look natural. I did rework that hairline edge so don't worry I gave a clearer one to the model. Did it work?! =)

She's so pretty noh?! I'll show you her full set soon. I'm excited! =)



Monday, August 30, 2010

My family is my priority; and I can say that out loud without hesitation. I have a lot of things in mind right now - dating, getting married, going out, time for gym, rest, work and career advancement; but I guess that's quite normal for a single guy's life. Sometimes I even want to regret being a "bachelor" and get depressed (not that I want to get married soon! XD ) but I am SOOOO enjoying my life more without worrying about that. Life is good... and I've got a better understanding of how it works now.

When I get off the office, I usually stop by the mall and check out what I can buy. It's just usually the essentials but what I always think about is what I could bring my folks. I usually skip breakfast (and hope you believe me every now and then LOL) but it is one of the most important things I have to do everyday. I get to talk to my Mom and Dad while having my favorite cup of tea (Earl Grey, Mint or Chamomile). When I do these conversations in the past, I'd probably just end up doing tantrums and fight my way out of the room. It would really upset them whenever this happens. These days I kinda lost that rebellious fervor and got tuned up. We talk about anything under the sun now from politics, religion, current events and sometimes relatives who ask favors. I don't get that irked now since I think I have a say in everything that we talk about. Maybe because I bribed them with these...



Dad also gets first bite after opening the package!

Oh and did you notice something different with it?
The packaging and logo of Goldilocks just got vamped up!

It's the same taste we Filipinos have always loved in its 44 years of existence. I never knew it has been that long! So awesome! The Butter Puto has never been better! These are the days when I wished Dinuguan would be served in breakfast, that would have been a pair made in heaven! Mmmmm!

With the gustatory events unfolding one by one, I kept some of the food I bought for the rest of the day. After a few more rounds of conversation with Mom and Dad, I took a shower and hurriedly got to sleep. I rested with a smile on my face eagerly awaiting my Sister to wake up! Obviously, we have different shifts.


The afternoon was grand!
Hours after I slept; someone was already shouting in the kitchen.
I knew my Sister found it!

The cake I bought her was Dulce De Leche!
How can I go wrong with butter cream icing and caramel oozing all throughout the roll.

Did you know we used to fight over who gets the "ends" of it because it had the most icing?! LOL That was really a funny thing to remember together with the small food fights and smearing that happened a few years back. We definitely did not outgrew it (I won't let that happen!) but I guess we got a little toned down when people are around. It was sweet revenge when you can get that on her face or clothes too! (She was on her way to work!) Ha-ha! But we really still love it, I bought another one the day after.

Swirls of icing and caramel all in one.
How in the world can you go wrong with that!?

After watching the evening news and small chats in between, Mom prepared dinner since I was going back to work. When I was a kid, 6PM was like Martial Law when everyone outside the house should go back and prepare for dinner. We were not allowed to go beyond that otherwise you would see someone getting locked out for a few minutes! (Ha-ha I remember!) These days when I go out I usually get back home at 6PM too, the next day that is! Ha-ha! Sometimes Mom and Dad still worries too but I think they already got used to it. I think they know what I do in the weekends since I often end up in bars and clubs in Fort or QC. I don't drink that much but I think that's because I hate hangovers more than the ill benefits of it. I just act drunk if needed LOL! But most of the weekends I spend at home I do spend quality time with them. I even bought them their favorite!

It's not too sweet! It's just right! It's got that tangy - sweet, refreshing fruity flavor and custard that you really love!

Mom and Dad's favorite is the famous Crema De Fruta.

It's that custard filled layered sponge cake topped with peaches and cherries. The perfect dessert to end a meal. I got 2 servings of it in one sitting so just imagine how good this is! It's not heavy on the belly and wouldn't get you "fed up aka UMAY" to say the least. I love how it gets my Mom and Dad to smile. That's the only thing you ask for in a meal, you get to see people happy, cherishing and sharing what they have. Pretty small things, but this is SO MUCH of a big deal for me! and that's what makes me happy!


I was skeptic... I was Crazy... Til I tasted it....


It was so nice... It explodes in your mouth... It's pure bliss!

Aside from the pleasures in life that had continually improved. I guess it is a very far cry from what we have been doing in the past. If there is one thing that I have truly learned, change is inevitable. Our relationships, our love, the things we do for family and our priorities in one point or another will be different. I'm no better than any of you guys; but I'm willing to improve myself and everything that I am so I can take care of those who I love better. We sometimes need to surrender everything to fate and be glad of who we will become. We're going to be more matured, more responsible individuals. Let's just make everything worthwhile; and the people from this world feel a little better than when we first found it. It maybe something simple as puto, a slice of cake, or a piece of fruit; but the happiness it can radiate to your loved ones is priceless. Let's all start being what we want to see in this world! That's all what PAGBABAGO means to me!
