I'll be at DUTDUTAN X!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

It looks like the 10th installment of DUTDUTAN will happen in the World Trade Center on the 24th and 25th of this month. Not to mention Franco is also performing in the event. I am contemplating on getting a tattoo for myself and I was thinking more of a phoenix since I love medieval things. I must have been a spell caster in my past life. It is something like this but if they can jazz it up and make it a little more complicated and tribal I'm all for it!

I actually already tested it out but it didn't really quite look like it. They had to manage and get it all over my biceps which was pretty big at that time. Well, actually I liked the one that they did better. It was all black and some shades of gray. It did cost a lot when it was inked but really to have this be done by professionals in DUTDUTAN and a certified Philtag member may actually make the difference. It probably would look better. My photography friends and I will probably be in the event and I'll try and get my blogger friends to come too. This will be a great subject to write about definitely and since some of them don't probably have a clue about the bikini competition that comes later in the day, I'm pretty sure they will enjoy that part hahah! Right Jepoy, Marvin and Glentot?! =)

I hope they come too. There will be some weirdos there I'm sure so I will pretty much belong to the event. I hope no one stinks though!


My Views on Proper Management through Social Media

Companies in the US know the value of Social Media and its networks. I have yet to see a local one venture into that. To me it is all still in its infancy stage and has never been used into boosting markets and strategy. This is one important sector of media that may have been underestimated by various corporate marketing arms; some of them though have touched its grounds and seem to be enjoying major changes in the model of local social media handling. I can name a few who may have similarities but pioneers like Austin PPC Management should probably be taken serious consideration.

If you have an expert on the table with experience on the matter then you won't have to waste money on experimentation. Timing is in fact essential on this particular segment and seeing the norms and conditions of today's markets, if you waste hours and effort selling off through untested words and links then you wouldn't be able to grasp getting presence on the Internet. This has been a mistake of most media practitioners and I see better alternatives in getting time tested solutions via proper management. I should know; I am involved in the companies that do this together with the marketing and technical electronic solutions. When there are major implementations that they require for a specific period and they need to get the word out, that is the time when they use it to their advantage.

This is the model everyone should be following in an open market because otherwise they would be at a losing end. It wouldn't be good for those who do not know how it works and companies that have services with experts like I mentioned earlier might just level the playing field. This is a lot to digest but it is quite simple. If you don't join the bandwagon of those who harness the advantages of advancements in marketing, you will definitely be left behind. Any business for that matter needs to have their sales up and costs down. It's the only way to earn in these tough times.


Daily Moo's 09072010

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

I was trying my best not to talk about the hostage crisis but the news this evening was full of them. Funny thing is, they emphasize on the things like inability of police to do their jobs, loss of guidelines, handbook and stuff like that. Heads will roll but there seems to be no major culprit; on who's head is gonna roll once the investigation ends. Can they fire Lim? the policemen? They also almost died you know. That and the tools they need were not there, how can they in the end blame themselves?!

Jojo just released a new album, you should get one too anyway its all for free! Just go to http://rap-up.bandcamp.com/ and click on the download links. Oh I am so inlove with her! She's going to end up on my playlist while working out in the gym. Add @jojoistheway on your twitter accounts too. Her interaction with KC Montero and Cassandra Bongga is one way to spend you day on twitter. I specifically like her second track Running on Empty. Feels good someone writes like that.

I hate Justin Bieber and I can't explain why. I feel like he's the second coming of April Boy Regino. Nuff said! People might get mad at me but hey its just me!

Just saw from a friend's status... the name Bob Ross. He was the inspirational painter I used to watch in Channel 9 when I was a kid. He was the host and main attraction in "The Joy of Painting". I know how geeky that sounds but hey, I learned how to do proper painting of a tree when he did it on TV in the late 80's. Right Zai?! Haha!

I don't like textmates, they kinda give me the creeps. Cringe! I find ladies in clubs and bars but never initiate text messages for romance. Should I learn to do that?! Heheh. Nah, I think its really not my cup of tea.

I think I love Mitch Dulce's blog. Makes me want to go to London. Spend the time with Reading Festivals and stuff like that. Very fashion forward too! I need to learn a thing or two about that since I am into Fashion photography. I'm thinkin about a collection too that I need to take shots of. Can I get into a runway show soon?! Puhleeease!!!!

I renamed Daily Rants into Daily Moo's! So I get to still keep the theme of my blog =) Cute huh?!

Oh wait.... I think I have a meeting now. See you guys later. Tataaaaaa! Out!


It's so easy at soeasyloans.com

This evening I had a friend who asked me for a favor. He needs money to get his business running again. I am a little hesitant because if he is going to do this with my money and not give me any collateral I probably am at a losing end. I am not quite sure if he is going to be able to pay me back but he is getting the whole computer shop business part given to me for this favor. I gladly said yes but just told him to pay me back. I didn't want to do be an extra burden to his hardships and make matters worse. I want to give him lee way to at least try and give this a chance. I didn't have the money off hand and I wish there was a chance that I could borrow from premier institutions like http://www.soeasyloans.com so I could get them at least a thousand dollars. I would be able to give the money back once my pay day arrives. Wouldn't that be a nice solution to this abrupt need for it?! I'll definitely look into that!

All I want today is get him all the help he can get and if he tries one more time to revive his business then I'll be a part of his success. I saw more information on their web site that indicates the schemes of borrowing practices that would be easy for me. I think a pay day loan is what I'll get but I have to make sure I would be able to pay them back when the time comes. I'll call the office accounting department for this one so I could at least get an idea how much I can lend him ASAP. He needs it and I'm so glad we can probably do everything through the easy procedures of SOEASYLOANS.COM. I'm sure most of you would do the same too!

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