Sorry I Said That, Smile!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

I admit I made fun of some of my classmates when I was in high school because they wore full metal braces. Back then I did not realize that it was actually a good thing that they were doing it. Years after that, I saw their photos and the treatments obviously made their smiles improve. I felt sorry for doing that but it was actually the thing everyone was doing back then. I know I apologized a lot when I offended people and that was not an exception. I'm glad I was forgiven and now even my nephews and nieces are doing the same thing. Good thing there are advancements in technology that would spare this thing I did to people in the past. I looked at Invisalign Braces Austin and saw a whole new way of aligning teeth. It's quite convenient and affordable plus I won't see them in the same predicament as this one doesn't have those metal parts anymore. I saw people wearing it and it's like they are not wearing anything at all. What a wonderful thing they have invented huh?!

I hope someday there wouldn't be any prejudice against people braces because of this technology. I'm sure you know someone who still wears those metal ones, so please go ahead and inform them about this. You'll spare them a period of humiliation from mean people like me. Again, I'm so sorry I did those things in the past! I'll spread the news and tell my friends about it now.


Blackberry Firmware Updates + Extra Rice XD

I think it is time that I update my blackberry. According to the site the latest is the version v4.5.0.188; mine's currently at which is clearly outdated. I wonder if I just install the OS altogether from globe it would update this automatically. I also saw that I would need around 45 minutes dedicated to do this firmware upgrade. I am quite familiar with routers and stuff not not the blackberry. I hope it isn't that much of a difference. It apparently will free up a whole megabyte of internal memory on the phone which will get me to a better state than now. I'm having problems on running 3 applications at the same time. Yes of course I'm abusing it hahaha!

Crackberry is really getting better at this. They released this multilanguage format and had some simple instructions to get this installed. The xml file would need to be just deleted after extraction and voila! I have new firmware. I'll tell you guys if it turns out funny or otherwise. I hope I don't have any hitches. I wish there was someway we could get the OS 5 and 6 installed too. The features would be cooler and we would probably end up being like the bold but not without the handy features of the curve which everyone in the US so love!

I also read something funny. A person dropped his blackberry in the sink accidentally. Of course it got wet. He took out the battery and got a new one on it after a few days. It still turned on, but had problems on the keypad and clicker for the trackball. Well, the suggestion was not to actually turn it on and just place it on rice for a few days. Yeah! Dried Rice! Apparently it sucks the moisture out. But you are going to still have that starchy smell that rice has afterwards ha-ha!

But it is a good tip huh?! There was this guy in youtube who had his blackberry dipped in water for a good 10 minutes. Did the same thing and voila! It still works! =)

Good thing I have a blackberry... and have rice at home LOL =)


Easy Writing Help from the Experts!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

I love writing since I was a kid. I never hesitated putting a word or two in paper when it was time to practice then; and I didn't mind if I was actually forced to do it by my Mom as punishment for playing too much outside our home. I had so much fun imagining things and putting what I read while mixing it up with literary wonders the 80's had to offer. It was so nice because some of them did not go unnoticed. I won several competitions then but you kind of get tired making them after years of doing the same thing. I never knew there were actual professionals that can do this for others who did not have that much time to make them. It's a big help for those who can't think of anything to write about when they are so busy. It's not easy to compose a Critical Essay that would concentrate on current events and politics. Everything is so complicated nowadays!

I wouldn't want to slave on things like thesis and literary projects in graduate school while working on a 9 hour job schedule. Good thing also has some other services apart from just writing essays. Term Papers and dissertations are easy for them. Their professional writing team from US and UK make it a point not to disappoint anyone who needs help. Quality wise, they are at par or maybe even out-stand the current standards set by American or British educational systems. They do a way better job than most institutions on the same field. I wouldn't be surprised if their Compare and Contrast Essay impresses the most critical professors/instructors if you get them to do it for you. Why would I suffer the consequences of our inability to submit on time if they can do it for you on a tight deadline right?!

Life should be easy and never stressful. People might get sick and have heart ailments worrying about something so simple that Master Papers can help you with. If I were you I'll get on line and have someone help me with those Narrative Essay projects that I need to submit. After all, there are only a few who understands what it means to do everything right on schedule. If you know someone who needs it (maybe it'll be you in the future!) you know where to go and who to call!

Disclosure Policy

Daily Moo's 09082010

I think I should get inked on this event on the 24th and 25th but I have yet to decide on what particular tattoo to get. Should I be worried?! I don't think so because people are probably going to be more supportive right?!

I got new contacts. No not my phonebook dimwit! Contact lenses. It's brown just the way I like it. It will enhance my meztizo looks naks! hahaha and probably get me a little bit closer to what I was thinking months ago. My friend still owes me money. He's supposed to pay me back but he got me these instead. I hope it ain't going to be troublesome to put on. I heard horror stories ye know?!

I want to watch XANADU the musical but I don't have the funds right now. Someone borrowed a hefty amount again and I practically was about to close one of my accounts because of that. Good thing its near pay day. I wanted to see how they sing SUDDENLY. Olivia Newton John was great in the movie even if that was a flop but the musical was a big hit in broadway. They probably will be doing the show on time and reviews say it is quite short with no intermission numbers. They should have at least provided one ye know?!

I'm hungry again but I don't want to eat rice. I already ate half the population of hotdogs in Manila and I won't settle for that again. I wonder what are my options today. I hope Jollibee won't mind me doing requests. I need softdrinks and lots of it! I get dehydrated from not drinking too much water. Apparently I don't like the taste of water... its bland and I need something with it like powdered juice thingys. When will I be just plain and simple?! That is a question I want answered hehehe!

I want a tuta... yeah puppies! But I don't like the fur that comes with it. I have asthma I think. Mom can't stand them too. I'm not on the verge of giving up but it looks like we're going to have to rethink how to get one. I need a puppy that doesn't eat much, I don't like high maintenance once since its already a pain I am one too! LOL

When can I get laid???... I think this weekend again! Hahaha=)

