Business is Business

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I loaned my friend a couple hundred dollars so he could put in some money on his business again. He almost got bankrupt and needed financing for his ailing business. I suggested he make some changes and get a process started. This is to prevent him from being in the same predicament as before. I just got into trouble with a friend over this because of money matters. For me business is business. I trust people a lot but if it comes to getting what is supposed to be mine I don't hold back. In some instances I'd even get the toughest Business Litigation Austin Texas can ever get! I know when to get experts when it is needed. If this partnership fails he got me the computer shop as collateral and assured me if that isn't enough he'll gladly pay me back in cash. I did something in writing so I could at least hold him to his words. These days you can never be too sure!

I hope money would not destroy friendships in the process because the only thing I wanted in this occasion is to help. The earning part is just a byproduct if ever. He is thinking of putting up a small studio too so he could get local bands to practice there. It is a big ordeal but I'll support him with what I can. He is after all my friend. I wouldn't want that to ruin everything we have right now. He's a good guy and the last thing I want to see is for him to suffer another business mishap.

Would you do the same for your friends?!


Daily Moo's 09142010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have been tweeting this morning. I was so troubled to see Pinoys who wanted Noy NOT TO TAKE THE BLAME and let others do it. If it wasn't honorable for him to do that piece, who would do it?! The Manila mayor? The police cheif?! Oh come on! Get real! You would need to crush their fingers and subject them to torture before they do that. I hate it when Filipinos think they know everything "right" to do in the government. Try and think about what would you do if you were in their shoes. I'm sure it'll be either a lot different or a lot worse! But thanks for the small chat Mr Carlos Celdran and Dwight Legaspi. It made my afternoon a little exciting.

I just saw Rajo Laurel's blog this morning. It looks promising since he discusses Philippine fashion. I want to go to his small talk on the 22nd of this month at Ayala Museum. He said this is his small way of giving back to the country, a very noble gesture I must say. I want to see how this works with my cam in hand. I might not be able to get my still camera in the venue heheh but I'll see what I can do on this event. =)

I want to have another day with my friends. I want to spend time with them this weekend. It's Pekto's birthday and she's in Cavite. It would take me MAJOR effort to do that. I hope we still get to celebrate her birthday even just for a few days. We're not that rich but we need to do this!

I did not get enough sleep today. I woke up with a headache again today. It must be the swearing and foul words I said this morning. I might be getting punished by God for not doing anything good today. I'm a very bad boy.... but what can I do, I've always been like this. I'm evil!

I hate it when Pinoy's or people in general think to high of themselves. They think they are smart when they're not! I often give them advise and a taste of humble pie. That's if they haven't met me REALLY!

Well... back to work... have lots of things to do. Need to submit reports and rating sheets for my peeps.

See yah! wouldn't wanna be yah! =P


The Memories Comes Crashing Back To Me

I was actually thinking of what particular big ticket item I should buy for myself this year. I reward myself every now and then but I don't have anything particular in mind right now so I asked my friends. They immediately told me to purchase a motorbike. It is quite popular in our neck of the woods but when I heard that particular mode of transport; I begged off. Why you ask?! I might need an Austin Injury Lawyer to defend me on this one since they are the experts, but let me tell you a little story about why I never wanted this 2 wheeled wonder.

I always liked cars, bikes and the likes. I used to sell them too a few years back. I always wanted those big ones in Mission Impossible and eventually I had the chance to own one. I had a good looking best friend (adored by many women then) who got me into the hobby taught me how to ride it. I also joined several groups and in a couple of months I was quite getting the hang of it.

My best friend went to work one day and forgot to bring his helmet. While on the road another bike turned around without signals and crashed with his bike. He flew into that other vehicle and got his face smashed on it. He had to be rushed to the hospital and got his face into surgery. To survive, he had to have a couple of titanium plates and screws implanted on his face just to survive. It was hard on their family because they had to dish out a few thousand dollars and the other party was barely giving funds. They needed help so badly. I did everything I could but I knew what they needed at that time were lawyers to get them what they need for damages; and justice he deserves. After that I never wanted to ride my bike again. I sold it too. It was a sad day but we had to move on with our lives. I'm also glad that he is still alive!


Daily Moo's 09132010

Monday, September 13, 2010

It was the first time in 5 days that I got to sleep soundly. I didn't have a headache when I woke up. Hallelujah! I think its because I prayed for it too. =)

I think I have high blood pressure. I refuse to go to the doctor, I'm afraid I might die sooner than I think. Then my best friend and I talked this evening, you know the topic???? It was all about what to do when I die and what caskets to put me in... funny huh?!

I still haven't got my own Eraserheads CD Set. I'm going to call my friend in Greenwich later. He's supposed to call me once supplies come but its been days... I think I should shoot someone when I don't get it ha-ha! I have become more vicious all of a sudden! Ha-ha!

I'm going to get myself one of those gorilla pods from CDRKING, I think they are the perfect pair for my Flip Ultra HD. The question is when can I fix that busted lens on it?! I need to get someone to fix that for me. I'm a little afraid doing DIY things because most of the time I break em even further. Not good for an expensive gadget hehe!

I hate paying for almost everything at home. I am losing a lot. What can we do with feudal obligations?! Why is it so embedded in our culture?! Don't you kinda hate it?! But what can we do, they are after all my family. I couldn't bare to see them asking favors from other people. I can still help but upto what extent. I'm not that rich as people may presume me to be. I look the part but I'm not. Somebody save me!!!!!

I need to go out again this weekend. I need to start out romance and all the shizzle dizzle whatever the wizzle snoop dogg has up his sleeves. Please, whoever you are take it easy on me!! My heart just healed so be careful ok?! =P

Yaaaaaak!!!!!!! LOL!
