Is it Quality or Quantity?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My photos are important and I have them all archived for copyright purposes. For any photographer, it is important to keep records of your shots to protect yourself and your clients. I have been a little skeptical about my ability to do this on my own. I don't even have the capability to do this on a large scale. Data is important in my line of work too and I have more than one backup hard drive apart from media that I have in storage. I can't be too sure in this day and age because when all else fails it's the important documents that could save me. I previously have some that I stored in CD and DVD disks but they all went bad after getting left on the dashboard. I can't rely on cheap media and not think about quality first. This is much like what CQ Duplication and Multimedia has! They might not be the least priced out in the market but they never sacrifice quality. This is one trait that makes them impressive in my dictionary. How else would you keep customers coming back for more of your services if you stay sub standard.

Most services on Video to DVD - Queensland has are great. Others don't think about what consumers would say after they get home and use the discs themselves. I personally have experience with this when I was giving away gifts for a wedding. The music and video kept skipping and there were a lot of complaints from my clients too. I know it was a little humiliating to just stand there and watch. It was one of the few moments when I thought about getting professional services for these things because a good company that would be able to produce superior quality Film to DVD - Queensland copies is surely going to be better than just purchasing cheap sub standard ones. Thanks to people who care about quality over quantity you'll know how important it is to only go for the best when your products are out. The China made ones are cheap but every time you make them you sometimes have to pray hard that nothing ever goes wrong with it (no pun intended; I'm just keeping it real!).

Is it quality or quantity? Which one would you choose?! Let me know!


Daily Moo's 09272010

I heard lots of praises for Charice's performance in Glee Season 2 (as Sunshine Corazon). They were all impressed by her powerful voice. In real life she's also got a crush on the guy in the wheelchair. I heard that guy is an awesome dancer too, but how come they restricted him to that chair?! Charice would like to thank everyone but she's down with the flu. She didn't attend an important gathering yesterday. It was a benefit for cancer research I think but it looks like they didn't see her there. I hope they still contributed even if she didn't go.

I've never ever ridden the Pasig River ferry until that Saturday we went on a photowalk. It was nice overall and I have nothing but praises. I just wish there was still something that we could do to rehabilitate it. It would really be a nice way to show Manila to tourists. If we maybe have some things done there much like in Bohol where restaurants are also on floating rafts, that would be really nice to see. Stop the pollution and we're gonna have a better river. The view is very different from where we were at that time. If only people flock that place and see for themselves, it would really be nice for them to tell other people what I saw. =) I'm hopeful this will turn out well in a few years.

The date I had this weekend was fun. I felt a little shy at first because we didn't talk that much about things. We watched The Guardians. It was cute. Not Academy Award material but it was so close to happy feet the owls literally looked like penguins. It was just cute nothing more. But what I enjoyed most was the times I attempted to hold hands. She was pretty, I was cute, what more can I ask for in a dark movie house haha!

Now you're not thinkin what I'm thinkin huh!? LOL!



My cousins are in Philadelphia working as nurses. Pizza as we fondly call her is working for the hospital as part of the team that handles the Intensive Care Unit. Pie her twin is working for the Emergency Room staff. You often mistake one for the other since they are very identical. I felt awkward when they visit me and I couldn't tell them apart. Their fashion sense is not as laid back as most of those who work there. I often see those girls wearing great colors and they never hold back. I think they got that idea here since scrubs were commonly seen and worn by the most fashionable people last year. They never hesitate to jazz up the ordinary nurse uniforms. I don't blame them because you often see great ones on line. They also come with the corresponding scrub pants too because getting one is such a breeze! Imagine Fashion + Health Care = Bliss!

If I'm going to get them anything this Christmas season then this would probably be one of the choices. I'd get one for some of my friends too since you already know Filipino health workers often dominate the scene. So for my friends who are registered nurses, physical therapists, surgeons, dentists and care givers, you probably know now what you are getting ha-ha!

How about you? Have you thought about getting scrub clothing for your friends too?! Let me know!


D60KREW Walks Pasig River Part II

Monday, September 27, 2010

Photo courtesy of their owners, Ms. Bambit, Myrben Endaya, Ronald Zaguirre, Vincent Locsin, Andy Rodriguez and me.

When we boarded the ferry we waited a couple of minutes. Just when we were about to embark on this journey, a whole TV crew came in running behind schedule. Guess who we spotted!

I knew I've seen her somewhere before but... this is PATANI! She's the infamous pseudo villain in the first installment of Survivor Philippines. We heard she was there for an AXN shoot. It was nice because she gamely posed for us whenever there was an opportunity. It was really a fun day. Who would have thought we would meet people like her on the Pasig River Ferry! We were in store for more!

To start off the journey, the owner himself boarded the craft and said a few things before we went on the river. Mr. Eduardo G. Bondad, President and CEO of the SCC Nautical Transport Services Inc.; he gladly introduced us to what his company has been doing as service to thousands of Filipinos who use this transport system. His fleet of around 8 boats (if I'm not mistaken!) has been doing its deed for around 14 ports (some still being constructed). It basically can fit close to a 150 people, equipped with radio, sound systems, a public address system, comfy blue fixed plastic chairs and clean rest rooms. I've seen a mix of its patrons which range from class BCDE (some of which use this for everyday transport). It was quite comfortable since every water bus is air conditioned as I wouldn't really recommend it otherwise. It would probably climb up a few degrees and spell sun stroke if they didn't have that. There were still some fumes and establishments dumping waste water on the river; and if we were not inside the ferry at that time we'll have to visit the hospital after wards. I spent a lot of time on the front and back deck; it really felt like I was in the Caribbean. The breeze and the sun was nice at that time. I had a lot of shots... but we were all prohibited to shoot on the Malacanang area which understandably would be a huge security risk (Erap might get angry! LOL). I wonder what particular things they do on the line when Oil tankers and Natural Gas filled crafts passed by, that made me more worried than our cams. Even the PSG boarded to make sure we didn't shoot anything there (which is good don't get me wrong!). It was a good move but then again it would have been nice to shoot that historic place (and not just stay viewing the back of the 20 peso bill).

A lot of students frequently do projects and stories here (we met some of them while on the Plaza Mexico Terminal) probably to make them aware of the situation and the efforts put to rehabilitate the Pasig River. If their dreams come true this would really be a good thing to show tourists. I am by no means proud of the stench and trash along the way but if you think about it; we are all doing our share to make it habitable and that by itself is commendable. Maybe if we get the people living along the river to a different location (there's a lot of them!) and get better laws (via Congress making a harsher version and punishment) then it could be a good thing coming here. I guess just like any environmentalist; we are still hopeful this would all still be possible.

Some of us went through all the stations, Plaza Mexico, Escolta, Lawton, Quiapo, PUP, Santa Ana, Lambingan, Valenzuela,Hulo, Guadalupe, Pineda, San Joaquin, Bambang, Kalawaan, Pinagbuhatan - Acasia, Maybunga, Nagpayong and back. It was really my first time and I must say it was a nice experience. I didn't really expect much since the river itself was notorious for horror stories. The 12 million peso catamarans might have something to do with it but overall I enjoyed the time I spent there. It made me look at the river system differently, it gave me hope that one day everything will change. In one way or another there would be more people helping establish efforts to make this river alive again. Special thanks to Ms. Yen Cosare who gave fabulous information on the landmarks along the way. The group would also like to thank OIC Simon Aguilon of the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission for giving us the chance to shoot this awesome place. I'd be back for more! I'd really recommend this to my friends for a short trip or something unusual in the oustkirts of the metro!

From left: Jeff, Francis, Ryan, Me, Ronald, Ace, Bambit, Gian, Myrben, Xander, Raymond, Jhem and Bangge.Not in photo because they were late but will be seen in other group hugs: Andy Rodriquez, Vince Locsin, Melvi Morfe and a surprise appearance by landscape master Ray Andallon.

Kudos to QCPC and D5KLUB who went with us on this great trip! I'm sure there will be more of us next time! Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
