You Think You're Cooler Than Me?!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I want to believe in love but it doesn't seem to always work. Why do I often ask myself if I want to love again when I don't even care anymore if I end up with someone or not? I'm a walking psychological nightmare; what have I turned myself into?! Is this all I'm going to be? Am I going to just linger in an entirely abysmal future of failed relationships?! Sheesh... I don't like this feeling... I am so down right now I could knock at hell next door. Hello melon collie... how have you been these past few years?!

I need to be hopeful in more ways than one. I'm pretty difficult to understand in times like these. There were times I was so desperately in love with a friend. That didn't end quite nicely too. I think I never moved on from that either. If I meet her again I probably would feel awkward and lose that sanity... if there is still some left. Haaaay... the last time I felt like this was ages ago. I can't say "I told you so!" to "myself" for obvious reasons. I almost forgot what it felt to be human. I hate it... I hate it...

Love shouldn't be this complicated. I know se* isn't but look at what's happening now. You think I should revert back to my emo rocker days?! Nah.. I didn't look too cute that time (but I'm trying hard to stay not cute LOL). I miss what I had. I thought it was forever but I guess sometimes their forever is so short. What's up with women these days, can't they just listen and understand me first before demanding anything?! Do they think they can just get another man cooler than me?! I doubt it!

You think you're cooler than me?! =)


If You Were In My Rubber Shoes

I am trying my best to go to the gym every day. I have work on weekdays but once I go out of the office I can go there because it is literally just beside it. I am also trying to do fun runs on weekends at Fort but I haven't prepared for anything like that. Initially I just did it for maintaining a healthy lifestyle but these days it probably is a necessity to shock myself with different workout regimens as advised by my physical trainer. I don't hold back on the food intake since I am stressed but I need to try running now to compensate for it. I already have the basic gear and one thing that I think I should replace is my running shoes. I've got a lot of shoes but I never invested on these ones for athletic activities. I need to buy a decent pair soon because my old one looks worn out.

I am currently trying to replicate everything on treadmill and it seems that I can do 5 or 10 kilometers on an easy day. I wouldn't be gunning for a marathon since that would take time to prepare but this particular distance seems achievable. I would probably have an easier run if I do it on real pavement but right now I'd settle for the air conditioned confines of the gym. If I win one of those running events I'll let you know. As for now my quest for another pair of shoes is on. I already have 30+ (for different occasions) but I wouldn't mind another one!


Daily Moo's 10052010

Monday, October 04, 2010

I'm having a few laughs looking at the photos I shot when I began photography. I didn't care about the quality of photo I posted. If I shot it, I'll still try to make it work... that's just a nono now. I love the concepts but the shots are just horrible haha!

I don't want to show them. Maybe some but not all of them.

I just went to my Aunt's funeral. A lot of my relatives were there. I didn't know some of them because we are a pretty large family. I really am sad about what happened. Cousins will be here on Friday. I hope they are okay. I hate funerals, I hate seeing people die.

I didn't know about K12. It's the term they use for kindergarten to grade 12. Apparently it is going to be the standard of education in the 2012 school year. From kindergarten, there will be grade 1-6 for elementary, grade 7-10 for junior high and 11-12 for senior high. It's pretty much going to be the same as with other countries. We're the only one left in Asia that is still implementing the old one. How late is that?! O_O

I don't have good news today. I just slept the whole afternoon. I didn't get online at all. I had a headache this morning but it went away. Maybe that's a thing to thank the one above for. I still hate priests and bishops... I almost want to hit one particular person because of that. I hope this is not a permanent one. I'm a good Christian but if I see some unscrupulous people use the pulpit for their own interest, I'll walk out of the church too. Wait.... something tells me I haven't been going to church hehe. =)


Daily Moo's 10032010

Sunday, October 03, 2010

OK Game!

One of my photography groups is in shambles now. I know some of the facts and it ain't really good hearing the stories. I wanted to be impartial because I know most of them. We are pretty close. It's just so sad to see this happening to a very promising bunch of people. I don't blame them but it would have been nicer to inform everyone first before doing this. Now that people felt betrayed everything's just become complicated. They need to get all the things that was owned by the group to be still in the group. Where is this thing called "Word of honor"? Apparently it might have been swept away by floods brought about the afternoon monsoon rains haha!

I'm playing Sonic Rivals in my PSP. I got a few new games downloaded over the weekend. I think I should often do that so I always get interested in my gadgets. Unfortunately I couldn't do the same with my Playstation 2. It's just gathering dust now in a box somewhere. I want to have that converted so I can play more titles. I'm looking for more but this one is keeping me busy like Mario Kart. I love this! Do you have any suggestions?

My Aunt died this morning. She will be in Paz. I have to wake up early so I can go there and help them out. After that I'll go to work. This is a pretty busy day indeed! My sincere condolences to my cousins in Canada and the US, now you have to go back to the Philippines. This is really sad news but what can we do, its life!

See you guys later! I'll be blogging from work! (image from IGN no copyright infringement intended)
