Goldilocks Pagbabago Awards Night

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's time for an update on what I have been doing this week. I was able to attend another Nuffnang PH event, this is the Goldilocks Pagbabago Awards night. Goldilocks has chosen 3 bloggers among hundreds of entries that made articles about the word "Pagbabago" and means to the ordinary Filipino. I did send an entry but of course who would think I'd win (when there were geniuses in the roster!) and big time bloggers listed there! =P Anyway I did have a nice time and enjoyed the food that was served in the event. Arriving at the venue, they immediately gave us DYC (Decorate Your Cake) kits so we'd make our own little versions of the cake Goldilocks has been known with. I attempted to do with the materials that was provided and I think I did do justice, take a look at this pink cow! LOL

Pink cow, pink kumagcow, pink Nuffnang and a pink G logo on top. I still didn't win though! LOL

It was ok that I didn't win that part I was looking forward to seeing who won the ITouch, Ipod and IPAD but none of them really landed on my portion of Earth. I was okay still because I didn't expect much from my work or the change that much have occurred in my life. In someway I think I'm boring but that's another story. I was enjoying the company of my seatmates though. I've seen their blogs too so it was a nice day to see them in the flesh!

Plus take a look at what Goldilocks served us for dinner!

Barbecue skewers, Fresh Lumpia, Sotanghon Guisado, Native Laing and chocolates. See the drink? That ALMOND LYCHEE POPZ is to die for. I'm not just saying that because I got it for free... dude you gotta feel those bits pop on your mouth and get transported to a fresher version of Shangrila! It is so good I had to go to another store just to get one the next day!

The winners were announced and it was Yoshke, Vivian and a pretty well known blogger KCAT who was pronounced to have the biggest change in their life! I must have been under a rock or something when change was in season but I never did regret going there. The people from Goldilocks Marketing were nice, a celebrity was there and there were lots of bloggers everywhere! I had a blast that night and I'm looking forward to more Nuffnang and Goldilocks events in the future!

I may have not have had the biggest change but I was happy for the winners. They really deserve it! I may have never won any gadget that night but I gained some friends in the process. Again, thank you Goldilocks and thank you Nuffnang Philippines!


Getting Friends and A Few Enemies

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I watched "The Social Network" movie last week and I was really impressed on how they told the story of Facebook. Like a lot of you guys I was a Friendster, Multiply and Myspace addict a couple of years ago. I was one of the few who resisted joining other social networks because it literally was a little time consuming. I had well resisted the temptation of opening one but the spam mails were really getting to me. After a few weeks everybody else was there aside from me so why shouldn't I join the bandwagon right?! When I made an account I didn't even bother to upload photos because I didn't know it would be as big as what it is today. I mainly played Mafia Wars and just tried adding friends for my mafia. I saw my own wall flooded with status remarks from everyone else and I think the connection became more real. You had the option to like or unlike something before... just imagine you can flatter or offend someone at a click of a link. Everyone else was getting what they want because relationship statuses were on their profiles as if it was telling someone "GET ME I'M SINGLE!" right at your face. I was venturing into a new hobby (photography) and that got the ball rolling, I was surprised how the social network that I despised of joining a few months back was literally making me stay staring at the wall and refreshing for hours! (I did that and I'm guilty!)

Anyway let's go back to Mark Zuckerberg. I didn't know he was that smart. I didn't know what a genius looked like until I tried to absorb that scene they made in that restaurant.

"Mark Zuckerberg: You're really leaving?

Erica takes Mark's hand and looks at him tenderly...

Erica: Listen. You're going to be successful and rich. But you're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a tech geek. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an a**hole."

Okay... was it really a coincidence? it had some really huge similarities on my illustrious dating life. Well almost... I didn't really go to Harvard for that. Plus, I won't be scoring that well in the SAT's on the 16,000+ levels but I had better NSAT scores than our class valedictorian, does that count?! LOL! I have no bragging rights but I freaking want my soon to be wife an achiever, is that so much to ask for!? I guess not.

It was a really intellectual movie to say the least. Some sexy, perversion parts courtesy of their Jewish fraternities and Justin Timberlake as part of the cast acting as the homeless cocaine bearing billionaire - NAPSTER owner extraordinaire made the cut to put some sense on the problems they had to face on this movie. There were lies and setups from various personalities that you couldn't ignore and just made the movie a little more interesting (Yeah I like the part where his partner had to carry a chicken the whole day and got marred for animal cruelty!). I went home with a headache (thanks to the unending twists and turns) but it gave me something to think about with my friends and business dealings. Who would have thought otherwise?!

This awesome movie premier was all courtesy of PLDT myDSL modem+ WIFI and Nuffnang Philippines! I've never felt so glad I had PLDT as my current DSL provider and Nuffnang for hooking us up.

I would really love the opportunity to test out the PLDT myDSL modem+ WIFI because I might not be the real Cameron or Tyler Winklevoss that can spark an idea, or Saverin who is a business genius who still got fooled in the end... but I'm one of the best people who'd appreciate being online almost 24/7 working as a social network professional (whatta total coincidence!) and be happy with the small things life has. I'm no IVY league graduate but if given a chance to get one of these units I'll try my best not to become a borderline autistic, entirely ruthless conniver. I'll try to get a few friends to use it and try my best to get fewer enemies in the future. Now wouldn't that be just a great deal?!


Cleaning Up!

Friday, October 22, 2010

After the aftermath of the typhoon comes the rigorous task of clearing the roads of debris. There are several major roads that have not been opened yet because of landslides but the city is not exempted. There are tree trunks falling off the road. You can also see garbage and other waste materials but some people are so busy with their lives they forget to clean up their own backyard. If we only had large automated street sweepers then it wouldn't be a problem. We can open up the roads in no time if the government also invests in these trucks! I have seen a couple of them operating in our city but they just stay within the major thoroughfares and don't bother going to the side streets where it is also needed. Maybe around 20 would be fine so we would be able to work efficiently after that. This is civil service after all and if it is provided by the local government it would be a big help!

I know there are reputable companies that manufacture them. The business sector and the government should take a look at this. Making sure the streets are safe and traffic less congested would do well to the economy because transport of goods and services would be at an all time high. We know how this would benefit the ordinary worker so let's make sure we get one soon by urging politicians or our own bosses to get them as the need arises. I want one running on my neighborhood so I wrote my Congressman already.

Have you done something good today?! Tell me about it!


David Foster and Friends

Yeah yeah you can say all you want! I know I am a little lame in some ways and this isn't one of them. I like seeing Charice succeed and also seeing international stars. I am one of the millions who adore her. Why not? She's got one hell of a voice... If you think about it we've got lots of them here that didn't get to penetrate the world market. Aside from Lea I don't think there are others who made significant contributions aside from Journey front man Arnel Pineda and Charice in these times.

Did you know they arrived yesterday? Yeap they just got in from a tour in Japan! Natalie Cole and Reuben Studdard will be here to perform on the concert. There's also a Canadian foursome that sings standards and operas which I don't have a clue of who they are but they are here too. I wonder if they are as good as the others on the list. A big disappointment though are the no shows like Michael Buble and the other ones Charice sang with a few months ago.

Charice actually sang with NEYO in Las Vegas and got him to do Michael Jackson numbers. That's one achievement again on her hat. It's the same concert where she received 2 standing ovations for singing Celine Dion songs. David Foster is really promoting her a lot these days and he's not surprised if Charice makes it BIGTIME as if this wasn't big already!

Are you going to watch this concert?! I wonder how much it costs. Better look at ticketnet because they probably have them listed too.

OT: I love the album Jojo released on her tumblr account. It's all for free so I suggest you get a copy too.
