Daily Moo's 11102010

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I'm under the weather. This isn't one of those things you can brush off because it feels a little like a flu. I'm going to try and just see if I could do something about it otherwise I'll just stay blank this whole day.

I have a lot of things to blog about and that counts the trip I just had. I already had 3 and counting but sure enough there will be more. I wonder what's next?! I stopped because I don't want this to be a travel site ha-ha! It's supposed to be lifestyle! Yeah I just figured out a couple of days ago hehe!

I want to leave again but it seems a little impossible with my schedules now. I'm still fixing some things for a trip and I hope it materializes before the end of the month. Yeah that would be a good thing to do! Wooohoo!

Mount Bulusan is really erupting. I think its because he doesn't want to be outshined by the one in Indonesia LOL. Star factor? LOL

I'm still post processing photos from Fashion Week. When will I finish it? Maybe next season LOL. Actually I have some of them already done and I plan to do layouts. Better? Yeah definitely!

Clinton came here for half a day of talks. He was confident he's going to be safe here. But he didn't stay overnight just to make sure. LOL

I'm going to finish a few of my articles on Fashion Week today so stay tuned for that! =)

Later guys!


Search and Reap the Benefits!

I'm currently building another website for my photography business and the chances are I wouldn't be that visible on line. If a client did a search through engines here and around the world my website would only appear at the head of the pack if there would be a lot of reviews about it. Aside from that I need to perform quite well in the SEO standard set by the industry. The services I plan to put out for everyone to see would not match any query unless I make steps to get it out on the open. The Internet is just the best tool to publicize it so I would get customers flocking on my doorstep.

This is an opportunity to get myself acquainted with how it works. I also have a lot of plans for the layout and that will still include putting in content on the pages. I write a lot for most of these companies professionally but if it comes to a point that I need help in getting the best solutions for the studio this will be one thing that I would never forget! I will slowly try and get my website to rule the fashion and commercial capitals of the world and I'm sure I'll be ahead of the pack because I chose to optimize my home in the web!

Are you a webmaster? What are the benefits of getting your site listed? Have you ever heard of search engine optimization? Let me know!


People of Singapore, Singapore!

Embedded in me; is the street photographer that I am. I started this hobby with that in the first place so in this post I'm going to pay homage to just that! I've been walking non stop in Singapore so in it's truest sense I'll let you in on some of the photos I took in Orchard Road and elsewhere in the country. Are you ready? Heheh....

I love watching people. I maybe a little evil in telling what they are thinking but I guess that comes with whatever I grew up with.

This one is just outside our hotel; a hawker center. I feel a little comfortable eating in these places because they are not that fancy. The price of a meal would count around 5 Singapore dollars or less. Some are pricey but to think about it, it costs a little more than what we have here in the Philippines. Not bad considering we are talking about first world stuff you know! What made this interesting is that they have these things all around town. There are also big franchises of hawker centers even inside the mall. See the letter B on the store? That's how clean it is. They kinda rate the stalls with those letters so if you want it ultra clean then only order when it shows A+ on it.

I love the roasted duck too. A little gamey but it still is scrumptious. The last time I ate duck was in Hong Kong so this was a little different since I ate at restaurants there. The big chinese restaurants had more authentic taste. But this was a whole lot cheaper!
This is my favorite drink! The one on the right. It's called Water Chestnut. It tastes a lot like sago but without sago. The nutty flavor is still there and it feels so refreshing that I haven't had any time to drink water. It was just this in my whole stay there. I thought of opening up a business just with this drink! Would it be a hit? I dunno, but you see that other drink? It tastes like Rose water... literally tastes like petals LOL. Hate that!

This is still in Orchard Road. There is quite a number of expats from UK. It's a mix of everything. You kinda get tired of looking at them as one people because they are like popcorn, you can't decypher them anymore after a few days. Malay, Indian, Bangladeshi, Indonesian, Filipino. They even talk their own language, unless they need to use English.

Orchard is full of shops. Some of them have cheap items but most of them are a little pricey. If you go there on a Sale then you are in luck. They always are on Sale but most events cover around 50-70% off on real sales. Food is expensive if it goes over 10 dollars. Seen some shops sell 5 dollars below so that's a lot better!

People move around so fast. Their escalators are twice as fast too and if you fall down they'll look at you like its your fault that you are so slow. Not good for seniors to travel in because they'll feel tired fast.
Sentosa Island - Silosa Beach is a man made island that has an artificial beach. I didn't quite like the smell of some of them but I had to shoot hehe. I think they exported sand from Palawan and made their own island. The other side of this island is called Palawan too where most Pinoys have their picnic on weekends. I wonder how much it did cost them to build this and get the sand.

Sentosa's charm lies in those two beaches, plus the attractions like clubs, private resorts, indoor wave machines and the upcoming indoor skydiving equipments that they are building now. It's going to be the biggest tunnel in the world too. Pretty cool but a little crowded in the afternoon as you can see in the lines. We didn't get to ride as much as we wanted to go to Universal Studios earlier and that was a big disappointment since it cost a lot. Anyway I'll show you more as the day comes.

Later guys!


Where Do I Go Next?!

I have been traveling for quite a while. I love how it feels to get to know the culture and the people on the street. This goes the same with any other country I plan to visit. I will pretty soon conquer the UK and I will have my brother take short breaks with me. Since he is busy in Ireland I wouldn't be able to just pull him out on weekdays and maybe on the weekend it'll be more feasible. Do you see deer on the photo? There's a lot more where that came from and it is just a few kilometers away from my brother's house. I can always travel but there's something in my mind that bugs me if he doesn't come along with me. He needs a break too and if that requires us to do it nearby I wouldn't hesitate to do it.

I love the weekend and if ever it's going to be the shortest day I have to go out with my brother it is okay just as long as it is with him. This goes the same with my friends too. I have a lot and to tell you honestly I've been doing this for quite some time now. I am currently choosing vacation packages on line and I would love to explore more of the countryside. Have you thought of where to go next?
