The City of Stars, Coke and the Araneta Center Tree Lighting Ceremonies

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I've been in Quezon City my entire life and part of the perks of being in this neighborhood is that you get to do a lot of things to entertain yourself when you're a kid. This after all is the city of stars. If you ask me what do you do to start the Christmas season here, that's easy! Just go to the Cubao - Araneta Center area and you'll find what you are looking for! It's huge and you won't miss it, it's the giant Christmas tree!

This has been a tradition and from the looks of it, Coca Cola promised to sponsor this event every year because they know how important this season is for every Filipino family. Sharing good times together wouldn't be also complete without that ice cold Coke on the Lunch/Dinner table. The crisp. spine tingling feeling we all have been enjoying for generations just got better too because now we have Coke Zero! Zero sugar with the same awesome Coke taste we love. It's definitely my personal favorite!

This tree is special because every year there's a corresponding tree lighting ceremony that comes with it. This event is adorned by stars put together by the people at Araneta Center and Coke. Regardless of what network they came from they all go here for one thing alone, it is to entertain the same people that made them famous and spread the holiday cheers. I always go to this place and get my fix of the COD mannequin stories until that transferred to Greenhills but I still watched this particular event. I love my city, Cubao, the Araneta's (who are by the way far relatives), Araneta Center and Coca Cola. My Christmas celebration wouldn't be complete without them!

Here are some shots I got from the event! Please enjoy!

See what I mean about this being the City of Stars? There were a lot more celebrities actually including Binibining Pilipinas winners. This is just one awesome night! It would be nice to see you all there next year too! Thanks Coke! Thank you also Araneta Center! You never cease to amaze me every year!


Writing Trouble Relief

Friday, November 12, 2010

I remember when I was in college I had so many things to do in so little time. Computer programming takes most of it because those are my major subjects. I had some of my electronic projects on hold together with my electives and other things for research and development. I knew I had a few things left to do but what I forgot was the argumentative essay I promised my professors the other day. It's been long overdue but I couldn't get to squeeze it in on my busy schedule because it was the same month I did the concept for my thesis. I was beginning to doubt myself if I could finish everything in time. Scared and frantic for the deadline I slaved away for almost a week and didn't get to sleep enough. Imagine I merely had around 15 hours of sleep in 7 days then I had to report before the weekend. I haven't watched that much movies too but I felt I knew the story behind dead man walking.

I had a notion I knew it was going to be late but I still had hope that I would get to finish it. The date of the deadline came and I didn't get to type or write anything. My professor immediately confronted me about my essay and asked why I didn't submit one. I told her the truth that the other things kept me busy and I couldn't find time to finish everything. I was lucky she was very understanding and got me a break. Not everybody had the guts to do that; especially when all the other professors are so strict. English Literature is my favorite but I just didn't have time. I didn't even know what particular essay format I should use but I tried my best to at least do something from her lessons.

It shouldn't be this hard. For anyone who has been as busy as I was in college you can really relate to this problem. These tasks are supposed to be easy but you can't do it because of time constraints. Sometimes things are just impossible to finish but you still have to do it. I wish there was some place like CUSTOMESSAYBLOG.COM those days so it would have been easy. I surely could have unloaded a huge burden if I got them to do it for me. The custom essay writing that they do is phenomenal since UK and US scribblers get it done. You guys are just so lucky you got to learn about this on my site! If I were you I'd be rushing to get relief from all the stress and trouble. We all need that!

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Philippine Fashion Week 2010: AXE presents Men's Wear Collection

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bang Pineda, Ulysees King and Simon Ariel Vasquez compose some of this year's designers for AXE Men's Wear Collection. I was so glad to belong to the A list this time and get a front row seat at the Mall of Asia Atrium. Taking photos was pretty hard because of the low light conditions but spare me the comments about the shots and I'll try to choose the best pieces I think that best represents what a man should wear. They should only wear AXE!

I'll be describing the key pieces on this collection so if you have time to buy them from the designers you'll know what to get!

Key pieces on these 2 are the tight shorts paired with the long or short sleeve shirts. I didn't know this was going to work but apparently it did. You just need to carry it in a very masculine way. I don't know if the man bag worked though, if they removed that then it would be perfect.

Key Pieces: The guy's clutch. It's really handy to have that on a casual day. The other one of course is the BLUE Coat. I love the color and it was very bold for them to use this color.

Key items: The black suit and rag tied pants. It's so nice to see Hideo Muraoka doing ramp on this occasion and he's apparently a male supermodel. The suit fits him very well and you need a well built body to do so. The second one had these awesome pants that would be great on casual walks. I didn't like the shirt though because it revealed too much. Maybe a layered number would have been better. I like the look though because it still is quite clean.

Key items: The dangling man accessories. It was really nice to see a little tribal hint on these two numbers. I want to see men wear these instead of cheapo chains we usually see in the streets. It'll be better looking than the usual tabs gathered for recycling. Very natural.

Key Pieces: Classic Khaki pants. Weather you wear it folded up the ankle or just straight down you won't be sorry you wore these pants for casual days. It's perfect for that stroll in the park with your girlfriend. The geeky guy carried it nicely. It fits the role!

Key elements: Beige coat, Red/Orange shirts and Jacket. For a more natural looking ensemble you would still have to stay with the natural colors. The reds are for those guys who seek attention and who would like to be the life of the party. It is really an attention grabber. I like the red orange jacket most.

Key pieces: Long sleeved checkered shirt and the overbearing coat. I love how the checkered prints are still used in this easy go lucky number. The coat paired with a simple crisp white shirt would work for a quick out on town stroll or bike ride with your friends. Very reminiscent of the BAYO line.

Key pieces: Japanese inspired textile belts and the solid colored coats. It's not normal for guys to wear but it did work and if this were a wedding or something formal the belt would still work. The black or gray coats are still a staple in every man's closet. It's not boxed up looking and the casual flipflops or baggy cloth pants make it very casual looking in spite of it being used on formal gigs too.

I'll show you a couple more shots soon so stay tuned for that! There will be a part II or maybe III on this series. They all wear something common though that smells nice and appealing. Girls like it so why not get one soon. See you later!
