Free Website Builder for Photography

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm planning to put up a site for my photography portfolio. I know I have been making these sites through the goodness of the people who provide free templates but I need a special one that wouldn't look cheesy. I know there are great options out there and I'll probably get a website maker that would be easy to maintain and modify since I have plans to put up a lot of features on it too. It would also contain my contact information and packages that would surely be the delight of clients around the world. That is how far I would like to take this career obviously and if I would be able to make my own spread for the likes of Vogue or Cosmopolitan I can take a break from my day job!

I have very limited knowledge about how to create a website and if I push through on this new project I need all the help I can get so it wouldn't look second rate. I plan to put emphasis on the feelings of shock and awe once they get to my landing page. It should be above the ordinary standards set by web masters and I would like to use slide shows or graphics to make it easier on the eyes. The thought of putting audio though would be optional. I'm sure institutions like UCOZ Web Services can get me a free website builder and have it up and running in no time at all! They have a lot of things that can help you understand the site metrics which would be important in the business. The return of investment would be promising for any business as long as they use reputable tools to market their trade.

Why would I choose otherwise when UCOZ has got all the things I need to be successful?!


Like KUMAGCOW on Facebook Now!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This particular post is brought to you by Department of SHAMELESS PLUGGING!

Well I guess this is it! I need to harness the power of social networks hence the creation of my own Facebook Page! Yeap you heard it right, my site just climbed a notch, leveled up or what not. So if you are an avid reader of my blog it would now be easier for you to check out my posts and put it on your news feed while browsing your friends. If you don't mind please also share it with your friends... I won't mind at all LOL!

I haven't figured out how to do this but I guess I have to post there and it will automatically come up on the feed. Please don't hesitate to like this site on Facebook because it will change your life! Your Mama won't spank you, your Dad won't beat you up, your siblings won't kick you just go ahead and do it now!

If it's Lifestyle, Events Fashion, or Photography you know where to go right?! Go to my place and hang out some time... make sure you also leave comments so we can chat even in cyberspace. I've got lots of stories to tell.

Please LIKE ME on Facebook now!


I'm Not Just another Boy Next Door

I'm battling time indeed. Christmas is near and I'm still single. I need to cover that up fast so I don't end up alone the whole year. I don't know but it's nothing like rocket science in this part of the world that it is bad luck. I'm doing my best though and I wish there was boston dating services here so I wouldn't have to go out and spend that much on unnecessary dates. Believe me I've been in a lot of those! I'm trying to spend on more appropriate and productive dates... if there is anything like that!

The weekend was nice though because I got hooked up. This afternoon I confirmed we'd be going out on Saturday. I plan fancy dates. That is the usual thing so I'm going to try something unconventional and different. I probably would end in a concept to look and feel something in a certain way that would not be too elegant and refined. It is a gamble but I'm all for it. I need to go out of the boring and into the unexpected. I haven't been too adventurous in the past and that might have spelled the failed ones. Taking this into this perspective and making my night a little more exciting than the usual might take me places. So you have to wish me luck again this weekend, otherwise I'll be old and alone in the holidays. You wouldn't want that to happen right?!

What would you do if you were in my shoes?!


Benefits Style Salon

Sunday, December 12, 2010

It was a great day for beginnings last Saturday December 11, 2010. I graced the re-launch of BENEFITS Style Salon at Eastwood City. The mood was great and everyone was in a festive mood as they changed the facade of this store from the previous "classy more upscale look" to a "newer, fresher, colorful, accessible and bold skin". I was also in for a treat because they hooked me up for a hair make over. Since I look a little haggard and groggy that day I went in for the ride!

The "BEFORE" look... =)

Yeap that's me! I'm not as good looking as I was before I started this blog but hey you could probably mistake me for some movie star huh?! Ha-ha! They got me into the treatments first and boy those shampoo guys must have been sent from heaven! Your stress and hair problems will be long forgotten since the simple thing includes a soothing massage which I don't often see in usual salons in the metro. I should know because I frequent some of them when the time comes to cut my hair.

You won't be worried because you see this display? They are using Loreal products and if you see other brands there it would be of much high end quality so you are SURE that you are not being cheated unlike other unscrupulous salons would do. I'm sure you see most of them not doing the prep work with the products because they probably using substandard ones. BENEFITS Style Salon makes sure you get what you pay for and more!

All their staff are also trained in Loreal so you get the best cuts, make up styles and service above anything else.

Bloggers getting the Royal Treatment

I wasn't alone in this treat because there are also other bloggers that can attest to the prime service that they do, ask Anton of or Sai of and Jeman of OrangeMagazineTV and they'll tell you the story! Like this story ain't enough for you huh?! =) Did I forget to mention that you can just pay 199 for a haircut?! Yeah it is that low, no wonder I saw a throng of people outside the salon waiting to get the best service this side of the town. If you are a resident or working for a company inside Eastwood City, you'll get 20 percent off too! Isn't that great!?

You can also get to use their house IPAD units so you won't get bored while waiting for your hair color or treatments to be done. They've also got WIFI which makes this the perfect spot for gadget freaks like me to hangout bar none!

And after the hair make over! Tadaaaaa!

AFTER the haircut... I like it!

Ohh if I can only tell you how much I liked the hair cut. It's edgy and very current, I like how it went with my not so manageable hair which is a problem for me when it gets a little long and curly. In fact I'm surely going back there once it grows out (and probably do a new style). I'll be recommending it to my office mates too since they give out that deal for people who work here. I love it so much!

See? I told you it was good! =) Now here's to another journey for the good looking guy! #NAKANANG! LOL!

Thanks to the guy who did may hair (sorry couldn't recall his name BUT REALLY THANKS!), he's awesome and we had some acquaintances in common. My unruly hair now looks great and I owe these people for that! Make sure you all drop by at their Eastwood branch which is located at the 2nd Floor Fashion Square Bldg. Eastwood Citywalk (side of MANOR Superclub just ride the escalator). Give yourself a treat this Christmas and be pampered with hair and make up professionals from BENEFITS STYLE SALON!

I would also like to thank everyone at Benefits Style Salon specially Sam Escalante for the super awesome hospitality. Your staff and people are really good I must say. Thank you so much for everything and please expect me to be back soon!
