Having a Home

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I just had a nice time last Saturday with friends from elementary school. It has been 20 years since we last met each other but it was an evening of reconnection. I love catching up with each others lives; and so glad to see where we all ended up. A friend of mine told me about how lucky some of us were because we had a place to live. They have been living on rented homes for a long time and it was troublesome going from one place to another. It would have been an easier life for him if they were able to maintain a house. Stories like that and more were a common sight to see. Nothing would have prepared us for life later on but if we had institutions like HMS Home Warranty to take care of us when we are in dire need then life would have been better.

That statement just made sense to me. I have a home and if we all had one when we started studying and still have it now we might have more reasons to concentrate on work rather than worrying about it everyday. The pay check would not be going to mere rent and food. Education would be a priority and the security of having a home would be prevalent. It would be nice to have a little help to have a home of our own. It wouldn't be a temporary one and we'll be happy to have our dreams come true.


The Big Bad Blogger

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Everyone in Philippine Blog universe is talking about the Big Bad Blogger. Everyone's wondering who he is (assuming he's a guy) or who she is (maybe she's a lady?!). Some of them came up with names already but the point is... this just maybe another rumor. It's so easy to mar someones reputation these days that it could just point to anyone in the blogosphere and put his/her name in the NOT TO READ BECAUSE HE/SHE's NOT REPUTABLE list. Let's face it, reputation is all it is on this dimension.

Food Blogging looked so weird last night because it was all about them as indicated in the article. (I strongly suggest you read THIS ARTICLE before going on to the rest of this post). It tells about what this Big Bad Blogger did in cohorts with the PR Firm mentioned in the story to extort money for their services. Some folks are evil. I guess the thing about the PR Firm and the restaurant is true because that information is first hand but if that Big Bad Blogger negative review is true then that would be another story.

Who is it? Why did he do this? Why would he do this after all those years of blogging? Well your guess is as good as mine but then again this is a business for him/her. If you want to know, you guys should follow @jiritajackson, @divasoria and @harold_geronimo. Read the most popular food blogs too and you'll get an idea who they are talking about. But if this is true or not is up to you... either that or wait for Margaux Salcedo to blurt it out on Inquirer and Manila Bulletin. Straight from the horses mouth! =)


When You Need Cash...

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's so hard to live in a country where the economic bubble is about to burst. Banks have been so strict in loans these days that people get denied even on small ones. Those who need immediate funding would not be able to borrow because of their bad credit scores and the opportunity to get back in business is literally fading away. Chances are you are bound to never see anyone to help you out when you are already down. There are new on line cash advance lenders that can do otherwise. Even if you have a bad credit rating they would be able to approve payday loans fast and efficient. Institutions like ILOAN90 were not available before but it is quite easy to get them now. You do not have to be worried because all transactions are secure too.

People like me sometimes are at the end of the rope and only can extend huge payments from paycheck to paycheck. If there are places that I can borrow money from and pay back immediately with minimal interest rates then that would be perfect. I seldom get personal loans and only do it on emergency situations so if banks couldn't do the deed then these on line institutions would be the perfect solution. I hope in some way people would see it like I do because no matter what others say; it does help a lot of people in difficult financial situations.

Have you ever been in a tight situation?! Where would you go? What would you do?!


Daily Moo's 01162011

I've been watching this Korean show called "You're Beautiful!" and got hooked. It's that show where the girl entered a boy band and pretended to be a boy... later on everyone found out. Then his identical twin brother came back and saved a lot of mess. There's a love story in between, you should watch it too. It's kinda nice. Go to Mysoju it's there! and a lot of other things...

I've got a ton of things to finish. The event this weekend drained me bigtime but I guess that comes with the title so I couldn't do anything with that. I did a little research about them too so I'm probably going to flash some of them here. I've seen some of my Dad's office mates and some of them still remember the kid who came in the office running around the desks holding a stapler sticking all the papers to the side tables haha! I wonder who!

I'm fixing the Red Tribe site and trying to look for some of its features. I need time to do that but obviously I'm kinda busy these days. I have to prioritize work of course! That puts food on the table and buys the tickets for the weekend trips! I need more if I want to go out of the country. Yeah maybe... just maybe...

Tomorrow is another Dentist's appointment. How amusing, seems like they are pulling all my teeth out... haha but I hope this will be the last. It just hurts like hell even after the procedure last week so I'll have to get this checked again. Ouch!

Paul Lee left the Red Warriors. He's gunning for the professional league. I'm not sad because he is PBA caliber. The only thing I'm worried about is how will the UE Red Warriors fare among the import driven UAAP next season... I hope we do okay. Jerry Codinera will be the new coach too, I hope he does wonders for our team! I'm sure this will be a good one because being a former warrior I'm sure he'll do the job!

For whatever it may do to the standings of the basketball team, I wish them all the luck they need to get that coveted crown! Bomba UE Igma Kadima! =)
