16th International Hot Air Balloon Festival

Friday, February 18, 2011

This is the first time I attended the Hot Air Balloon Festival and boy was it so far! I've been to Pampanga quite a number of times since I had an EX girlfriend sometime 2008-2009 (I think! Haha!) but this was another thing to attend to since I went along with my photographer friends from the C4. I was excited to say the least because this is kind of the first time I'm gonna see a balloon which is not the usual one you see when going out of the church. It can lift quite a few number of people and the premise was they are going to do that for the 150 dollars you have to pay them. We on the other hand just settled for the 150 peso entrance fee but we had to wake up and travel early (like 1AM in the morning) so we can get there around 4am. It was a long wait and still dark when we arrived on which I spent quite a few energy bars doing long exposures. It was not that nice looking at it now because the lights were too far obviously. I got a prime spot on front and we waited for a few hours just to see these giants in action. I love the big ones and the time they started their flames... it was nice to see in the dark.

They started to fill the balloons with hot air and all the flames were in double time. They needed to fly as soon as possible so they won't be having problems with the wind around 7-8AM. It was nice and very colorful. There were a lot of odd shapes and sizes. Some of them were just for show (like the one for Smart!) but the rest of them tried to fly. Only 2 had problems with it and the others went on a journey to Pangasinan (that is the finish line if I'm not mistaken). This was not bad for a first timer, I know some of my shots were awful but please spare me the drama... I'm a fashion photographer anyway! Hahahahah!

Now how's that? Heheh!

But I'm not that keen on going back to next year's celebration. The travel, the traffic and the people handling the event didn't prepare that much so it was a pain to do. I hurriedly went back to Manila because of work and because this trip was so tiring! I won't come back next year unfortunately! Enjoy the photos! =) Hope you like em!


Working Too Hard in the Office?!


If you are working too hard in the office and you concentrate so much with work, this might actually happen to you. Poor woman dies in the office last Friday and nobody noticed until Saturday.

Rebecca Wells was 51 when she passed away and people only knew her as the one who was always working. One woman even said that she might not have been noticed by anybody in the office even as everyone left. She was performing audit jobs for a risk management company. So if you know someone in your office works too hard, you might as well take a look at them more often because they might already be dead.

Sad huh?!


Building a New Website!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My photography career seem to have climbed up a notch after getting breaks here and there after my stint/workshop from a famous fashion photographer based in New York. I wouldn't say otherwise because I know I have been blessed. Gigs have been surfacing here and there for me and I'm getting really busy even on a weekend - which is normally a non working day for me. I want to put up media that would be able to show off my portfolio but I probably would be better off and just build a business website with my name as domain. Making one with institutions like Market Juice would make everything easy and if it materializes it would be easy to maintain everything. I don't need to add something to my currently "busy" life that would cause me to worry more. I'm gunning for something very low maintenance and easy to fix if I need to update it. I also need something that would be at par as far as design is concerned since I am in an industry where first impression matters.

This is my niche and I have been working on this craft for a few years now. I've obviously gained experience and a lot of other things that I need to have in order to be successful in this business. I hope with each step I take from here on it would be to advance my hobby turned career which is definitely not in the comfort zone. I will succeed if I make the right choices early on and building an impressive; professional looking web site would be one of them! Wish me luck!


New 9th Planet: TYCHE

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nope! You are not reading something out of the book. We were all part of the crowd who said WHOA! when space agencies said that Pluto was not part of our Solar System. We now had only 8 planets and so far it has not been that pretty in the skies these days. There are also times we get depressed in one way or another because who's going to represent the underworld without Pluto right? Well don't despair! Because scientists are currently searching evidence about a very weird one right in our Solar System. Yes we are probably going to have a confirmed 9th planet before the year ends, and it will be called TYCHE (Ty-kee) I know you guys are going to be as excited as I am but we have to wait til NASA and other Space agencies would be able to take a look at it!

The one who discovered this new planet are actually two astrophysicists named Daniel Whitmire and John Matese from (Kamuning joke! hehe) the University of Louisiana at Lafayette which might not have been doing that much down south. They are pretty old already but said that if this discovery becomes official they promise to do cartwheels. It will be all up to the International Astronomical Union though, maybe they can trick them first to do the cartwheels before they announce if its real or not. The planet by the way is very far and a lot like Jupiter in structure and form. Mostly gas and trying to cool down but it is taking a long time to do that so the release of those hydrogen and helium is making the planet look big. It is almost boiling point there so you get the idea how hot it is. The heat they say came from its formation (so you have to study your Big Bang theory to understand that).

The only thing we can do for now is watch that sky and enjoy the night while they confirm if this is orbiting on our Sun making this the real 9th planet! By that time teachers can put up the old posters of the solar system and just erase the name of Pluto and make it Tyche hehehe!
