Marcelito Moy - Pilipinas Got Talent

Sunday, March 06, 2011

This guy who looked like he grew up from the province and just happened to drop by the auditions literally blew away audiences here and around the world. Marcelito Moy had a very terrible childhood. His father got jailed, his Mom abandoned him and a police man took care of him and adopted him. He sang a few of Regine Velasquez' songs effortlessly and to tell you the truth he probably sang one or two of them better than her ha-ha! This guy though should be reminded to keep the songs to himself so he can wow them again the next time he gets back on stage. That'll be the deciding factor weather he'll stay or not. He was accepted on the next round and I'm sure he'll come a long way after this outing!
*disclaimer: images and video belong to their owners (abs cbn)

Do you guys think this is something like the one in the UK with Susan Boyle? I don't think so but I guess in some way he'll probably live a better life if he wins the title of Pinoy's Got Talent. The ratings are probably soaring now that this has gone viral. Would you do the same thing for fame?! I know I won't heheh!


Perfectly Bad and Perfectly Good

Sorry but I just can't get this out of my head after it got played several times last night at a bar in BHS. It's catchy and still Rihanna; and I kinda like it. It is borderline kinky but they stayed within their limits. This will probably be banned in the Philippines because of those hypocrites but what the heck I just love her!


Perfectly Good Ideas

I have seen a lot of improvement as far as SEO technologies is concerned on my site. I guess just like any web master I would really love to have my site listed to at least have maximum exposure. The readership demographic that I want to achieve is still within my age range and of the male form; it would be nice to see how they run this for a few weeks so I can see a huge difference weather the page views become higher or not. Getting the word out is still going to be a huge factor and it will be measured no matter what. I fervently hope that I get help with institutions like a ppc agency so they can help me with my plans. After I achieve that in a couple of month's maybe I will try to get my other site its own domain name.

It will be easier for people to find the site and become more efficient. Name recall would make it effortless to find among thousands of URL listings in the technology category and I know in some way it would be better to market something privately owned than plainly using publicly hosted ones. It's something so simple yet effective. Harnessing new ways of getting your audience is great as long as you do not lose quality. Articles half meant would make your loyal readers become a statistic rather than a returnee. I've seen that happen to a lot of people in this industry and I wouldn't want to be one of them. Get reputable people just like DELUXE to do this for you. These are smart choices for smart people and you get your money's worth!

In a day or age where any amount of money is important, we have to spend wisely! It's perfectly good!


The Greatest Woman On Earth!

She is the one who gave me life when I couldn't do any s#it about it. She made me feel special even if I already lost hope on myself. I hated her a couple of times when I was a kid because I couldn't go out that much to play. I swore a couple of times and never held back when I was really mad. She fed me much to get this big. She had so much fun when we go out and sent me to where my roots are. She took care of me when I was sick and made me study by force when I didn't want to. She scolded me when I don't come home at 6PM and spend most of the time outside; and hit me a few when I answer back too much.

I will kill for her. I can let her win all the arguments. I can let her hit me now because I'm to big already to get hurt. I can catch belts and hangers with my bare hands and crush them if I need to haha! I can buy something fancy for you if you want them that bad. I can do chores if you want me to just not washing dishes or doing laundry. I can cook anything from A to Z and try not to spice it up too much so you can all eat it. I want to tell you everything's okay now since I got to be goodlooking and handsome no matter how other people tell otherwise. I want you to know I'll be here even if you don't want me to.

Happy Happy Birthday Ma! Yeah I don't mind be called a Mama's boy as long as you are my Mom! =)
