The House down South!

Friday, April 08, 2011

My cousin has been slaving away for the construction of their house in the province down south and I'm seeing quite a remarkable improvement in the housing conditions there. Flooring installation has been done and they are already on the finishing part of the house. It made the whole space look expensive and posh just by putting in hard wood looking floors. The overall look of the house together with the furniture and appliances is very cohesive and I love how it felt warm and inviting compared to the last time I went there. The kitchen itself was not forgotten and even the walls were installed with tiles breaking that vintage feel that they were going for previously. It now has modern clean lines on it that my cousin and her husband adore! We'll go there after a few weeks for the blessing and I must not forget to bring with me a house warming gift. Maybe a couple of pots from Mom's garden which she can turn into indoor accents wouldn't hurt!

Martha Stewart would surely envy her once it's finished because of the big garden she'd like to put up. The soil is so fertile on that part of the world so they will pretty soon have vegetables and fruit bearing trees for our family's consumption. I can't imagine how great that would look like to see how the kids would also join harvesting the crops. Things have been great and easy with construction and I wish they went through expert establishments like SEARS when it comes to installing all of that inside the house. It would have been way easy!


Boyz Avenue

I think I'm a little too late in appreciating this particular band. Boyz Avenue has been doing covers and their own compositions for a very long time now but I only appreciated it a couple of days ago. I know how much of a loser that feels but hey at least I did right?! Check out this one in particular because its so on point. It's like the real thing but they have it on their portfolio... like its their own. This is really nice!

This next one is from a boyband I kinda despised a few years ago. Then again they made short work of it. I really think the breaks they are getting isn't enough. They probably have their own album now but the airplay sucks. If I were their manager I'd have their songs all lined up on one playlist and let the stations dedicate quite a number of hours to finish it off. I'm not in any shape, way or form related to them but damn I'd recommend them in a jiffy!

I don't want to get stuck there though. I'd still prefer to go back to danceable hits like what Rihanna's been doing these past few months on billboard. Man, she's one hot lady! I wouldn't want to be Chris Brown at this day and age. It'll be hell and I wouldn't want to live like I lost her because I beat her up like that. Hehehehe...

You can even see cats do it these days LOL

See what I mean? Hahahahah!


We'll find The Cure!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Cancer has been one of the deadliest diseases in the entire world. It has claimed the lives of quite a number of my relatives and it hasn't stopped yet. Most of them are suffering quite a lot but would want to keep quiet so as to not bother our other relatives. I've seen my own grandma go through this too and there are a lot of things I had to understand and why she had it. First is Environmental Causes. Things that you eat breathe and live in could cause immediate symptoms of Cancer. There are toxic substances like asbestos which can cause malignant lung disease of this kind and nobody knows why some countries still allow this kind of material used for different things like construction, manufacturing and building. The twin towers for example had its first forty floors smitten with it; and that caused intoxication of if not hundreds but thousands of people in New York when it collapsed. It is even said that they suffocated then some died later on because of its ill effects. If only there were mesothelioma cure available worldwide; it would immediately get this to stop... this place would be better.

I don't want to be a statistic and I'll try my best to eliminate the environmental possibilities of getting Cancer. If in case it would be the second cause which is genetics, if it starts playing this game I'd still try to contribute for research as much as I can. There are on line organizations that I can join that exactly does just that. If countries come together and fight this awful disease we would pretty soon have something that could cure us. This was the same case with cervical cancer a few years ago. Today we are optimistic that the vaccine for the virus can take care of the millions of women greatly affected by it. We can all beat cancer if we cooperate and share information with the rest of the world. We'll find the cure!


Someone Said the Philippines is Not Fashion Forward?!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

o tell you honestly I don't know the actual question that was asked of her but her statements on this Nina Garcia dinner/video is sooooo NOT RIGHT. How can you be so irresponsible and tell that your fellow Filipinos don't know fashion like you do?! Ughh... as if you know a lot! This has been spreading like wildfire and I get what people have been irritated with. Her concept of fashion is not even close to icons here or elsewhere in the world, she's a kid and yes I think the other bloggers are right when they said she's a little delusional... not a great thing to tell people internationally REALLY. She must be probably drunk from the fame and fortune because it is after all Nina Garcia, but oh boy I agree with other bloggers that her parents probably should teach her manners.

Rant off: If I were her I'd plan to apologize. The fashionistas and real fashion forward wouldn't like what she said. In fact, they'll probably kick her out of their "coming soon" list! If only the fashion gods and goddesses were here... a lightning would struck her the second those words uttered out of her mouth. Yeah, I officially don't like her. This speck of dust in the fashion photography world doesn't like her! In fact, those who understand would surely still want to kick her in the shin and tell her THAT'S NOT RIGHT! I propose not to get her in Philippine Fashion Week this season!

As if everyone is following your Fashion statements in the first place! Hahahaha!

You are officially SOOO LAST SEASON!

Read all about it here: CLICK THIS
