They Must Be Crazy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The actual reason why I named my site in such a way is because some people think I'm crazy. I self diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I am extremes since when I feel depressed; my whole world collapses. If I am happy I can turn gray ones into clowns. People have been telling me that I should still seek professional help. I actually did but they said I'm normal so let's not spend too much time on that issue. I am worried though because there are people who take medications for psychological conditions that is really harmful. Imagine pregnant women having irreversible birth defects, unusual bleeding here and there, vertigo, hallucinations and a lot more horrible things that can happen upon intake of it. I would never recommend it to any of my relatives or friends and if I have to I'd participate in depakote lawsuit then say my piece against the medicine. The bad effects obviously outweigh the good and if I were in their shoes, I'll never even think about it.

It is horrible that babies could just die like that. How could they still prescribe this legally? Life is so precious; and if someone who undergoes depression needs it but later on gets the horrible effects that would be so appalling! What would you do if you were in that situation? Would you still take the bitter pill if it would cost the life of your child? I know you know the answer to that question.


Good News and Bad News: Taal Volcano

Well in some not so special news, Tagaytay is really nervous because of increased volcanic activity and Phivolcs have issued Alert level 2 on the volcano. People don't actually know that the island in the middle of the lake is the actual volcano. That should be a no man's land but there are approximately 8,000 of them living in it. Imagine what horrible things could happen there if it does erupt. I'm not surprised but government should make laws to get this done soon. I wouldn't want to see Tagaytay, our land and our house there just go to waste. There must be some other way things could get better soon.

Tourism is their main industry and if they don't take care of their people the industry would just die a natural death. Agriculture also is trying to recover but this situation wouldn't help. I'm as worried as the people who live there. I have relatives who are permanent residents there and if there are no permanent solution given to them, it'll just be an unending cycle that also would cost thousands of lives. I hope the volcano ceases to do anything and releases its pressure because as experience taught any volcanologist, any active volcanoes that don't erupt for a long amount of time turn out more destructive afterwards. My prayers go out to them too. Hope nothing big would happen soon.

Do you have relatives in that area? I suggest you call them and tell them to be prepared. You need to remind them. I'm telling you!


Playing the Game and Risks in Day Trading

Saturday, April 09, 2011

I'm a newbie at stock market trading and the risks are generally high in my side of the world. The fact is I barely know the ins and outs of day trading and initially I'd rather stay on blue chip stocks and play the waiting game for most of it. The process though takes quite a lot of time and it does outweigh the conveniences of earning a lot in a short amount of time. There are institutions that can give you day trading tips but I have not pursued it yet. I have quite a lot to learn still and if you read the fine print on most of these on line you would definitely feel the big picture. This is not for the faint of heart and the playing of liquidity can make or break you in a single day. Getting informed of the trends and making necessary steps to understand the market from day 1 is one of the keys in successfully playing this game. The irony is; it isn't a game after all.

If you observe in the beginning, take time to see the trends and make sure you have months of data before you invest money. The liquidity pays but if you think about it; it can also ruin your financial stability. If you have lee way and quite an amount to back you up it could end up in flames just like a jet plane. Understanding this type of trading is the key. Without getting informed of the metrics first or the corresponding risks involved posts a much greater one so make sure you get reputable corporations that indulge in this business like large well known financial institutions. They have way bigger funding and it would be better for any individual trader to rest in the bylines and wait for these guys who have more resources to do the deed for them and just plainly decide later on key factors how to make the risk work for you in the long run. The day trading center can tell you a lot but just like anything in this world you have to educate yourself no matter what. Life is as great as they tell you but it could be the worse for some people too. Stay safe or remain bullish in trading; but make sure you don't run out of money when you plan to earn a hefty amount too. Everyone is playing with the volatility of course!


Willing Willie Statement

Friday, April 08, 2011

Willie Revillame on a barrage of complaints against him made television history. Almost all his sponsors pulled out of the TV program after a huge scene in TV5. Manny Pangilinan's TV station carried Willing Willie these past few months after detaching himself from network giant ABSCBN and made the switch to them but it has all been dealt with complaints since the beginning. Court orders here and there, TRO or whatnot but they still tried to air it despite all of this. When a child contestant was humiliated on public TV one evening thousands upon thousands and government agencies filed complaints to the Channel and local media board because of violations and issuance of child abuse raps aired nationwide.

I know this is going to be big. He even said things against celebrities who sided with the complainants and threatened them with lawsuits. Unfortunately not everyone sees him as a god if he'd like to portray one, or feel like it. Maybe there will be some things he needs to fix on his own yard. Even Lea Salonga of all people were trolled on twitter by his (maybe) newly formed army.

I don't know where this drama would go to. I don't even really care now.
