The Painful Process of Eliminating Debt

Friday, May 06, 2011

It's always a bummer when I learn something like this. My friends are in debt again and they always run to me borrowing money. Don't get me wrong I really want to help them but I can only do so little. I thought they were already thru with the borrowing and excessive spending but apparently not. I'll probably recommend some help institutions because they need experts. I'm not a debt guru and it probably would be wise if they find one online. The deal is they need the best advice they can get from people who are certified to do so. I wouldn't want them to settle with hearsay or something not based on facts. The time to recover from the effects of the economic turmoil is now.

Maybe I'm doing something right because I haven't been in that situation since I started working. I may have been doing something right. I've learned to manage my finances quite early and still have more to pay for bills at home and help my folks. I've always wanted to do that and so far I've accomplished these things easily because I know how to set my goals early and strive to excel. How I do it is not an exact science but there are proven ways to do so. Listen to certified professionals and you'll probably be better off and out of debt. Who doesn't want to be free from it right?!

Have you ever been under debt? What did you do to overcome it? Let me know!


Julien Drolon's "Phil So Good"

A native of Nantes, France; Julien Drolon introduces his kind of music into Philippine shores. I've seen quite a lot of artists come and go but he looks promising. Have you heard of "Phil So Good"?! I downloaded it off which is it's exclusive online resource and listened to it half heartedly. I mean why in the world would a French guy sing something Filipino inspired in the first place. Do you remember the Larusso craze a few years back?!

She sang in French but everybody still danced to her tunes. Julien Drolon used English and Filipino lyrics in this song instead. To me that is quite ingenious. Foreign artists usually stay with their mother tongue since they will eventually sound funny if they try and inculcate their music with ours. His reggae-pop funk-rock sounding vibe plus a mix of Jason Mraz, Bob Marley, Jamiroquai as influences made a "feel-good" sounding tune throughout the track. I think he's definitely ready for a major album and if he sticks to being accessible language wise unlike his French predecessors he would get a better chance of hitting it off BIG here in Manila. Starting up, he'll release the Phil So Good album this May. He's currently working with producers Jack Rufo and Angee Rozul; and I wouldn't be surprised if they hit and dominate the airwaves soon. They need to continue marketing him and his style of music so it could reach a broader demographic than just plain reggae ja right!

"It’s a place that is blessed with amazing musicians that want to collaborate on the making of my album and Filipinos are music lovers”

The market though for reggae sounding music is a little unappreciated in these shores. You can probably note only two of them i.e. Tropical Depression, Peacepipe who made good in this genre of music. Should he venture more into that though without going through the dreadlocks and all that jazz?! Will he make it far?! I don't know the answer but as I said from the looks of it... he's quite promising.

So peeps, go ahead and download it off and see if he's at par with your taste. He definitely passed mine. =)


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Healthy Meals to Get Buff!

Thursday, May 05, 2011

I've been working out for the longest time and the gym expenses that I have accumulated might have already equaled a single visit to the plastic surgeon to get liposuction. That never entered my mind because I want to stay all natural. The need to workout outweighs my urge to do cosmetic procedures done and even at this particular weight level that I'm in I still consider it healthy. With the proper diet and exercise regimen I know I would be able to do it. I've been trying to get a Vin Diesel physique so I need some protien bars to keep me fit without worrying about too much calorie/sugar intake before working out. I love how it somehow suppresses hunger so I eat 4 - 5 small meals rather than starving myself and go to an eat all you can spree in lunch or dinner. I've seen remarkable improvement and it shows that I am gaining mass rather than pure flabby fat. Once I cut back on calorie intake this might get me started on a designed circuit training + running program so I can achieve my goals. I've been drinking chocolate - vanilla protein shakes too before and after workout. I get that extra energy I need when lifting weights while pushing myself to the limit.

If I get to the desired weight that I want to be I'll stop lifting heavy stuff and concentrate on resistance training and running so I'd lose my gut. It's one problem area that most of us on this side of the world always had a problem with. The starchy rice diet isn't helping either so I would probably stop that or try other meals like high fiber crackers or saltines if needed be. I'll try and see what I can do to keep my energy up without getting too much calorie intake or fatty foods in the recipes I prepare at home. I will take this one day at a time and in a few years I'll surely get to where I want my body to be. Much like the guy I want to look like in the movies.

I'd like to be the one who gets the girl in the end too! =)


Judy Ann Santos - Agoncillo PiƱa Level Up!

Do you see someone you love? I know! It's Ms. Judy Ann Santos - Agoncillo gracing my site today. I attended an event for Del Monte Pineapple a few days ago and I've never been so thrilled to have seen her "in the flesh". She's been out for a little rest and recreation with her new baby and taking care of them has been the greatest decision in her life. Well, if you think about it she didn't really go on "hiatus"; because of the throng of endorsements she had these past few months it felt like she's still there. It's nice to see her though in a new light... my friends and I always thought Juday was part of the barkada. This was something cool happening.. she walked right past me and when I said "Hi!" she touched me on my arm... oooh I think I'm never gonna wash this off now! Haha!

Juday cooks; and as we know Moms have always been thinking of ways to cook and prepare meals for the family. The ordinary Adobo has been in the menu for centuries and if you think about it, repeating viands like that would wear you out if they prepare it in the same old style of cooking. If you wish to jazz up the ordinary dish into something special, the answer is easy! Just put Del Monte Pineapple, simmer and VOILA! Adobo PiƱa Level Up!

Did you know that 9 out of 10 kids choose this over the ordinary Adobo? Yeap! Savor that sweet and sour taste you can get with pineapple goodness you get with Del Monte. Tidbits and Slices work for me. How about you?!

If people were this excited with Ms. Judy Ann Santos - Agoncillo I'm sure you guys can whip up some of your dishes in a better manner. Make them all in a PiƱa Level Up way!Link


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